Práticas corporais e expressividade: reflexões a partir da história de vida de uma bailarina com paralisia cerebral
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral identificar as possíveis influências da vivência de práticas corporais e da Dança na história de vida de uma bailarina com paralisia cerebral. Apresenta-se como uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo e teve como método investigativo a História Oral de Vida Temática. Esse método busca realizar entrevistas em torno de um assunto específico para conhecer aspectos da história de vida da participante que estejam relacionados com a temática da pesquisa. A participante é uma bailarina, adulta, de 38 anos, que desenvolveu paralisia cerebral devido a uma incompatibilidade sanguínea com a mãe. Ainda participaram desta pesquisa quatro professores de dança que ministraram aulas para a bailarina os quais colaboraram com essa pesquisa por meio do preenchimento de um questionário on-line. Para a realização da análise do corpus textual desta tese adotou-se o método de Análise de Conteúdo Temático-Categorial. Os resultados foram organizados em três momentos distintos, de acordo com os objetivos geral e específicos. O primeiro é composto por um artigo de revisão integrativa que teve como principal objetivo identificar, conhecer e refletir acerca dos artigos que responderam ao questionamento norteador “como a literatura tem abordado a temática ‘dança’ no contexto da deficiência?”. No segundo momento foram apresentadas as análises e discussão dos dados coletados através da entrevista e dos questionários. Os dados foram analisados e discutidos sob três perspectivas distintas: dos professores, da bailarina e o entrecruzamento destes dois olhares. Por fim, no terceiro momento houve a sistematização do caderno de práticas corporais inclusivas, por meio da Dança em diálogo com a Educação Somática, com o intuito de criar um material de suporte para profissionais da área do movimento que desejam adotar metodologias menos diretivas em suas aulas e estejam abertos a também experimentarem essas propostas. As reflexões realizadas a partir das falas da bailarina permitiram identificar mudanças em seu desenvolvimento artístico: tornou-se mais independente no processo de criação, trouxe subjetividade às suas coreografias e tornou-se mais consciente de todo o processo que envolve o “fazer artístico”. Foram identificadas influências em relação aos aspectos comunicativos e sociais: foi capaz de desenvolver melhor suas habilidades interativas e comunicativas. Na fala dos professores foram encontrados elementos que se correlacionam com os relatos da bailarina, como o desenvolvimento de aspectos sociais e a ocupação do seu “lugar de fala”, além da conquista de uma maior autonomia, tanto nos processos criativos quanto em seu cotidiano. Ainda foi possível refletir sobre o desenvolvimento artístico e performático da bailarina, como foram as diferentes etapas vivenciadas, quais estratégias metodológicas utilizadas em cada momento, quais os desafios e dificuldades percebidos pela pesquisadora, pelos professores e pela bailarina. Esta tese destaca que a diversidade de práticas corporais, em especial, a Dança, têm uma grande capacidade de explorar as potencialidades de cada indivíduo, sobretudo no que diz respeito à sua habilidade de expressão e comunicação e torna-se relevante ao notarmos que ainda são escassos os estudos que retratam a interface dança e deficiência nesta perspectiva.
Palavras-chave: Movimento. Dança. Expressividade. Deficiência.
This thesis had the general objective of identifying the possible influences of the experience of Corporal Practices and Dance on the life story of a dancer with cerebral palsy. It is presented as a qualitative research and its investigative method was the Thematic Oral Life History. This method seeks to conduct interviews around a specific subject to learn about aspects of the participant’s life story that are related to the research theme. The participant is a 38 years old dancer who developed cerebral palsy due to a blood incompatibility with her mother. Four dance teachers who taught classes to the dancer also participated in this research and collaborated with this research by filling out an online questionnaire. To carry out the analysis of the textual corpus of this thesis, the theme/category-based 9ontente analysis was adopted. The results were organized into three distinct moments, according to the general and specific objectives. The first is composed of an integrative review article whose main objective was to identify, understand and reflect on the articles that responded to the guiding question “how has literature addressed the theme ‘dance’ in the context of disability?”. In the second moment, the analysis and discussion of the data collected through the interview and questionnaires were presented. The data were analyzed and discussed from three different perspectives: those of the teachers, the dancer and the intersection of these two perspectives. Finally, in the third moment there was the systematization of the book of inclusive bodily practices, through Dance in dialogue with Somatic Education, with the aim of creating support material for professionals in the area of movement who wish to adopt less directive methodologies in their activities classes and be open to also trying these proposals. The reflections made based on the dancer’s speeches allowed us to identify changes in her artistic development: she became more independent in the creation process, brought subjectivity to her choreographies and became more aware of the entire process that involves “artistic making”. Influences were also identified in relation to communicative and social aspects: was able to better develop their interactive and communicative skills. In the teachers’ speech, influences were also identified that correlate with the dancer’s reports, such as the development of social aspects and the occupation of her “speaking place”, in addition to the achievement of greater autonomy, both in the creative processes and in her daily life. It was also possible to reflect on the dancer’s artistic and performance development, what the different stages were like, what methodological strategies were used at each moment, what challenges and difficulties were perceived by the researcher, the teachers and the dancer. This thesis highlights that the diversity of bodily practices, especially Dance, has a great capacity to explore the potential of each individual, especially with regard to their ability to express and communicate and becomes relevant when we note that they are still There are few studies that portray the interface between dance and disability from this perspective. Keywords: Moviment. Dance. Expressivity. Disability.
This thesis had the general objective of identifying the possible influences of the experience of Corporal Practices and Dance on the life story of a dancer with cerebral palsy. It is presented as a qualitative research and its investigative method was the Thematic Oral Life History. This method seeks to conduct interviews around a specific subject to learn about aspects of the participant’s life story that are related to the research theme. The participant is a 38 years old dancer who developed cerebral palsy due to a blood incompatibility with her mother. Four dance teachers who taught classes to the dancer also participated in this research and collaborated with this research by filling out an online questionnaire. To carry out the analysis of the textual corpus of this thesis, the theme/category-based 9ontente analysis was adopted. The results were organized into three distinct moments, according to the general and specific objectives. The first is composed of an integrative review article whose main objective was to identify, understand and reflect on the articles that responded to the guiding question “how has literature addressed the theme ‘dance’ in the context of disability?”. In the second moment, the analysis and discussion of the data collected through the interview and questionnaires were presented. The data were analyzed and discussed from three different perspectives: those of the teachers, the dancer and the intersection of these two perspectives. Finally, in the third moment there was the systematization of the book of inclusive bodily practices, through Dance in dialogue with Somatic Education, with the aim of creating support material for professionals in the area of movement who wish to adopt less directive methodologies in their activities classes and be open to also trying these proposals. The reflections made based on the dancer’s speeches allowed us to identify changes in her artistic development: she became more independent in the creation process, brought subjectivity to her choreographies and became more aware of the entire process that involves “artistic making”. Influences were also identified in relation to communicative and social aspects: was able to better develop their interactive and communicative skills. In the teachers’ speech, influences were also identified that correlate with the dancer’s reports, such as the development of social aspects and the occupation of her “speaking place”, in addition to the achievement of greater autonomy, both in the creative processes and in her daily life. It was also possible to reflect on the dancer’s artistic and performance development, what the different stages were like, what methodological strategies were used at each moment, what challenges and difficulties were perceived by the researcher, the teachers and the dancer. This thesis highlights that the diversity of bodily practices, especially Dance, has a great capacity to explore the potential of each individual, especially with regard to their ability to express and communicate and becomes relevant when we note that they are still There are few studies that portray the interface between dance and disability from this perspective. Keywords: Moviment. Dance. Expressivity. Disability.
Dança para pessoas com deficiência, Linguagem corporal, Movimento
TRINDADE, Fanny Aparecida Condé Teixeira da. Práticas corporais e expressividade: reflexões a partir da história de vida de uma bailarina com paralisia cerebral. 2023. 184 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.