Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) na Mata do Paraíso, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil: ervas, subarbustos e trepadeiras
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Este estudo consiste em um levantamento florístico das espécies de Papilionoideae componentes do estrato herbáceo-subarbustivo da Mata do Paraíso, um importante fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Submontana, em Viçosa, Zona da Mata Mineira. Foram realizadas coletas de material botânico e observações de campo em visitas à área de estudo, no período de julho/2004 a agosto/2005, ao longo de trilhas já estabelecidas. Foram apresentadas descrições, ilustrações e chave para a identificação dos táxons coletados, além de comentários abordando a distribuição geográfica e os caracteres diagnósticos. Foram encontrados 19 táxons distribuídos em nove gêneros. Destes, Desmodium (seis espécies), e Crotalaria (quatro espécies) foram os mais representativos.
This study consists in a fioristic survey of Papilionoideae species at shrub and herbaceous layer of Mata do Paraíso, an important fragment of Submontain Semideciduos Seasonal Forest, Viçosa Municipality, "Zona da Mata Mineira" region. The field work was carried out in the studied area, from July/2004 to August/2005, along the trials already set up. Descriptions illustrations, identification keys to the collected taxa, and comments on the geografic distribution and diagnostic characters were presented. The results of this work were the recognition of 19 taxa belonging to nine genera. From these, Desmodium (six species) and Crotalaria (four species) were the most representative.
This study consists in a fioristic survey of Papilionoideae species at shrub and herbaceous layer of Mata do Paraíso, an important fragment of Submontain Semideciduos Seasonal Forest, Viçosa Municipality, "Zona da Mata Mineira" region. The field work was carried out in the studied area, from July/2004 to August/2005, along the trials already set up. Descriptions illustrations, identification keys to the collected taxa, and comments on the geografic distribution and diagnostic characters were presented. The results of this work were the recognition of 19 taxa belonging to nine genera. From these, Desmodium (six species) and Crotalaria (four species) were the most representative.
Floresta Atlântica, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Leguminosae, Atlantic Forest, Semideciduos Seasonal Forest