Aposentadoria por idade para mulheres e o impacto sobre o nível de bem-estar dos domicílios rurais brasileiros
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O Regime de Segurados Especiais instituído em 1992 é considerado um marco para o avanço do subsistema rural da Previdência Social. Para a segurada especial, tal política, ao permitir a concessão de aposentadorias por idade e invalidez sem a contrapartida prévia da contribuição compulsória, foi essencial para o seu empoderamento e o devido reconhecimento como trabalhadora. Atualmente, as mulheres são a maioria dos beneficiários ativos da Previdência Social Rural, bem como a aposentadoria por idade a responsável por 92% de todos os benefícios do Regime Geral da Previdência Social (RGPS) concedidos às mulheres residentes no campo. Em vista disso, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto da aposentadoria por idade concedida às mulheres sobre o nível de bem-estar dos domicílios rurais brasileiros. Apesar da ampla literatura sobre o tema previdenciário, cujas análises se dão sobretudo no âmbito da pobreza e desigualdade da distribuição de renda, ainda são escassos os trabalhos que avaliam os impactos da Previdência sobre um prisma multidimensional de Bem-Estar Social. Assim, por meio dos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) de 2013, e a partir do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Família (IDF), foi estruturado o Índice de Bem-Estar Domiciliar Rural (IbedR), como etapa metodológica essencial para a consecução da pesquisa. Para o estudo, adotou-se uma metodologia de avaliação de impacto quase experimental considerada recente, o Desenho da Regressão Descontínua (RDD). As análises indicaram que as aposentadorias por idade para as mulheres representam uma importante parcela da renda dos domicílios beneficiados, especialmente entre aqueles com menor rendimento. Ademais, as estimativas do RDD tipo Fuzzy corroboraram com a hipótese central desta dissertação, isto é, evidenciaram que o benefício em questão contribui para a melhora do nível de bem-estar dos domicílios rurais, mensurado pelo IbedR. Encontrou-se ainda efeitos locais médios do tratamento (LATEs) positivos de tal recebimento sobre o Acesso ao Conhecimento e na Disponibilidade de Recursos e Combate à Pobreza dos domicílios analisados. Por fim, constatou-se que, em média, os efeitos sobre o IbedR são significativos para as regiões mais pobres do País, notadamente Norte e Nordeste.
'Special Insureds' Regime instituted in 1992 is considered a historical mark for the advancement of the rural subsystem of Social Security. For woman, this policy, allowed the granting of old age pensions and disability pensions without the prior counterpart of compulsory contributions, it was essential for their empowerment and properly recognizing them as workers. Currently, women are the majority of active beneficiaries of Rural Social Security and the old age pension is responsible for 92% of all the benefits of the General Social Security Regime (RGPS) which are granted to women living in the rural areas. In this sense, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of old age pension for women in the level of well-being of the brazilian rural households. Despite the vast literature about Social Security, which mainly analyzes the occurrence of poverty and income inequality, studies that evaluate the impact of Social Security on a multiple dimensions of Social Welfare are still scarce. Thus, through using of microdata from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) in 2013 and adaptation of the Family Development Index (IDF), the Rural Households Well-Being Index (IbedR) was created. For this analysis, this study used an impact evaluation methodology quasi experimental that is considered recent, called the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD). This research concluded that by considering their household income, benefits that are given based on a woman’s age play a significant role for beneficiaries, especially among those with lower income. Furthermore, results estimated by RDD Fuzzy corroborated the central hypothesis of this dissertation, that is, these benefits contributed to an improvement in the level of well-being for these rural households, measured by IbedR. There were also a positive local average tratament effects (LATEs) from the benefit towards items such as access to education, access to financial resources within the sampled population. It was also noticed that on average, effects are significate in the lower-income areas of the Country, notably North and Northeast regions.
'Special Insureds' Regime instituted in 1992 is considered a historical mark for the advancement of the rural subsystem of Social Security. For woman, this policy, allowed the granting of old age pensions and disability pensions without the prior counterpart of compulsory contributions, it was essential for their empowerment and properly recognizing them as workers. Currently, women are the majority of active beneficiaries of Rural Social Security and the old age pension is responsible for 92% of all the benefits of the General Social Security Regime (RGPS) which are granted to women living in the rural areas. In this sense, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of old age pension for women in the level of well-being of the brazilian rural households. Despite the vast literature about Social Security, which mainly analyzes the occurrence of poverty and income inequality, studies that evaluate the impact of Social Security on a multiple dimensions of Social Welfare are still scarce. Thus, through using of microdata from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) in 2013 and adaptation of the Family Development Index (IDF), the Rural Households Well-Being Index (IbedR) was created. For this analysis, this study used an impact evaluation methodology quasi experimental that is considered recent, called the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD). This research concluded that by considering their household income, benefits that are given based on a woman’s age play a significant role for beneficiaries, especially among those with lower income. Furthermore, results estimated by RDD Fuzzy corroborated the central hypothesis of this dissertation, that is, these benefits contributed to an improvement in the level of well-being for these rural households, measured by IbedR. There were also a positive local average tratament effects (LATEs) from the benefit towards items such as access to education, access to financial resources within the sampled population. It was also noticed that on average, effects are significate in the lower-income areas of the Country, notably North and Northeast regions.
Previdência social rural, Aposentadoria, Mulheres do campo, Mulheres no desenvolvimento rural, Habitação rural
FONSECA, Ascânio Vitor Vasconcelos. Aposentadoria por idade para mulheres e o impacto sobre o nível de bem-estar dos domicílios rurais brasileiros. 2017. 106f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2017.