Variabilidade genética de Melipona capixaba MOURE & CAMARGO, 1994 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), espécie ameaçada de extinção: subsídios para sua conservação
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Melipona capixaba é uma espécie de abelha ameaçada de extinção, endêmica do Estado do Espírito Santo, mais especificamente restrita a formações florestais, em áreas montanhosas, de regiões próximas ao município de Domingos Martins (Região Serrana). O presente estudo teve como finalidade estimar a variabilidade genética de colônias de M. capixaba. Para tanto, foram utilizadas amostras de 95 colônias da espécie, oriundas de oito municípios capixabas. As amostras tiveram seu DNA extraído e submetido à amplificação e o produto da PCR foi avaliado por meio de eletroforese em gel de agarose (1,5%). Um conjunto de dez primers de ISSR foi utilizado nas análises o que resultou em um total de 118 bandas, das quais 61,02% foram polimórficas. A diversidade genética de Nei (1973) e o índice de Shannon para a espécie foram estimados em 0,19 e 0,29, respectivamente. A matriz de distância genética apresentou baixas distâncias genéticas entre as colônias das 23 localidades amostradas e não houve relação entre as distâncias geográficas e genéticas. As análises de agrupamento (UPGMA), bem como as projeções tridimensionais mostraram a existência de estruturação genética, porém esta não tem relação com as distâncias geográficas. A AMOVA demonstrou que a maior parte da variabilidade é devida às variações existentes dentro das próprias localidades. Utilizando o software STRUCTURE, as colônias foram organizadas em quatro grupos e 25 subgrupos, diferindo das análises anteriores, o que possibilitou uma melhor separação das amostras. Esta divisão em grupos e subgrupos pode servir de ponto de partida para as estratégias de manejo e conservação.
Melipona capixaba is a type of threatened of extinction bee, endemic of Espírito Santo State, more specifically restricted to forest formations, in mountainous areas, in moutainous areas, nearby the municipal district of Domingos Martins (Mountainous area). The present study had as purpose to esteem the genetic variability of colonies of M. capixaba. For this, samples of 95 colonies of the species were used, originated from eight municipal capixabas districts. The samples had their DNA extracted and submitted to the amplification and the product of PCR was examined by eletroforesis in agarose gel (1,5%). A group of ten primers of ISSR was used in the analyses what resulted in a total of 118 bands, from which 61,02% were polymorphics. Nei's genetic diversity (1973) and the index of Shannon for the species were evaluated in 0,19 and 0,29, respectively. The matrix of genetic distance presented low genetic distances among the colonies of the 23 selected places and there was not relationship among the geographical and genetic distances. The grouping analyses (UPGMA), as well as the three-dimensional projections showed the existence of genetic structuring, however this one doesn't have relationship with the geographical distances. AMOVA demonstrated that most of the variability is owed to the existent variations inside the places. Using the software STRUCTURE, the colonies were organized in four groups and 25 subdivisions, differing of the previous analyses, that made possible a better separation of the samples. This division in groups and subgrupos can serve as starting point for the handling strategies and conservation.
Melipona capixaba is a type of threatened of extinction bee, endemic of Espírito Santo State, more specifically restricted to forest formations, in mountainous areas, in moutainous areas, nearby the municipal district of Domingos Martins (Mountainous area). The present study had as purpose to esteem the genetic variability of colonies of M. capixaba. For this, samples of 95 colonies of the species were used, originated from eight municipal capixabas districts. The samples had their DNA extracted and submitted to the amplification and the product of PCR was examined by eletroforesis in agarose gel (1,5%). A group of ten primers of ISSR was used in the analyses what resulted in a total of 118 bands, from which 61,02% were polymorphics. Nei's genetic diversity (1973) and the index of Shannon for the species were evaluated in 0,19 and 0,29, respectively. The matrix of genetic distance presented low genetic distances among the colonies of the 23 selected places and there was not relationship among the geographical and genetic distances. The grouping analyses (UPGMA), as well as the three-dimensional projections showed the existence of genetic structuring, however this one doesn't have relationship with the geographical distances. AMOVA demonstrated that most of the variability is owed to the existent variations inside the places. Using the software STRUCTURE, the colonies were organized in four groups and 25 subdivisions, differing of the previous analyses, that made possible a better separation of the samples. This division in groups and subgrupos can serve as starting point for the handling strategies and conservation.
Melipona capixaba, ISSR, Variabilidade, Melipona capixaba, ISSR, Variability
NOGUEIRA, Juliano. Genetic variability of Melipona capixaba MOURE & CAMARGO, 1994 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), threatened of extinction species: subsidies for your conservation. 2009. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises quantitativas e moleculares do Genoma; Biologia das células e dos tecidos) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.