Avaliação de um circuito eletrônico para medição da condutividade elétrica de soluções nutritivas
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Engenharia Agrícola
Nos sistemas de cultivo hidropônicos ou que utilizam a fertirrigação, a quantidade total de sais dissolvidos na solução nutritiva tem grande impacto na produtividade da cultura. A concentração adequada ao crescimento e desenvolvimento da cultura sofre variações marcantes ao longo do seu ciclo, podendo ser avaliada indiretamente por meio do monitoramento da condutividade elétrica da solução nutritiva. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar um circuito eletrônico de baixo custo para a medição da condutividade elétrica, cujo princípio se baseia na medida de freqüência. O circuito eletrônico foi conectado a um computador via porta paralela, sendo calibrado utilizando-se de 16 soluções de KCl. A temperatura das soluções foi mantida nos níveis desejados por meio de um equipamento de controle da temperatura. Análises de regressão foram utilizadas para obter relações entre freqüência e resistência, visando a medir a condutividade elétrica e a temperatura da solução com base na freqüência. Os coeficientes de determinação obtidos demonstraram excelentes correlações (R 2 > 0,997). Com base nos resultados, pôde-se concluir que o circuito proposto é capaz de medir a condutividade elétrica de soluções na faixa de 0,10 a 10,15 dS m -1 com grande exatidão, compensando automaticamente as variações instantâneas de temperatura.
In hydroponic systems or those that use the fertigation, the total amount of soluble salts in the nutrient solution has a significant impact on crop productivity. An adequate fertilizer concentration can be modified in response to stages of plant development through indirect monitoring of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution. The objective of this work was to evaluate a low cost electronic circuit to measure the electrical conductivity based on frequency measurements. The electronic circuit was connected to a computer using the parallel interface and calibrated with 16 KCl solutions. The solutions temperature was maintained at desired levels with a controlled temperature equipment. Regression analysis was used to obtain relationships between frequency and resistance in order to measure the electrical conductivity and the solution temperature based on measured data of frequency. The coefficients of determination obtained from this study showed excellent correlations (R 2 > 0.997). The results demonstrated that the proposed circuit is capable of measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution from 0.10 to 10.15 dS m -1 with considerable accuracy, compensating automatically instantaneous temperature variations.
In hydroponic systems or those that use the fertigation, the total amount of soluble salts in the nutrient solution has a significant impact on crop productivity. An adequate fertilizer concentration can be modified in response to stages of plant development through indirect monitoring of electrical conductivity of nutrient solution. The objective of this work was to evaluate a low cost electronic circuit to measure the electrical conductivity based on frequency measurements. The electronic circuit was connected to a computer using the parallel interface and calibrated with 16 KCl solutions. The solutions temperature was maintained at desired levels with a controlled temperature equipment. Regression analysis was used to obtain relationships between frequency and resistance in order to measure the electrical conductivity and the solution temperature based on measured data of frequency. The coefficients of determination obtained from this study showed excellent correlations (R 2 > 0.997). The results demonstrated that the proposed circuit is capable of measuring the electrical conductivity of the solution from 0.10 to 10.15 dS m -1 with considerable accuracy, compensating automatically instantaneous temperature variations.
Condutivímetros, Hidroponia, Fertirrigação, Conductivity meters, Hydroponic, Fertigation