Análise genômica de Serratia liquefaciens isolada de leite e inibição da proteólise e lipólise por nisina
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Serratia é um gênero de bactérias Gram-negativas que pode ser encontrado em diversos ambientes como solo, água, plantas, animais e humanos. Algumas espécies são relatadas como contaminantes de alimentos, sendo associadas à deterioração de produtos alimentícios, resultando em prejuízos econômicos e ambientais devido ao desperdício. A espécie S. liquefaciens é frequentemente mencionada como deterioradora de alimentos refrigerados, como frutos do mar, queijos e leite cru. É considerada um problema para a indústria de alimentos devido à síntese de enzimas extracelulares termorresistentes, como proteases e lipases, que permanecem ativas mesmo após o processamento térmico. Estudos prévios mostraram o efeito inibidor da bacteriocina nisina sobre a atividade de proteases e lipases de S. liquefaciens. Nisina é um peptídeo catiônico com amplo espectro de ação contra bactérias Gram-positivas, e seu uso como conservante de alimentos é permitido desde 1950. Este trabalho objetivou investigar as características moleculares de S. liquefaciens L211 isolada de leite, por meio de análises genômicas utilizando ferramentas de bioinformática e avaliar o efeito da nisina nas atividades proteolítica e lipolítica da bactéria em questão. Para isso, foi realizado o sequenciamento do genoma de S. liquefaciens L211 utilizando a plataforma MinION. Em seguida a montagem e anotação do genoma foram realizadas, destacando as características funcionais dos genes da bactéria. Foram realizadas análises comparativas do genoma do isolado L211 com outros genomas S. liquefaciens, completos e anotados, disponíveis no banco de dados do NCBI. Análises fenotípicas evidenciaram que o S. liquefaciens L211 possui a capacidade de se locomover, utilizando os motilidades do tipo swarming, swimming e twitching. Além disso, foi constatada a capacidade de síntese de sideróforos, proteases e poliuretanase com atividade de lipase no isolado. As atividades proteolítica e lipolítica de S. liquefaciens L211 foram avaliadas e quantificadas em leite desnatado reconstituído à 10% (p/v) com e sem a adição de nisina (400 UA/mL) para verificar o efeito inibitório de nisina sobre a atividade enzimática. Posteriormente, foi avaliado se a inibição da atividade enzimática por nisina é decorrente da diminuição da expressão dos genes ser1, ser2 e lipA relacionados com a síntese das proteases e lipase de S. liquefaciens. As análises do genoma de S. liquefaciens L211 revelaram que a espécie apresenta características genéticas preservadas, ao passo que as variações entre os indivíduos da espécie S. liquefaciens possibilitam sua adaptação a diferentes ambientes. Além disso, também foi observado que S. liquefaciens possui genes que codificam enzimas associadas à deterioração de alimentos. Foi demonstrado que, apesar de não ter atividade bactericida contra S. liquefaciens, a concentração 400 UA/mL de nisina inibe a atividade proteolítica e lipolítica. Não foram encontradas referências na literatura que relatem a inibição das atividades enzimáticas por nisina em S. liquefaciens. Nisina inibiu a transcrição de genes de proteases e lipase de S. liquefaciens L211 e o mecanismo de regulação envolvido ainda precisa ser elucidado. Este trabalho destaca a versatilidade do repertório genético de S. liquefaciens, a relevância da bactéria como deterioradora de alimentos e revela o potencial inibitório de nisina sobre a atividade enzimática. Palavras-chave: Tese. Pós-graduação. Leite. Microbiologia. Serratia liquefaciens. Bactérias Gram-negativas. Nisina. Proteólise. Lipólise. Genômica.
Serratia is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria that can be found in various environments such as soil, water, plants, animals, and humans. Some species are reported as food contaminants, being associated with the deterioration of food products, resulting in economic and environmental damage due to waste. The species S. liquefaciens is often mentioned as a food spoilage organism for refrigerated foods such as seafood, cheese, and raw milk. It is considered a problem for the food industry due to the synthesis of extracellular thermostable enzymes, such as proteases and lipases, which remain active even after thermal processing. Previous studies have shown the inhibitory effect of the bacteriocin nisin on the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of S. liquefaciens. Nisin is a cationic peptide with a broad spectrum of action against Gram-positive bacteria, and its use as a food preservative has been allowed since 1950. This work aimed to investigate the molecular characteristics of S. liquefaciens L211 isolated from milk, through genomic analyzes using bioinformatics tools and to evaluate the effect of nisin on the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of the bacterium in question. For this purpose, the genome of S. liquefaciens L211 was sequenced using the MinION platform. Then, genome assembly and annotation were performed, highlighting the functional characteristics of the bacterium's genes. Comparative genome analyses of the L211 isolate with other complete and annotated S. liquefaciens genomes available in the NCBI database were performed. Phenotypic analyzes showed that S. liquefaciens L211 has the ability to move, using swarming, swimming and twitching motilities. In addition, the ability to synthesize siderophores, proteases and polyuretanase with lipase activity in the isolate was verified. The proteolytic and lipolytic activities of S. liquefaciens L211 were evaluated and quantified in 10% (w/v) reconstituted skim milk with and without the addition of nisin (400 UA/mL) to verify the inhibitory effect of nisin on the enzymatic activity. Then, it was evaluated whether the inhibition of S. liquefaciens enzymatic activity by nisin is due to the decreased expression of the ser1, ser2, and lipA genes related to the synthesis of these enzymes. Genomic analyses of S. liquefaciens L211 showed that the species had conserved genetic characteristics, and differences among the members allow them to be found in different habitats. Additionally, it was also observed that S. liquefaciens has genes encoding enzymes associated with food spoilage. It was demonstrated that, although it does not have bactericidal activity against S. liquefaciens, 400 UA/mL of nisin inhibits proteolytic and lipolytic activity. There were no reports in the literature about this effect. Nisin inhibited the transcription of protease and lipase genes of S. liquefaciens L211, and the regulatory mechanism involved still needs to be elucidated. This work highlights the versatility of the genetic repertoire of S. liquefaciens, the relevance of the bacterium as a food spoilage organism, and reveals the inhibitory potential of nisin on enzymatic activity. Keywords: Thesis. Milk. Microbiology. Serratia liquefaciens. Gram-negative bacteria. Nisin. Proteolysis. Lipolysis. Genomics
Serratia is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria that can be found in various environments such as soil, water, plants, animals, and humans. Some species are reported as food contaminants, being associated with the deterioration of food products, resulting in economic and environmental damage due to waste. The species S. liquefaciens is often mentioned as a food spoilage organism for refrigerated foods such as seafood, cheese, and raw milk. It is considered a problem for the food industry due to the synthesis of extracellular thermostable enzymes, such as proteases and lipases, which remain active even after thermal processing. Previous studies have shown the inhibitory effect of the bacteriocin nisin on the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of S. liquefaciens. Nisin is a cationic peptide with a broad spectrum of action against Gram-positive bacteria, and its use as a food preservative has been allowed since 1950. This work aimed to investigate the molecular characteristics of S. liquefaciens L211 isolated from milk, through genomic analyzes using bioinformatics tools and to evaluate the effect of nisin on the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of the bacterium in question. For this purpose, the genome of S. liquefaciens L211 was sequenced using the MinION platform. Then, genome assembly and annotation were performed, highlighting the functional characteristics of the bacterium's genes. Comparative genome analyses of the L211 isolate with other complete and annotated S. liquefaciens genomes available in the NCBI database were performed. Phenotypic analyzes showed that S. liquefaciens L211 has the ability to move, using swarming, swimming and twitching motilities. In addition, the ability to synthesize siderophores, proteases and polyuretanase with lipase activity in the isolate was verified. The proteolytic and lipolytic activities of S. liquefaciens L211 were evaluated and quantified in 10% (w/v) reconstituted skim milk with and without the addition of nisin (400 UA/mL) to verify the inhibitory effect of nisin on the enzymatic activity. Then, it was evaluated whether the inhibition of S. liquefaciens enzymatic activity by nisin is due to the decreased expression of the ser1, ser2, and lipA genes related to the synthesis of these enzymes. Genomic analyses of S. liquefaciens L211 showed that the species had conserved genetic characteristics, and differences among the members allow them to be found in different habitats. Additionally, it was also observed that S. liquefaciens has genes encoding enzymes associated with food spoilage. It was demonstrated that, although it does not have bactericidal activity against S. liquefaciens, 400 UA/mL of nisin inhibits proteolytic and lipolytic activity. There were no reports in the literature about this effect. Nisin inhibited the transcription of protease and lipase genes of S. liquefaciens L211, and the regulatory mechanism involved still needs to be elucidated. This work highlights the versatility of the genetic repertoire of S. liquefaciens, the relevance of the bacterium as a food spoilage organism, and reveals the inhibitory potential of nisin on enzymatic activity. Keywords: Thesis. Milk. Microbiology. Serratia liquefaciens. Gram-negative bacteria. Nisin. Proteolysis. Lipolysis. Genomics
Leite - Microbiologia, Serratia liquefaciens, Bactérias gram-negativas, Nisina, Proteólise, Lipólise, Genômica
RIBEIRO, Leandro Cardoso. Análise genômica de Serratia liquefaciens isolada de leite e inibição da proteólise e lipólise por nisina. 2023. 86 f. Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.