Diversidade e controle de biofilme formado pela microbiota do leite cru
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O leite cru apresenta uma microbiota diversificada capaz de formar biofilmes em diferentes superfícies da indústria de laticínios. Devido a essa ampla diversidade, as comunidades dos biofilmes associadas às superfícies industriais são geralmente complexas e constituídas por diferentes espécies. A fim de se obter produtos seguros e de qualidade, a prevenção da formação e a remoção dos biofilmes, bem como a inibição de suas células são necessárias em razão dos muitos problemas causados nas indústrias, como bioincrustação, corrosão, resistência microbiana aumentada a agentes sanitizantes e contaminação dos alimentos. A caracterização da microbiota formadora de biofilme multiespécie pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de controle e, ou eliminação dos biofilmes no setor industrial onde estas estruturas são consideradas problemas. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das moléculas nisina e furanonas sobre a formação de biofilme multiespécie pela microbiota do leite cru refrigerado. Foi feito também o isolamento e identificação de bactérias desses biofilmes e avaliada a capacidade de formação de biofilme monoespécie de isolados selecionados. A resistência do biofilme multiespécie formado por quatro isolados ao sanitizante ácido peracético foi avaliada usando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR). Após incubação por 10 dias a 4 ºC, o número de células sésseis no cupom de aço inoxidável mantido imerso em leite cru variou de 5,5 a 6,2 log UFC/cm2 de psicrotróficos. A adição de nisina ou furanonas ao leite não influenciou no número de células viáveis no biofilme, mas alterou a diversidade microbiana. Os principais gêneros encontrados nos biofilmes foram Acinetobacter, Serratia, Lactococcus, Pseudomonas e Bacillus, os quais são contaminantes de grande importância para a indústria de laticínios. A partir dos biofilmes multiespécies, foram obtidos 36 isolados e identificados pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA. Dentre os isolados, 69,5% (n=25) foram capazes de formar biofilme monoespécie, sendo classificados como formadores de biofilme fracos a fortes. Rahnella inusitata F083, Lactococcus garvieae C081 e Lactococcus laudensis F103 foram os que apresentaram o maior capacidade de produção de biofilme. A atividade proteolítica foi detectada em 63,8% (n=23) dos isolados e as moléculas sinalizadoras acil homoserina lactonas (AHLs) de cadeia curta a média (C4-C8) foram detectadas em cinco isolados identificados como R. inusitata. Para a formação de um biofilme multiespécie, quatro isolados que apresentaram capacidade moderada a forte de formação de biofilme, identificados como Pseudomonas fluorescens, R. inusitata, Staphylococcus aureus e Micrococcus aloeverae foram utilizados. Após 10 dias de incubação a 4 ºC, o biofilme multiespécie atingiu em torno de 108 UFC/cm2. A otimização das condições de inativação de células desse biofilme por MSR consistiu na avaliação de diferentes concentrações de ácido peracético (0,05-0,5%), tempos de tratamento (5-30 min) e temperaturas (25-60 ºC) como variáveis independentes. As três variáveis independentes apresentaram efeito positivo na inativação das células dos biofilmes e a inativação máxima de, aproximadamente, 6,0 ciclos log UFC/cm2, foi obtida quando os três fatores foram utilizados nos maiores valores. As evidências da complexidade dos biofilmes multiespécies formados em superfícies comumente utilizadas nas indústrias de laticínios reforçam a necessidade de compreender essa microbiota, as possíveis alterações em sua composição e resistência a tratamentos com sanitizantes, a fim de melhorar as estratégias de inativação desses biofilmes nas indústrias. Palavras-chave: Biofilme multiespécie. Diversidade microbiana. Nisina. Furanona. Resistência a sanitizantes.
Raw milk has a diverse microbiota capable of forming biofilm on different surfaces of the dairy industry. Due to this wide diversity, biofilm communities associated with industrial surfaces are often complex and made up of different species. In order to obtain safe and quality products, the prevention of the formation and removal of biofilms, as well as the inhibition of their cells are necessary due to the many problems caused in industries, such as biofouling, corrosion, increased microbial resistance to sanitizing agents, in addition to being a source of food contamination. The characterization of multispecies biofilm-forming microbiota can contribute to the development of control strategies and/or elimination of biofilms in the industrial sector where these structures are considered problems. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of nisin and furanones molecules, on the formation of multispecies biofilm by the microbiota of refrigerated raw milk. The isolation of bacteria from these biofilms was also carried out and the capacity to form monospecies biofilm of the selected isolates was evaluated. In this study, the resistance of multispecies biofilm formed by four isolates to peracetic acid sanitizer was evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM). After incubation for 10 days at 4 ºC, the number of sessile cells in the stainless steel coupon kept immersed in raw milk ranged from 5.5 to 6.2 log CFU/cm2 of psychrotrophics. The addition of nisin or furanones to milk did not influence the number of viable cells in the biofilm, but changed the microbial diversity. The main genera found in biofilms were Acinetobacter, Serratia, Lactococcus, Pseudomonas and Bacillus, which are very important contaminants for the dairy industry. From the multispecies biofilms, 36 isolates were obtained and identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Among the isolates, 69.5% (n=25) were able to form individual biofilms, being classified as weak to strong biofilm formers. Rahnella inusitata F083, Lactococcus garvieae C081 and Lactococcus laudensis F103 were the ones with the highest ability to form biofilm. Proteolytic activity was detected in 63.8% (n=23) of the isolates and short to medium chain acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) signaling molecules (C4-C8) were detected in five isolates identified as R. inusitata. For the formation of a multispecies biofilm, four isolates that showed moderate to strong biofilm forming ability, identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, R. inusitata, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus aloeverae were used. After 10 days of incubation at 4 ºC, the multispecies biofilm reached around 108 CFU/cm2. The optimization of cell inactivation conditions of this biofilm by RSM used different concentrations of peracetic acid (0.05-0.5%), treatment times (5-30 min) and temperatures (25-60 ºC) as independent variables. The three independent variables had a positive effect on the inactivation of biofilm cells and the maximum inactivation of approximately 6.0 log cycles CFU/cm2 was obtained when the three factors were used at their highest values. Evidence of the complexity of multispecies biofilms formed on surfaces commonly used in dairy industries reinforces the need to understand this microbiota, the possible changes in its composition and resistance to treatments with sanitizers, in order to improve the inactivation strategies of these biofilms in industries. Keywords: Multispecies biofilm. Microbial diversity. Nisin. Furanone. Resistance to sanitizers.
Raw milk has a diverse microbiota capable of forming biofilm on different surfaces of the dairy industry. Due to this wide diversity, biofilm communities associated with industrial surfaces are often complex and made up of different species. In order to obtain safe and quality products, the prevention of the formation and removal of biofilms, as well as the inhibition of their cells are necessary due to the many problems caused in industries, such as biofouling, corrosion, increased microbial resistance to sanitizing agents, in addition to being a source of food contamination. The characterization of multispecies biofilm-forming microbiota can contribute to the development of control strategies and/or elimination of biofilms in the industrial sector where these structures are considered problems. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of nisin and furanones molecules, on the formation of multispecies biofilm by the microbiota of refrigerated raw milk. The isolation of bacteria from these biofilms was also carried out and the capacity to form monospecies biofilm of the selected isolates was evaluated. In this study, the resistance of multispecies biofilm formed by four isolates to peracetic acid sanitizer was evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM). After incubation for 10 days at 4 ºC, the number of sessile cells in the stainless steel coupon kept immersed in raw milk ranged from 5.5 to 6.2 log CFU/cm2 of psychrotrophics. The addition of nisin or furanones to milk did not influence the number of viable cells in the biofilm, but changed the microbial diversity. The main genera found in biofilms were Acinetobacter, Serratia, Lactococcus, Pseudomonas and Bacillus, which are very important contaminants for the dairy industry. From the multispecies biofilms, 36 isolates were obtained and identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Among the isolates, 69.5% (n=25) were able to form individual biofilms, being classified as weak to strong biofilm formers. Rahnella inusitata F083, Lactococcus garvieae C081 and Lactococcus laudensis F103 were the ones with the highest ability to form biofilm. Proteolytic activity was detected in 63.8% (n=23) of the isolates and short to medium chain acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) signaling molecules (C4-C8) were detected in five isolates identified as R. inusitata. For the formation of a multispecies biofilm, four isolates that showed moderate to strong biofilm forming ability, identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, R. inusitata, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus aloeverae were used. After 10 days of incubation at 4 ºC, the multispecies biofilm reached around 108 CFU/cm2. The optimization of cell inactivation conditions of this biofilm by RSM used different concentrations of peracetic acid (0.05-0.5%), treatment times (5-30 min) and temperatures (25-60 ºC) as independent variables. The three independent variables had a positive effect on the inactivation of biofilm cells and the maximum inactivation of approximately 6.0 log cycles CFU/cm2 was obtained when the three factors were used at their highest values. Evidence of the complexity of multispecies biofilms formed on surfaces commonly used in dairy industries reinforces the need to understand this microbiota, the possible changes in its composition and resistance to treatments with sanitizers, in order to improve the inactivation strategies of these biofilms in industries. Keywords: Multispecies biofilm. Microbial diversity. Nisin. Furanone. Resistance to sanitizers.
Leite - Cru - Biotecnologia, Biofilmes, Furanonas, Ácido peracético, Bactérias
OLIVEIRA, Gabriel Silva. Diversidade e controle de biofilme formado pela microbiota do leite cru. 2021. 98 f. Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2021.