Estudo do comportamento da fibra de eucalipto refinada por ultrassom no processo de reciclagem
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a viabilidade do refino ultrassônico e seus impactos na refinabilidade e nas propriedades físico-mecânicas durante os ciclos de reciclagem de fibras secundárias. Utilizou-se como matéria prima aparas branqueadas de papéis tipo A4 compostas por fibras de eucalipto que continham inicialmente 18±0,5% de inorgânicos. Para isto, o refino ultrassônico também foi comparado ao refino convencional realizado em moinho PFI. Observou-se que o refino ultrassônico gerou diferenças em qualidade da polpa, com menor teor de cinzas, menor geração de finos, menor grau de enrijecimento das fibras e maiores valores de capilaridade Klemm, que são desejáveis para papeis de impressão e tissue. Quanto à composição química da polpa não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os dois tipos de refino. Observou-se ainda que refino ultrassônico quando comparado ao convencional com moinho PFI possui aplicabilidade no que diz respeito ao seu potencial de refinabilidade da polpa celulósica, possuindo diferenças em relação ao refino convencional durante os ciclos de reutilização dos papéis, ocasionada pela maior preservação da estrutura da fibra. Isto possibilitou uma menor formação de finos e a estabilização do consumo de energia após o primeiro ciclo de reciclagem. Porém, o refino convencional propicia um maior colapsamento das fibras, o que proporciona um maior número de ligações interfibras, além de possuir também um maior conteúdo de finos na formação dos papéis. Isto faz com que as propriedades físico-mecânicas dependentes destes como índice de tração, resistência à passagem de ar, módulo de elasticidade e índice de arrebentamento, apresentem maiores valores quando comparadas ao refino ultrassônico. Por outro lado, o refino ultrassônico apresentou papéis com maior volume específico aparente (VEA) e maior índice de rasgo, resultados de uma maior preservação da integridade das fibras. Como conclusão desse estudo, tem-se que a adoção ou não do refino ultrassônico se deve levar em consideração o uso final que se dará ao papel, pois para cada uso específico, certas propriedades do papel podem acarretar em fatores limitantes de seu uso. Mas, contudo foi possível observar que o refino ultrassônico possui aplicabilidade, merecendo mais estudos tecnológicos para torná-lo viável energeticamente e almejado para aplicações industriais.
The goal of this study was to investigate the feasibility of refine by ultrasound and its impact on refinability and in the physical-mechanical properties during cycles of recycling of secondary fibers. It was used as raw material scrap bleached paper type A4 consist of eucalyptus fibers that initially contained 180.5% of inorganic compounds. For this, the ultrasonic refining was also compared to conventional refining performed in PFI mill. It was observed that the ultrasonic refining cause differences in pulp quality with lower ash content, less generation of thin, less hardening of the fibers and higher capillary Klemm, that are desirable for tissue paper and. The chemical compositions of the pulp were not significant differences between the refines studied. It was also noted that refining ultrasound when compared to conventional PFI mill has applicability with respect to the potential of refining pulp, having difference compared to conventional refining during cycles of reuse the paper, caused by greater preservation fiber structure. This allowed a lower formation of fine and stabilization of energy consumption after the first cycle of recycling. However, the conventional refine provides a major collapse of the fibers, providing a largest number of bonds between the fibers, and also have a higher content of fines in the formation of handsheets. The physical and mechanical properties dependent on these as tensile index, air passage resistance, specific elastic modulus and burst index showed higher values when compared to refine by ultrasonic. Moreover, refining with ultrasound showed better bulk and higher tear index, results in a greater preservation of the integrity of the fibers in the paper formation. In conclusion of this study, we have that the adoption or not of ultrasonic refining should consider the use that will give the paper, because for each specific use, certain properties of the paper can cause a limiting factor for its use. But, however we could observe that refining has ultrasonic applicability and merit further study to become more energetically feasible, and desired for industrial applications.
The goal of this study was to investigate the feasibility of refine by ultrasound and its impact on refinability and in the physical-mechanical properties during cycles of recycling of secondary fibers. It was used as raw material scrap bleached paper type A4 consist of eucalyptus fibers that initially contained 180.5% of inorganic compounds. For this, the ultrasonic refining was also compared to conventional refining performed in PFI mill. It was observed that the ultrasonic refining cause differences in pulp quality with lower ash content, less generation of thin, less hardening of the fibers and higher capillary Klemm, that are desirable for tissue paper and. The chemical compositions of the pulp were not significant differences between the refines studied. It was also noted that refining ultrasound when compared to conventional PFI mill has applicability with respect to the potential of refining pulp, having difference compared to conventional refining during cycles of reuse the paper, caused by greater preservation fiber structure. This allowed a lower formation of fine and stabilization of energy consumption after the first cycle of recycling. However, the conventional refine provides a major collapse of the fibers, providing a largest number of bonds between the fibers, and also have a higher content of fines in the formation of handsheets. The physical and mechanical properties dependent on these as tensile index, air passage resistance, specific elastic modulus and burst index showed higher values when compared to refine by ultrasonic. Moreover, refining with ultrasound showed better bulk and higher tear index, results in a greater preservation of the integrity of the fibers in the paper formation. In conclusion of this study, we have that the adoption or not of ultrasonic refining should consider the use that will give the paper, because for each specific use, certain properties of the paper can cause a limiting factor for its use. But, however we could observe that refining has ultrasonic applicability and merit further study to become more energetically feasible, and desired for industrial applications.
Fibra, Eucalipto, Ultrasson, Reciclagem, Fibers, Eucalyptus, Ultrasound, Recycling
SABIONI, Luciano. Study of behavior of the eucalypt fiber refined by ultrasound in the recycling process. 2011. 45 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Qualidade da madeira; Tecnologia de celulose e papel) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.