Estudo da influência do meio físico e das atividades antrópicas na qualidade da água na sub-bacia do córrego Palmital- Viçosa/MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A crescente demanda por recursos hídricos e a degradação cada vez mais intensa das águas superficiais e subterrâneas têm sido algumas das principais preocupações da sociedade atual. Diversos fatores influenciam a qualidade das águas, podendo ser eles naturais ou antrópicos. Assim, a conservação dos recursos hídricos deve ser tratada de maneira abrangente, englobando todos os compartimentos ambientais. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação integrada da qualidade da água de uma sub-bacia localizada na zona rural do município de Viçosa/MG, baseando-se nos fundamentos estabelecidos na Lei Federal n° 9.433/97 e na Lei Estadual no 13.199/97 de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, foi feita uma caracterização geral da área de estudo abrangendo qualidade da água superficial e subterrânea, atividades antrópicas, uso e ocupação do solo, geologia e solos. Para caracterização da qualidade da água foram realizadas coletas e análises mensais em dez poços e sete nascentes, com o intuito de monitorar, respectivamente, as águas subterrâneas e superficiais, no período de maio a dezembro de 2009, nas quais foram analisadas vinte e três parâmetros, dentre os quais vale destacar: turbidez, cor, pH, coliformes termotolerantes (E.coli), DBO, OD, nitrato, cloreto total, ferro total, cádmio total, chumbototal, cromo total, manganês total, níquel total e zinco total. Para os levantamentos geológicos e pedológicos foram realizadas investigações de campo, onde que foram coletados e analisados, quanto às características químicas, físicas e mineralógicas, cinco diferentes perfis de solo. Além disso, identificaram-se as principais atividades antrópicas desenvolvidas na sub-bacia. Diversas alterações foram encontradas na qualidade da água da sub-bacia, principalmente nos parâmetros: cor, DBO, OD e E.coli e coliformes totais. De posse de todos os dados foi realizada a avaliação integrada da qualidade da água, procurando-se relacionar as não conformidades encontradas nas análises da água com os demais dados obtidos. Diante disso, pode-se identificar os principais fatores que influenciam as características dos recursos hídricos, sendo propostas medidas de controle para melhoria da qualidade ambiental da sub-bacia.
The increasing demand for water resources and the intense degradation of surface water and groundwater are some of the major concerns of society. It is known that several factors influence the water’s quality and they can be natural or man-made. It is also known that water resources conservation must be addressed in a comprehensive manner, covering all environmental compartments. In this context, this paper presents an integrated assessment of water quality of a sub-basin located in rural Viçosa / MG, based on the foundation established by the Federal Law n°. 9433/97 and in the State Law n° 13.199/97 of Minas Gerais. For this matter, a general characterization of the study area was made, covering the: water quality of ten wells and seven springs in order to evaluate, respectively, the quality of surface water and groundwater. Human activities; soil use; and geological and pedological studies were also carried out. In order to characterize water quality, samples were monthly collected and analysed in the period between May and December 2009, that were analyzed twenty-three parameters, highlighting: turbidity, color, pH, fecal coliform (E.coli), BOD, DO, nitrate, total chloride, total iron, total cadmium, total lead, total chromium, total manganese, total nickel and total zinc. The geological and soil studies were achieved by investigations, where five different soil profiles were collected and analyzed chemical, physical and mineralogically. Furthermore, the main human activities developed were identified in the sub-basin. Several changes were observed in the water quality of the sub-basin, especially in the parameters: color, BOD, DO and E. coli. Armed with all the data an integrated assessment of water quality was developed, in order to link the nonconformities in the analysis of water with other studies. Thereby, the water resources characteristics can be related to the main factors that influence it and control measures for improving the environmental quality of the sub-basin can be proposed.
The increasing demand for water resources and the intense degradation of surface water and groundwater are some of the major concerns of society. It is known that several factors influence the water’s quality and they can be natural or man-made. It is also known that water resources conservation must be addressed in a comprehensive manner, covering all environmental compartments. In this context, this paper presents an integrated assessment of water quality of a sub-basin located in rural Viçosa / MG, based on the foundation established by the Federal Law n°. 9433/97 and in the State Law n° 13.199/97 of Minas Gerais. For this matter, a general characterization of the study area was made, covering the: water quality of ten wells and seven springs in order to evaluate, respectively, the quality of surface water and groundwater. Human activities; soil use; and geological and pedological studies were also carried out. In order to characterize water quality, samples were monthly collected and analysed in the period between May and December 2009, that were analyzed twenty-three parameters, highlighting: turbidity, color, pH, fecal coliform (E.coli), BOD, DO, nitrate, total chloride, total iron, total cadmium, total lead, total chromium, total manganese, total nickel and total zinc. The geological and soil studies were achieved by investigations, where five different soil profiles were collected and analyzed chemical, physical and mineralogically. Furthermore, the main human activities developed were identified in the sub-basin. Several changes were observed in the water quality of the sub-basin, especially in the parameters: color, BOD, DO and E. coli. Armed with all the data an integrated assessment of water quality was developed, in order to link the nonconformities in the analysis of water with other studies. Thereby, the water resources characteristics can be related to the main factors that influence it and control measures for improving the environmental quality of the sub-basin can be proposed.
Qualidade da água, Bacia hidrográfica, Pedologia, Water quality, Watershed, Pedology
ANDRADE, Luana Caetano Rocha de. The influence of physical environment and human activities on water quality in the watershed of the Palmital stream - Viçosa / MG. 2010. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geotecnia; Saneamento ambiental) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.