Indissociabilidade entre a formação ética e técnica do médico, vinte anos após a publicação das diretrizes curriculares nacionais do curso de graduação em medicina: onde estamos e aonde queremos chegar
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Nos últimos cinquenta anos, a educação médica tem passado por análises e transformações, em contribuição para uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária. Diferentes instituições representativas, como associações médicas, entidades de classes e escolas médicas discorrem sobre os atributos e as competências idealizadas para os profissionais, com destaque à integralidade na atenção do cuidado em saúde, considerando as habilidades técnicas, éticas e humanísticas destinadas aos enfermos, familiares, equipes de saúde e sociedade. Nesse contexto, destacam-se os questionamentos sobre a capacidade e a resolutividade dos egressos nas ações em atenção à saúde da população. No presente trabalho, objetiva-se analisar a situação atual dos currículos médicos sob a perspectiva de formação Ética e Bioética, após vinte anos das orientações presentes nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina de 2001. Para cumprir o proposto, foram observadas sete escolas médicas brasileiras, distribuídas pelas regiões Norte, Nordeste e Sudeste, sendo três públicas e quatro particulares. Os coordenadores dos cursos foram convidados a responder a um questionário sobre o ensino de Ética e Bioética, de acordo com as matrizes curriculares e os Projetos Pedagógicos de Curso (PPC) onde são gestores, tendo passado pela prévia aprovação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP), do aceite e do Registro de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A partir dos resultados coletados, constata-se que todas as escolas defenderam a inserção de temas pertinentes à Ética e à Bioética na formação médica, de maneira transversal e nos diferentes cenários de atuação dos estudantes. Entretanto, cada escola utiliza metodologias diversas, destacando o emprego do Código de Ética Médica, assuntos como doação de órgãos, transfusão sanguínea, início e término de vida, abortamento, entre outros temas distribuídos em disciplinas afins. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o ensino da Ética e da Bioética ainda ocorre de forma heterogênea, tal como identificado em algumas Escolas Médicas, como Deontologia Médica; em outras instituições, é notado o estabelecimento de pontes em temas de algumas disciplinas, havendo até mesmo o oferecimento de disciplina específica (ainda que em número bastante reduzido), principalmente em cursos criados após a aprovação das diretrizes. Palavras-chave: Bioética; Ensino Superior; Educação Médica; Educação em Saúde; Ensino
ver the last fifty years, medical education has undergone analyzes and transformations, in search of the formation of a more just and egalitarian society. Different representative institutions, such as medical associations, class entities and medical schools discuss the attributes and skills idealized for the clinical staff, with emphasis on comprehensiveness in health care, considering the technical, ethical and humanistic skills aimed at the sick, family members, health team and society. In this context, questions about the ability and resoluteness of graduates in actions in health care for the population stand out. In the present work, the objective is to analyze the current situation of medical curricula from the perspective of Ethics and Bioethics training, after twenty years of the guidelines present in the National Curriculum Guidelines of the Graduation Course in Medicine of 2001. Brazilian medical schools, distributed across the North, Northeast and Southeast regions, three public and four private. The course coordinators were invited to respond to a questionnaire on the teaching of Ethics and Bioethics, in accordance with the curricular matrices and the Course Pedagogical Projects (PPC) where they are managers, having passed the prior approval of the Research Ethics Committees ( CEP), the acceptance and the Free and Informed Consent Register. Based on the results collected, it appears that all schools defended the inclusion of topics related to Ethics and Bioethics in medical education, in a transversal manner and in the different scenarios in which students work. However, each school uses different methodologies, highlighting the use of the Code of Medical Ethics, subjects such as organ donation, blood transfusion, beginning and end of life, abortion, among other topics distributed in related disciplines. It was concluded, therefore, that the teaching of Ethics and Bioethics still occurs in a heterogeneous way, as identified in some Medical Schools, such as Medical Deontology; in other institutions, the establishment of bridges in themes of some disciplines is noted, even offering a specific discipline (albeit in a very small number), mainly in courses created after the guidelines. Keywords: Bioethics, University education, Medical Education, Health Education; Teaching.
ver the last fifty years, medical education has undergone analyzes and transformations, in search of the formation of a more just and egalitarian society. Different representative institutions, such as medical associations, class entities and medical schools discuss the attributes and skills idealized for the clinical staff, with emphasis on comprehensiveness in health care, considering the technical, ethical and humanistic skills aimed at the sick, family members, health team and society. In this context, questions about the ability and resoluteness of graduates in actions in health care for the population stand out. In the present work, the objective is to analyze the current situation of medical curricula from the perspective of Ethics and Bioethics training, after twenty years of the guidelines present in the National Curriculum Guidelines of the Graduation Course in Medicine of 2001. Brazilian medical schools, distributed across the North, Northeast and Southeast regions, three public and four private. The course coordinators were invited to respond to a questionnaire on the teaching of Ethics and Bioethics, in accordance with the curricular matrices and the Course Pedagogical Projects (PPC) where they are managers, having passed the prior approval of the Research Ethics Committees ( CEP), the acceptance and the Free and Informed Consent Register. Based on the results collected, it appears that all schools defended the inclusion of topics related to Ethics and Bioethics in medical education, in a transversal manner and in the different scenarios in which students work. However, each school uses different methodologies, highlighting the use of the Code of Medical Ethics, subjects such as organ donation, blood transfusion, beginning and end of life, abortion, among other topics distributed in related disciplines. It was concluded, therefore, that the teaching of Ethics and Bioethics still occurs in a heterogeneous way, as identified in some Medical Schools, such as Medical Deontology; in other institutions, the establishment of bridges in themes of some disciplines is noted, even offering a specific discipline (albeit in a very small number), mainly in courses created after the guidelines. Keywords: Bioethics, University education, Medical Education, Health Education; Teaching.
Bioética, Ética, Educação Médica, Produção Intelectual
ANTONIO, Vanderson Esperidião. Indissociabilidade entre a formação ética e técnica do médico, vinte anos após a publicação das diretrizes curriculares nacionais do curso de graduação em medicina: onde estamos e aonde queremos chegar. 2023. 80 f. Tese (Doutorado em Bioética, Ética Aplicada e Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói,RJ.2023.