Os impactos das intensidades em crédito rural sobre o desempenho da agropecuária brasileira
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A presente dissertação objetivou mensurar os impactos do crédito rural sobre as medidas de desempenho da agropecuária para os estabelecimentos brasileiros. O estudo se dividiu em dois Capítulos, que tiveram em comum: (1) o uso do Censo Agropecuário 2017 e de variáveis climáticas; (2) o uso de quatro níveis de intensidade para se identificar o comportamento dos impactos e a existência de padrões de concentração do crédito; e (3) a metodologia, composta pelos métodos (a) Balanceamento por Entropia, para que a única diferença entre os estabelecimentos representativos fosse o nível de intensidade na análise do crédito rural, e (b) Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados, que mensurou os impactos sobre as medidas de desempenho. O uso de diferentes níveis de intensidade confirmou o comportamento não linear de vários impactos e a presença de concentrações em ambos os Capítulos. No primeiro, com auxílio dos dados do Banco Central do Brasil, mensurou-se os impactos do acesso e do valor médio do contrato de crédito rural. Quase todos os impactos foram positivos. Constatou-se que o valor médio do contrato se apresentou mais concentrado do que o acesso, o que merece atenção para o aprimoramento da política. Os resultados indicaram que um maior número de estabelecimentos acessando o crédito e recebendo impactos positivos sobre suas as medidas, no menor nível de intensidade, tende a ser mais favorável para o desenvolvimento da agropecuária brasileira do que uma parcela menor de produtores. O segundo Capítulo se dedicou em mensurar os impactos do acesso ao Pronaf para a agricultura familiar (AF) como um todo e suas tipologias Pronaf V, composta por agricultores mais capitalizados e estruturados, e Pronaf B, composta pelos agricultores mais pobres e menos desenvolvidos. Os resultados para a AF como um todo apresentou sinais de que foram influenciados pelo Pronaf V, dado os valores para as medidas de desempenho dessa tipologia serem melhores do que os da tipologia Pronaf B, confirmando a necessidade de ser analisar a AF de forma desagregada. Os impactos para a tipologia Pronaf B se mostraram negativos, o que tende a estar associado diretamente ao baixo desenvolvimento produtivo e a baixa infraestrutura que os agricultores mais pobres apresentam, além de fatores externos, como as condições climáticas desfavoráveis e a falta de acesso à assistência técnica. Palavras-chave: Crédito Rural. Pronaf. Desempenho Agropecuário. Agricultura Familiar.
This dissertation aimed to measure the impacts of rural credit on agricultural performance measures for Brazilian establishments. The study was divided into two chapters, which had in common: (1) the use of the 2017 Agricultural Census and climate variables; (2) the use of four levels of intensity to identify the behavior of impacts and the existence of credit concentration patterns; and (3) the methodology, consisting of the methods (a) Entropy Balancing, so that the only difference between the representative establishments was the intensity level in the rural credit analysis, and (b) Weighted Minimum Squares, that measured the impacts on performance measurements. The use of different levels of intensity confirmed the non-linear behavior of various impacts and the presence of concentrations in both Chapters. In the first, using data from the Central Bank of Brazil, the impacts of access and the average value of the rural credit agreement were measured. Almost all of the impacts were positive. It was found that the average value of the contract was more concentrated than access, which deserves attention to the policy improvement. The results indicated that a greater number of establishments accessing the credit and receiving positive impacts on their measures, at the lower level of intensity, tends to be more favorable for the development of Brazilian agriculture than a smaller portion of producers. The Second Chapter Focused on Measuring the Impacts of Access to Pronaf for Family Farming (PA) As a Whole and Its Typologies Pronaf V, Composed of More Capitalized and Structured Farmers, and Pronaf B, Composed of the Porest and Least Developd Farmers. The Results for PA as a Whole Showed Signs That They Were Influencer by Pronaf V, Given That the Measures of Performance of This Typology Were Better Than Those of the Pronaf B Typology, Confirming The Need To Analyze Pa in An Disaggregated Way. The Impacts for the Pronaf B Typology Were Negative, Which Tends to Be Directly Associated with the Low Productive Development and the Low Infrastructure That the Porest Farmers have, in Addition to External Factors, Such AS Unfavouble Climatic Conditions and Lack of Access to Technical Assistance. Keywords: Rural Credit. PRONAF Agricultural Performance. Family Farming.
This dissertation aimed to measure the impacts of rural credit on agricultural performance measures for Brazilian establishments. The study was divided into two chapters, which had in common: (1) the use of the 2017 Agricultural Census and climate variables; (2) the use of four levels of intensity to identify the behavior of impacts and the existence of credit concentration patterns; and (3) the methodology, consisting of the methods (a) Entropy Balancing, so that the only difference between the representative establishments was the intensity level in the rural credit analysis, and (b) Weighted Minimum Squares, that measured the impacts on performance measurements. The use of different levels of intensity confirmed the non-linear behavior of various impacts and the presence of concentrations in both Chapters. In the first, using data from the Central Bank of Brazil, the impacts of access and the average value of the rural credit agreement were measured. Almost all of the impacts were positive. It was found that the average value of the contract was more concentrated than access, which deserves attention to the policy improvement. The results indicated that a greater number of establishments accessing the credit and receiving positive impacts on their measures, at the lower level of intensity, tends to be more favorable for the development of Brazilian agriculture than a smaller portion of producers. The Second Chapter Focused on Measuring the Impacts of Access to Pronaf for Family Farming (PA) As a Whole and Its Typologies Pronaf V, Composed of More Capitalized and Structured Farmers, and Pronaf B, Composed of the Porest and Least Developd Farmers. The Results for PA as a Whole Showed Signs That They Were Influencer by Pronaf V, Given That the Measures of Performance of This Typology Were Better Than Those of the Pronaf B Typology, Confirming The Need To Analyze Pa in An Disaggregated Way. The Impacts for the Pronaf B Typology Were Negative, Which Tends to Be Directly Associated with the Low Productive Development and the Low Infrastructure That the Porest Farmers have, in Addition to External Factors, Such AS Unfavouble Climatic Conditions and Lack of Access to Technical Assistance. Keywords: Rural Credit. PRONAF Agricultural Performance. Family Farming.
Crédito agrícola, Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Brasil), Agropecuária - Aspectos econômicos, Agricultura familiar
MACHADO, Bruno de Souza. Os impactos das intensidades em crédito rural sobre o desempenho da agropecuária brasileira. 2022.141 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.