Alimentos orgânicos: dados mercadológicos e análise crítica da legislação brasileira e da qualidade dos alimentos processados
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A sociedade espera cada vez mais que haja produção sustentável de alimentos, o que vai ao encontro dos fundamentos associados à produção dos orgânicos, fazendo com que seja uma alternativa interessante e promissora. Por isso, investigar certos aspectos relacionados a este cenário é importante para o fortalecimento do setor dos alimentos orgânicos, principalmente no Brasil. Diante deste contexto realizou-se o presente estudo, tendo como objetivo principal contrapor o conteúdo legalmente definido no Brasil em relação aos alimentos orgânicos com o praticado em outros países, bem como comparar aspectos de qualidade dos alimentos produzidos no referido sistema com os convencionais. No primeiro capítulo, intitulado Mercado dos alimentos orgânicos, são apresentados dados de mercado e tendências gerais de consumo de alimentos orgânicos disponíveis em relatórios técnicos, artigos científicos, notícias e documentos acadêmicos relacionados. No segundo, cujo título é Contextualização, pormenorização e comparação da legislação brasileira federal de alimentos orgânicos com o adotado nos Estados Unidos e na União Europeia é mostrado o histórico das legislações brasileiras relacionadas aos alimentos orgânicos, sendo destacado fatos relevantes; foram analisadas também certas diretrizes regulamentadas e contrastadas com o definido por outras normas. Para tal, realizou- se uma abordagem exploratória qualitativa utilizando os procedimentos de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, sendo as fontes de informações principais textos legislativos, artigos científicos, documentos acadêmicos e relatórios técnicos relacionados. Já no terceiro, intitulado Diferenças de composição entre alimentos processados orgânicos e convencionais: revisão sistemática da literatura e metanálise realizou-se a comparação dos teores de nutrientes e de contaminantes de certos grupos de alimentos orgânicos processados com as respectivas versões convencionais. Para tal, foram feitas revisões sistemáticas da literatura de artigos científicos recentes publicados em bases de dados relevantes, e tratamentos dos resultados destas buscas por técnicas meta-analíticas. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que o setor de alimentos orgânicos vem crescendo consideravelmente nos últimos anos, tendo como protagonistas o mercado europeu e o norte-americano, entretanto, a duvidosa qualidade e o restrito volume das informações sobre os dados mercadológicos se apresentam como um desafio a ser superado. Em relação aos aspectos legais analisados destaca-se a maior dispersão do conteúdo legal brasileiro relacionado e a existência de diferenças marcantes em relação às outras normas abordadas: formalização legal de meios alternativos para comercialização, inclusão de aspectos sociais e trabalhistas nos textos legais, definições relacionadas às condições de produção e processamento dos alimentos orgânicos, dentre outros. Ainda em relação aos aspectos legais, vale ressaltar que não foram encontrados nos mesmos elementos que determinem diferenças de qualidade entre orgânicos e convencionais, mas sim, regras permissivas e proibitivas relacionadas à produção, ao processamento, ao transporte e à comercialização. Além disso, os resultados do terceiro capítulo, que abordou a comparação de produtos orgânicos e convencionais processados, não evidenciaram elementos robustos o suficiente que permitam afirmar que existem diferenças significativas entre o teor de nutrientes e de contaminantes dos produtos analisados oriundos das duas formas de produção. Por fim, foram mencionadas algumas medidas para fortalecer o setor dos alimentos orgânicos nacionalmente, tendo como base os resultados deste trabalho. Palavras-chave: Legislação. Qualidade. Alimentos orgânicos.
Society increasingly expects sustainable food production, which meets the fundamentals associated with organic production, making it an interesting and promising alternative. Therefore, investigating certain aspects related to this scenario - marketing, production, legislation, processing and quality - is important to improve the organic food sector, especially nationally. Given this context, the present study was carried out, with the main objective of contrasting the content legally defined in Brazil in relation to organic foods with what is practiced in other places, as well as comparing quality aspects - nutrients and contaminants - of the food produced in the referred system with the conventional. The first chapter, entitled Organic Food Market, presents market data and general trends in organic food consumption available in technical reports, scientific articles, news and related academic documents. In the second chapter, whose title is Contextualization, detailing and comparison of the Brazilian federal legislation on organic foods with that adopted in the United States and the European Union, the history of Brazilian legislation related to organic foods was shown, highlighting relevant facts; certain regulated guidelines were also analyzed and contrasted with those defined by other standards. For this, a qualitative exploratory approach was carried out using documentary and bibliographic research procedures, with the main sources of information being legislative texts, scientific articles, academic documents and related technical reports. In the third chapter, entitled Differences in composition between organic and conventional processed foods: systematic literature review and meta-analysis, the nutrient and contaminant contents of certain groups of processed organic foods were compared with the respective conventional versions. For this, systematic literature reviews of recent scientific articles published in relevant databases were carried out, and the results of these searches were treated by meta- analytic techniques. The results of the study indicated that the organic food sector has been growing considerably in recent years, with the European and North American market as protagonists, however, the questionable quality and the restricted volume of information on market data are presented as a challenge that has to be overcome. Regarding the legal aspects analyzed, the greater dispersion of the related Brazilian legal content and the existence of differences in relation to the other analyzed norms: legal formalization of alternative means for commercialization, inclusion of social and labor aspects in the legal texts, related definitions the conditions of production and processing of organic foods, among others. Still in relation to legal aspects, it is worth mentioning that no elements were found that determine differences in quality between organic and conventional, but permissive and prohibitive rules related to production, processing, transport and commercialization. In addition, the results of the third chapter, which compared organic and conventional processed products, did not show strong enough elements to allow us to affirm that there are significant differences between the nutrient and contaminant content of the analyzed products from the two forms of production. Finally, some measures that could be taken to improve the organic food sector nationally were mentioned, based on the results of this work. Keywords: Legislation. Quality. Organic food.
Society increasingly expects sustainable food production, which meets the fundamentals associated with organic production, making it an interesting and promising alternative. Therefore, investigating certain aspects related to this scenario - marketing, production, legislation, processing and quality - is important to improve the organic food sector, especially nationally. Given this context, the present study was carried out, with the main objective of contrasting the content legally defined in Brazil in relation to organic foods with what is practiced in other places, as well as comparing quality aspects - nutrients and contaminants - of the food produced in the referred system with the conventional. The first chapter, entitled Organic Food Market, presents market data and general trends in organic food consumption available in technical reports, scientific articles, news and related academic documents. In the second chapter, whose title is Contextualization, detailing and comparison of the Brazilian federal legislation on organic foods with that adopted in the United States and the European Union, the history of Brazilian legislation related to organic foods was shown, highlighting relevant facts; certain regulated guidelines were also analyzed and contrasted with those defined by other standards. For this, a qualitative exploratory approach was carried out using documentary and bibliographic research procedures, with the main sources of information being legislative texts, scientific articles, academic documents and related technical reports. In the third chapter, entitled Differences in composition between organic and conventional processed foods: systematic literature review and meta-analysis, the nutrient and contaminant contents of certain groups of processed organic foods were compared with the respective conventional versions. For this, systematic literature reviews of recent scientific articles published in relevant databases were carried out, and the results of these searches were treated by meta- analytic techniques. The results of the study indicated that the organic food sector has been growing considerably in recent years, with the European and North American market as protagonists, however, the questionable quality and the restricted volume of information on market data are presented as a challenge that has to be overcome. Regarding the legal aspects analyzed, the greater dispersion of the related Brazilian legal content and the existence of differences in relation to the other analyzed norms: legal formalization of alternative means for commercialization, inclusion of social and labor aspects in the legal texts, related definitions the conditions of production and processing of organic foods, among others. Still in relation to legal aspects, it is worth mentioning that no elements were found that determine differences in quality between organic and conventional, but permissive and prohibitive rules related to production, processing, transport and commercialization. In addition, the results of the third chapter, which compared organic and conventional processed products, did not show strong enough elements to allow us to affirm that there are significant differences between the nutrient and contaminant content of the analyzed products from the two forms of production. Finally, some measures that could be taken to improve the organic food sector nationally were mentioned, based on the results of this work. Keywords: Legislation. Quality. Organic food.
Alimentos orgânicos - Análise, Alimentos orgânicos - Legislação, Alimentos orgânicos - Composição, Certificação
TAVARES, Victor de Souza. Alimentos orgânicos: dados mercadológicos e análise crítica da legislação brasileira e da qualidade dos alimentos processados. 2022. 265 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.