Comportamento alimentar de mães com vivência em perda de filho(a)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A morte de um(a) filho(a) provoca reações afetivo-emocionais de longa duração que têm implicações no comportamento alimentar e no estado de nutrição dos pais. Com a supressão do convívio com o(a) filho(a) falecido(a), muito há por compreender em atitudes alimentares manifestadas no luto. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento alimentar de mães com vivência em perda de filho(a). Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com amostra por conveniência, realizado com mães frequentadoras de Organizações não- governamentais de apoio ao luto do Estado de Minas Gerais. Para atender a abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa deste estudo, foi desenvolvido um protocolo de condutas como um instrumento de acesso específico para conduzir inquéritos alimentares com enlutados. Para análise compreensiva das múltiplas dimensões que o fenômeno do luto materno envolve, a abordagem qualitativa foi ancorada na entrevista alimentar não-diretiva, adotando-se a perspectiva teórico-metodológica da fenomenologia existencial Heideggeriana. Para a abordagem quantitativa foi aplicado um questionário contemplando variáveis antropométricas, clínicas, socioeconômicas, causa do óbito, dor da perda, e caracterização do enlutamento. A ingestão foi documentada por meio de Questionário de Frequência Alimentar – QFA e para identificar tendências alimentares no luto materno, procedeu-se a análise de marcadores do consumo alimentar. Solicitou-se o registro das sensações hedônicas (fome, apetite, saciação, saciedade e refeição apetitosa) em datas críticas de tributo ao(a) filho(a) falecido(a) – de nascimento ou falecimento. O protocolo de condutas desenvolvido foi uma ferramenta que atendeu de forma satisfatória à necessidade de obtenção de informações de qualidade e de minimizar reações emocionais por parte da mãe. Participaram deste estudo 33 mães com idade entre 40 a 61 anos, com predominância de dois anos ou mais de vivência em perda de filho. Por meio da pesquisa foi possível delinear as práticas alimentares de mães com vivência em perda de filho(a) em seu contexto existencial e na sua relação com o alimento. A influência que o luto exerceu na relação de mães com a alimentação foi evidenciada de diversas maneiras, seja na ausência de fome, na alteração do peso e na falta do(a) filho(a) nas refeições, representando os desafios da mãe perante uma “mesa que encolheu” e exigindo das mesmas novas significações frente à alimentação. A condição existencial da mãe em ser-com os demais filhos possibilitou reações mais contundentes de enfrentamento ao luto no contexto da dimensão existencial do espaço do culinário. Os resultados da análise quantitativa também evidenciaram que a condição de ter mais filhos impôs às mães reações proativas frente aos alimentos, mesmo diante do luto recente. Verificou-se que a intensidade da dor da perda se correlacionou, de forma significativa, com ausência da fome, saciação rápida e saciedade prolongada; enquanto, o tempo maior de óbito do(a) filho(a) teve correlação com as escalas de sensação de fome e de menor saciação e saciedade. Os marcadores do consumo alimentar indicaram que o hábito alimentar da mãe tende a se restabelecer com o tempo. Ao se estudar a relação das mães com o alimento diante do luto materno, o seu modo de ser presente revelou que esta relação estava permeada por conflitos que implicaram em alterações nas práticas alimentares, levando a riscos nutricionais. O trauma decorrido da morte de um filho exerce fortes influências no sistema de regulação da fome e da saciedade, resultando, de início, na ausência da fome, na saciação rápida e na saciedade prolongada; e posteriormente, na busca por alimentos de resíduos adocicados e na persistência de determinadas restrições alimentares. Essas reações resultam em desgastes físicos com implicações no estado nutricional.
The death of a child causes long-lasting affective-emotional reactions that have implications in the eating behavior and nutrition status of the parents. With the suppression of conviviality with the deceased child, there is much to be understood in terms of eating attitudes manifested in mourning. The present study had as objective to investigate the feeding behavior of mothers with living with child loss. This is a cross-sectional study, with convenience sample, performed with mothers attending non-governmental organizations to support mourning in the state of Minas Gerais. To meet the qualitative and quantitative approach of this study, a conduct protocol was developed as a specific access instrument to drive food surveys with mourners. For a comprehensive analysis of the multiple dimensions that the phenomenon of maternal mourning involves, the qualitative approach was anchored in the non-directive food interview, adopting the theoretical-methodological perspective of existential Heideggerian phenomenology. For the quantitative approach, a questionnaire was applied including anthropometric, clinical, socioeconomic variables, cause of death, pain of loss, and characterization of the involvement in mourning. Intake was documented through a Food Frequency Questionnaire - FFA and to identify dietary trends in maternal mourning, the analysis of food consumption markers was carried out. It was requested to register the hedonistic sensations (hunger, appetite, satiation, satiety and appetizing meal) on critical dates of tribute to the deceased child - birth or death date. The protocol of conducts developed was a tool that satisfactorily met the need to obtain quality information and to minimize emotional reactions of the mother. Thirty-three mothers aged between 40 and 61 years, predominantly two years or more living with child loss, participated in this study. Through the research it was possible to delineate the feeding practices of mothers that lost a child in their existential context and in their relationship with food. The influence that mourning exerted in the relationship of mothers with feeding was evidenced in several ways, either in the absence of hunger, in the weight change and the lack of the child in the meals, representing the challenges of the mother before a "Table that shrank" and demanding the same new meanings regarding food. The existential condition of the mother in being-with the other children made possible more forceful reactions of confrontation to mourning in the context of the existential dimension of the space of the culinary. The results of the quantitative analysis also showed that the condition of having more xiithat the condition of having more children imposed on mothers proactive reactions to food, even in the face of recent mourning. It was found that the intensity of the pain of loss correlated significantly with the absence of hunger, rapid satiation and prolonged satiety; while the longest time of death of the child had a correlation with the scale of hunger sensation and with less satiation and satiety. Food consumption markers indicated that the mother's eating habit tends to reestablish over time. When the relationship of mothers with food to maternal mourning was studied, their way of being present revealed that this relationship was permeated by conflicts that led to changes in eating practices, leading to nutritional risks. The trauma resulting from the death of a child exerts strong influences on the system that regulates hunger and satiety, resulting, in the beginning, from the absence of hunger, rapid satiation and prolonged satiety; and later, in the search for foods of sweet residues and in the persistence of certain food restrictions. These reactions result in physical exhaustion with nutritional status implications.
The death of a child causes long-lasting affective-emotional reactions that have implications in the eating behavior and nutrition status of the parents. With the suppression of conviviality with the deceased child, there is much to be understood in terms of eating attitudes manifested in mourning. The present study had as objective to investigate the feeding behavior of mothers with living with child loss. This is a cross-sectional study, with convenience sample, performed with mothers attending non-governmental organizations to support mourning in the state of Minas Gerais. To meet the qualitative and quantitative approach of this study, a conduct protocol was developed as a specific access instrument to drive food surveys with mourners. For a comprehensive analysis of the multiple dimensions that the phenomenon of maternal mourning involves, the qualitative approach was anchored in the non-directive food interview, adopting the theoretical-methodological perspective of existential Heideggerian phenomenology. For the quantitative approach, a questionnaire was applied including anthropometric, clinical, socioeconomic variables, cause of death, pain of loss, and characterization of the involvement in mourning. Intake was documented through a Food Frequency Questionnaire - FFA and to identify dietary trends in maternal mourning, the analysis of food consumption markers was carried out. It was requested to register the hedonistic sensations (hunger, appetite, satiation, satiety and appetizing meal) on critical dates of tribute to the deceased child - birth or death date. The protocol of conducts developed was a tool that satisfactorily met the need to obtain quality information and to minimize emotional reactions of the mother. Thirty-three mothers aged between 40 and 61 years, predominantly two years or more living with child loss, participated in this study. Through the research it was possible to delineate the feeding practices of mothers that lost a child in their existential context and in their relationship with food. The influence that mourning exerted in the relationship of mothers with feeding was evidenced in several ways, either in the absence of hunger, in the weight change and the lack of the child in the meals, representing the challenges of the mother before a "Table that shrank" and demanding the same new meanings regarding food. The existential condition of the mother in being-with the other children made possible more forceful reactions of confrontation to mourning in the context of the existential dimension of the space of the culinary. The results of the quantitative analysis also showed that the condition of having more xiithat the condition of having more children imposed on mothers proactive reactions to food, even in the face of recent mourning. It was found that the intensity of the pain of loss correlated significantly with the absence of hunger, rapid satiation and prolonged satiety; while the longest time of death of the child had a correlation with the scale of hunger sensation and with less satiation and satiety. Food consumption markers indicated that the mother's eating habit tends to reestablish over time. When the relationship of mothers with food to maternal mourning was studied, their way of being present revealed that this relationship was permeated by conflicts that led to changes in eating practices, leading to nutritional risks. The trauma resulting from the death of a child exerts strong influences on the system that regulates hunger and satiety, resulting, in the beginning, from the absence of hunger, rapid satiation and prolonged satiety; and later, in the search for foods of sweet residues and in the persistence of certain food restrictions. These reactions result in physical exhaustion with nutritional status implications.
Alimentação - Mães, Nutrição, Luto, Comportamento alimentar - Aspectos nutricionais
CAMPOS, Maria Teresa Fialho de Sousa. Comportamento alimentar de mães com vivência em perda de filho(a). 2018. 104 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2018.