Influência das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação básica em Minas Gerais: uma modelagem híbrida multidimensional
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na educação tem deixado de ser uma possibilidade, tornando-se uma realidade em várias cidades de Minas Gerais. Entretanto, muitas delas carecem de infraestrutura adequada para a utilização das TICs. Neste estudo, propôs-se avaliar a infraestrutura disponível e a utilização das TICs na educação pública fundamental em municípios deste Estado, analisando sua relação com o desempenho educacional. Para atender o objetivo proposto, o estudo foi dividido em quatro etapas metodológicas. A primeira etapa consiste na revisão integrativa, que tem o intuito de analisar artigos publicados em periódicos científicos. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir das bases do Web of Science (WOS) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). A busca foi realizada em títulos, resumos, palavras-chave e Keywords Plus dos artigos, utilizando os descritores “TICs”, “tecnologia da informação e comunicação”, “educação”, “ICTs” “information and communication technology” e “education”. Na segunda etapa, recorreu-se a um modelo de regressão linear múltipla e três modelos de regressão quantílica (quantil 25, 50 e 75), com o intuito de avaliar a relação entre as TICs e o desempenho educacional. Foram avaliados 824 municípios de Minas Gerais, em que a variável dependente foi a nota do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB). As variáveis independentes estão relacionadas às TICs: educação, saúde e capacidade econômica. Na terceira etapa, foram utilizadas técnicas de análise geoestatística combinadas com inteligência artificial com o intuito de identificar as variáveis mais importantes que afetam o desempenho educacional e identificar as áreas que possuem maiores limitações para a utilização das TICs na educação. Para isso, utilizou-se as técnicas de semivariograma, krigagem e Machine Learning. A última etapa, consiste em um estudo qualitativo. Para esta etapa, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores envolvidos na educação, e analisados por meio da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que os estudos científicos têm discutido sobre a utilização das TICs na educação, com foco na capacitação docente. Além disso, a taxa de publicações de artigos com esta temática aumentou desde os anos 2000. Já as análises por meio dos modelos de regressão indicaram que algumas variáveis conexas às TICs apresentam relação positiva com o desempenho na educação. Uma delas é o acesso à internet banda larga, que foi significativo em todos os modelos de regressão. A taxa de alunos em escolas com internet no ensino fundamental apresentou relação positiva apenas em níveis mais altos do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica - IDEB (quantil 75). A análise de inteligência geográfica possibilitou identificar que o sinal de internet banda larga é a variável mais importante, dentre as outras analisadas, para contribuir com a melhoria da média da nota do IDEB municipal. Além disso, foi possível identificar que as regiões de Minas Gerais com maior vulnerabilidade para a utilização das TICs na educação estão em áreas menos desenvolvidas. Também, foi possível identificar a percepção que os profissionais da educação têm em relação às limitações do uso das TICs na educação. Os entrevistados se referiram à falta de planejamento e de políticas públicas.
Administração Pública. Educação Básica. Inteligência Geográfica. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education has ceased to be a possibility, becoming a reality in several cities in Minas Gerais. However, many of them lack adequate infrastructure for the use of ICTs. In this study, it was proposed to evaluate the available infrastructure and the use of ICTs in basic public education in municipalities in this State, analyzing its relationship with educational performance. To meet the proposed objective, the study was divided into four methodological stages. The first stage consists of the integrative review, which aims to analyze articles published in scientific journals. Data collection was carried out from the Web of Science (WOS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases. The search was carried out in titles, abstracts, keywords and Keywords Plus of the articles, using the descriptors “TICs”, “information and communication technology”, “education”, “ICTs”, “information and communication technology” and “education”. In the second stage, a multiple linear regression model and three quantile regression models (quantile 25, 50 and 75) were used, with the aim of evaluating the relationship between ICTs and educational performance. 824 municipalities in Minas Gerais were evaluated, in which the dependent variable was the score on the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). The independent variables are related to ICTs: education, health and economic capacity. In the third stage, geostatistical analysis techniques combined with artificial intelligence were used with the aim of identifying the most important variables that affect educational performance and identifying the areas that have the greatest limitations for the use of ICTs in education. For this, the techniques of semivariogram, kriging and Machine Learning were used. The last stage consists of a qualitative study. For this stage, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with actors involved in education, and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. The results indicate that scientific studies have discussed the use of ICTs in education, with a focus on teacher training. Furthermore, the rate of publication of articles on this topic has increased since the 2000s. Analyzes using regression models indicated that some variables related to ICTs have a positive relationship with performance in education. One of them is broadband internet access, which was significant in all regression models. The rate of students in schools with internet in primary education showed a positive relationship only at higher levels of the Basic Education Development Index - IDEB (quantile 75). The geographic intelligence analysis made it possible to identify that the broadband internet signal is the most important variable, among the others analyzed, to contribute to improving the average municipal IDEB score. Furthermore, it was possible to identify that the regions of Minas Gerais with the greatest vulnerability to the use of ICTs in education are in less developed areas. Also, it was possible to identify the perception that education professionals have regarding the limitations of the use of ICTs in education. Respondents referred to the lack of planning and public policies. Keywords: Public Administration. Basic Education. Geographic Intelligence. Information and Communication Technologies.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education has ceased to be a possibility, becoming a reality in several cities in Minas Gerais. However, many of them lack adequate infrastructure for the use of ICTs. In this study, it was proposed to evaluate the available infrastructure and the use of ICTs in basic public education in municipalities in this State, analyzing its relationship with educational performance. To meet the proposed objective, the study was divided into four methodological stages. The first stage consists of the integrative review, which aims to analyze articles published in scientific journals. Data collection was carried out from the Web of Science (WOS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases. The search was carried out in titles, abstracts, keywords and Keywords Plus of the articles, using the descriptors “TICs”, “information and communication technology”, “education”, “ICTs”, “information and communication technology” and “education”. In the second stage, a multiple linear regression model and three quantile regression models (quantile 25, 50 and 75) were used, with the aim of evaluating the relationship between ICTs and educational performance. 824 municipalities in Minas Gerais were evaluated, in which the dependent variable was the score on the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). The independent variables are related to ICTs: education, health and economic capacity. In the third stage, geostatistical analysis techniques combined with artificial intelligence were used with the aim of identifying the most important variables that affect educational performance and identifying the areas that have the greatest limitations for the use of ICTs in education. For this, the techniques of semivariogram, kriging and Machine Learning were used. The last stage consists of a qualitative study. For this stage, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with actors involved in education, and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. The results indicate that scientific studies have discussed the use of ICTs in education, with a focus on teacher training. Furthermore, the rate of publication of articles on this topic has increased since the 2000s. Analyzes using regression models indicated that some variables related to ICTs have a positive relationship with performance in education. One of them is broadband internet access, which was significant in all regression models. The rate of students in schools with internet in primary education showed a positive relationship only at higher levels of the Basic Education Development Index - IDEB (quantile 75). The geographic intelligence analysis made it possible to identify that the broadband internet signal is the most important variable, among the others analyzed, to contribute to improving the average municipal IDEB score. Furthermore, it was possible to identify that the regions of Minas Gerais with the greatest vulnerability to the use of ICTs in education are in less developed areas. Also, it was possible to identify the perception that education professionals have regarding the limitations of the use of ICTs in education. Respondents referred to the lack of planning and public policies. Keywords: Public Administration. Basic Education. Geographic Intelligence. Information and Communication Technologies.
Administração pública - Minas Gerais, Ensino fundamental - Efeitos das inovações tecnológicas - Minas Gerais, Tecnologia educacional, Estatística educacional
MENDES, Wanderson de Almeida. Influência das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação básica em Minas Gerais: uma modelagem híbrida multidimensional. 2023. 167 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.