Interiorização da educação superior: um estudo a partir da condição de vida dos egressos no Amazonas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Com o intuito de combater as disparidades quanto ao acesso à educação superior pública no Amazonas, que não é suprida pelas Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, principalmente no interior do estado, a Universidade do Estado do Amazonas tem empreendido uma política de interiorização do ensino superior, nas modalidades presencial regular e de cursos especiais, na modalidade presencial modular ou mediados por tecnologiadiversas da modalidade Ensino a Distância (EaD). A pesquisa realizada teve como objetivo geral compreender os efeitos do acesso à educação superior nas condições de vida dos egressos do Centro de Estudos Superiores de Parintins (CESP/UEA). Quanto ao método de pesquisa, trata- se de um estudo descritivo e de natureza qualitativa, que foi realizado a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas a 20 egressos de diversos cursos ofertados no CESP/UEA. Para a análise dos dados, foi empregada a técnica da análise de conteúdo, na modalidade análise temática, bem como a análise estatística descritiva. Por meio da pesquisa, foi possível compreender que a educação superior ofertada nos locais afastados do Centro Urbano do Amazonas tem efeitos primordialmente materiais e não materiais, impactando em melhorias na vida do egresso com o incremento de renda, maior expectativa de empregabilidade e competitividade no mercado de trabalho. Além disso, a graduação possibilitou a mobilidade social na vida dos egressos e de seus descendentes, empreendendo-se referências familiares capazes de mudar a trajetória de exclusão do interiorano. Por fim, o CESP/UEA tem um corpo docente que atua na formação de alunos com responsabilidade social. Portanto, este trabalho pode contribuir na área de Avaliação de Políticas Públicas do Ensino Superior no Contexto da Interiorização da Graduação. Palavras-chave: Política Pública. Interiorização. Educação Superior. Egressos de Parintins.
In order to combat disparities in access to public higher education in the Amazon, which are not sufficiently offered by federal institutions of higher education and, mainly, in the interior of the state, the University of the State of Amazonas has carried out a policy of internalization of higher education, in regular face-to-face modalities and special courses, in the modular classroom modality or mediated by technology, which is not characterized as a distance learning modality (EaD). The research carried out had as general objective to understand the effects of access to higher education on the living conditions of graduates of the Center for Higher Studies of Parintins (CESP/UEA). As for the research method, it is a descriptive and qualitative study, which was carried out from semi-structured interviews with twenty graduates from different courses offered at CESP/UEA. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used, in the thematic analysis modality, and descriptive statistical analysis. Through the research, it was possible to understand that the higher education offered in places far from the urban center of Amazonas has material and non-material effects, impacting on improvements in the life of the graduates in terms of increased income, greater expectation of employability and competitiveness in the job market. job. In addition, the graduation allowed social mobility in the lives of graduates and their descendants, undertaking family references capable of changing the trajectory of exclusion of the countryside and, finally, CESP/UEA has a faculty that works to train students with social responsibility. Keywords: Public Policy. Interiorization. College education. Egresses from Parintins.
In order to combat disparities in access to public higher education in the Amazon, which are not sufficiently offered by federal institutions of higher education and, mainly, in the interior of the state, the University of the State of Amazonas has carried out a policy of internalization of higher education, in regular face-to-face modalities and special courses, in the modular classroom modality or mediated by technology, which is not characterized as a distance learning modality (EaD). The research carried out had as general objective to understand the effects of access to higher education on the living conditions of graduates of the Center for Higher Studies of Parintins (CESP/UEA). As for the research method, it is a descriptive and qualitative study, which was carried out from semi-structured interviews with twenty graduates from different courses offered at CESP/UEA. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used, in the thematic analysis modality, and descriptive statistical analysis. Through the research, it was possible to understand that the higher education offered in places far from the urban center of Amazonas has material and non-material effects, impacting on improvements in the life of the graduates in terms of increased income, greater expectation of employability and competitiveness in the job market. job. In addition, the graduation allowed social mobility in the lives of graduates and their descendants, undertaking family references capable of changing the trajectory of exclusion of the countryside and, finally, CESP/UEA has a faculty that works to train students with social responsibility. Keywords: Public Policy. Interiorization. College education. Egresses from Parintins.
Universidade do Estado do AmazonasAdministração Pública, Cenro de Estudos Superiores de Parintins Ex-alunos - Condições econômicas -, Ensino superior - Politica governamental - Parintins (AM)
ALBUQUERQUE, Raisa. Interiorização da educação superior: um estudo a partir da condição de vida dos egressos no Amazonas. 2022. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.