Qualidade da água de riachos avaliadas através da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Os sistemas lóticos do bioma cerrado estão sujeitos a impactos antrópicos de diferentes origens e intensidades, como urbanização, agropecuária e mineração, que causam poluição, barramentos, assoreamentos e perda da mata ripária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar qualidade de água e condições ecológicas de cursos d’água do Cerrado. Como método, utilizamos uma abordagem integrada entre avaliação das condições ambientais através do estudo da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos, protocolos visuais de avaliação das condições físicas dos riachos e mata ripária e análises físico-químicas da água. Na bacia do Alto Rio Paranaíba, avaliamos quatro pontos perturbados e quatro pontos de referência para desenvolvimento de um índice multimétrico, baseado na comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. Cinco métricas integram o índice final (abundância relativa de Odonata, abundância relativa de EPT, riqueza de organismos temporariamente aderidos ao substrato, abundância relativa de raspadores e índice BMWP-Monteiro), que foi aplicado com sucesso em outros seis pontos amostrais intermediariamente perturbados. Com robustez suficiente para distinguir diferentes graus de perturbação dos riachos, aliado a sua facilidade de aplicação, este índice multimétrico poderá facilitar futuros diagnósticos e monitoramentos. Na bacia do Rio Paranaíba, realizamos um diagnóstico da bacia do Rio São Marcos, com o objetivo de avaliar se o uso de solo predominantemente agrícola têm indicadores inferiores da qualidade de água e da mata ripária em comparação com ambiente natural. Apesar de todos os indicadores apontarem impactos em áreas com uso de solo para agropecuária, essa diferença pouco acentuada. Na bacia do Rio Paracatu, mineração e irrigação para agricultura são grandes ameaças. Em quatro pontos amostrais foram encontrados diferentes contaminantes: quatro metais pesados com concentração acima do permitido pela legislação vigente: Cu, Fe, Al e As, porém apenas este último dá indícios de impacto negativo na diversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. Biomonitoramento é recomendado para as áreas críticas afetadas pela mineração.
The lotic systems of the Cerrado biome are subject to anthropogenic impacts from different origins and intensities, such as urbanization, agriculture and mining, which cause pollution, dams, siltation and loss of riparian forest. The objective of this work was to evaluate water quality and ecological conditions of Cerrado water streams. As a method, we use an integrated approach between environmental conditions assessment through the study of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates, visual protocols of physical condition assessment of streams and riparian forest and physicochemical analysis of water. In the Upper Rio Paranaíba basin, we evaluated four disturbed points and four reference points for the development of a multimetric index based on the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Five metrics integrate the final index (relative abundance of Odonata, relative abundance of EPT, richness of organisms temporarily attached to the substrate, relative abundance of scrapers and BMWP-Monteiro index), which was successfully applied to six other intermediate disturbed sampling points. With sufficient robustness to distinguish different degrees of stream disturbance, coupled with its ease of application, this multimetric index may facilitate future diagnostics and monitoring. In the Paranaíba River basin, we performed a diagnosis of the São Marcos River basin, with the aim of assess whether predominantly agricultural land use has lower indicators of water quality and riparian forest compared to the natural environment. Although all indicators point to impacts on areas with land use for agriculture, this difference is not very pronounced. In the Paracatu River basin, mining and irrigation for agriculture are major threats. In four sampling points different contaminants were found: four heavy metals with concentration above the allowed by the current legislation: Cu, Fe, Al and As, but only the latter gives evidence of negative impact on the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Biomonitoring is recommended for critical areas affected by mining.
The lotic systems of the Cerrado biome are subject to anthropogenic impacts from different origins and intensities, such as urbanization, agriculture and mining, which cause pollution, dams, siltation and loss of riparian forest. The objective of this work was to evaluate water quality and ecological conditions of Cerrado water streams. As a method, we use an integrated approach between environmental conditions assessment through the study of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates, visual protocols of physical condition assessment of streams and riparian forest and physicochemical analysis of water. In the Upper Rio Paranaíba basin, we evaluated four disturbed points and four reference points for the development of a multimetric index based on the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Five metrics integrate the final index (relative abundance of Odonata, relative abundance of EPT, richness of organisms temporarily attached to the substrate, relative abundance of scrapers and BMWP-Monteiro index), which was successfully applied to six other intermediate disturbed sampling points. With sufficient robustness to distinguish different degrees of stream disturbance, coupled with its ease of application, this multimetric index may facilitate future diagnostics and monitoring. In the Paranaíba River basin, we performed a diagnosis of the São Marcos River basin, with the aim of assess whether predominantly agricultural land use has lower indicators of water quality and riparian forest compared to the natural environment. Although all indicators point to impacts on areas with land use for agriculture, this difference is not very pronounced. In the Paracatu River basin, mining and irrigation for agriculture are major threats. In four sampling points different contaminants were found: four heavy metals with concentration above the allowed by the current legislation: Cu, Fe, Al and As, but only the latter gives evidence of negative impact on the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Biomonitoring is recommended for critical areas affected by mining.
Ecologia lacustre, Metais pesados, Arsenio, Analise multivariada
PENTEADO, Pierre Rafael. Qualidade da água de riachos avaliadas através da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos. 2019. 85 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ecologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.