O legal e o prescrito em debate: os pressupostos da formação do professor nos currículos de cursos de Pedagogia
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Mesmo com a promulgação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para curso de Pedagogia (BRASIL, 2006), que revela a definição da docência como base comum de formação nos cursos de Pedagogia, as discussões em torno desse curso estão ainda muito acirradas, principalmente no que concerne ao perfil profissional e ao objeto do curso. Tais discussões se engendram numa lógica mais ampla de debates acerca da formação de professores. Os currículos de formação se configuram a partir de uma perspectiva de educação, de ensino e de professor, podendo ser a partir das racionalidades técnica, prática e/ou crítico-reflexiva. Nesse sentido, nosso estudo se justifica na medida em que buscamos compreender a configuração curricular dos cursos de Pedagogia, problematizando pressupostos da formação do pedagogo conforme as Diretrizes Nacionais e os currículos prescritos de três universidades públicas mineiras, discutindo centralmente sobre a concepção de docência. Como percurso metodológicoanalítico nossa pesquisa se encaminhou numa vertente qualitativa, em que a análise documental constituiu-se em metodologia central. Como instrumento de análise, utilizamos a análise de conteúdo, buscando entender e problematizar, a partir das unidades de registro, a categoria central deste trabalho, a saber: concepção de docência. A análise foi encaminhada no sentido de estabelecer discussão cíclica e constante com a literatura que embasou nossas reflexões. Num primeiro momento, trouxemos a discussão e configuração do campo da formação de professores ao longo da história, abarcando a concepção de docência atrelada às racionalidades, desde a criação da primeira escola para preparação de professores. O segundo capítulo discorreu especificamente sobre o curso de Pedagogia e a configuração curricular que foi sendo configurada nesse curso desde sua criação, em 1939. Acreditamos que os resultados alcançados com essa pesquisa podem trazer contribuições significativas no meio acadêmico e especificamente para as discussões veementes sobre o curso de Pedagogia, tendo ciência de que são passíveis de outros olhares, pois o conhecimento é um estado em processo e não acabado. Percebemos, conforme análise do currículo prescrito das três universidades selecionadas, que as Diretrizes (BRASIL, 2006), enquanto documento curricular oficial, apresentam precedentes para a interpretação variada dos pressupostos que embasam a estruturação curricular prescrita pelas instituições formativas, o que pode representar uma fragilidade, tendo em vista a configuração identitária do curso. Sendo assim, pudemos problematizar a concepção alargada de docência expressa nos documentos oficiais analisados, que se revela na constituição do hiperprofissional ; bem como a fragilidade ainda encontrada nos currículos prescritos para a efetivação da integração teoria-prática na formação do pedagogo. Portanto, ainda se fazem pertinentes as discussões em torno do curso de Pedagogia a fim de minimizar as incertezas e buscar maiores definições acerca da identidade deste.
Even with the promulgation of National Curriculum Guidelines for Education Course (BRASIL, 2006), reveals that the definition of teaching as a basis for common training courses in Pedagogy, the discussions around this course are still very heated, especially regarding the professional profile and the object of the course. Such discussions are engendered a logic broader debates about teacher training. The training curricula are configured from a perspective of education, teaching and teacher can be from technical rationality, practical and/or critical-reflexive. In this sense, our study is justified to the extent that we seek to understand the curricular configuration of Pedagogy, questioning the assumptions of pedagogue training as the National Guidelines and curricula prescribed three public universities in Minas Gerais State, discussing centrally on the teaching conception. As our methodological approach and analytical research headed in the qualitative, in which document analysis consisted in core methodology. As instrument of analysis, we used content analysis, seeking to understand and discuss, from the registration units, the central category of this work were: of teaching conception. The analysis was directed towards establishing cyclical and constant discussion with the literature that based our reflections. At first, we brought the discussion and configuration of the field of teacher education throughout history, covering the concept of teaching linked to rationality, since the establishment of the first school for teacher preparation. The second chapter talked specifically about the Pedagogy courses and curricula configuration that has been configured in this course since its creation in 1939. We believe that the results achieved through this research can bring significant academics contributions and specifically for the vehement discussions over the Pedagogy course, and knowing that they are susceptible to other viewpoints, because knowledge is a state in process and not finished. We realize, as prescribed curriculum analysis of the three selected universities, that the National Guidelines (BRASIL, 2006), while the official curricular document, provides precedent for the interpretation of varied presuppositions that underpin structuring curricular prescribed by institutions of learning, which may represent fragility, in view of in the identity configuration view of the course. Thus, we discuss the extended conception of teaching expressed in official documents analyzed, which reveals itself in the constitution of "hyper professional" as well as the fragility still found in the curricula prescribed for effective integration of theory-practice in the formation of the pedagogue. Therefore, still being relevant discussions around the Pedagogy course in order to minimize uncertainties and seek more definitions about the identity of this.
Even with the promulgation of National Curriculum Guidelines for Education Course (BRASIL, 2006), reveals that the definition of teaching as a basis for common training courses in Pedagogy, the discussions around this course are still very heated, especially regarding the professional profile and the object of the course. Such discussions are engendered a logic broader debates about teacher training. The training curricula are configured from a perspective of education, teaching and teacher can be from technical rationality, practical and/or critical-reflexive. In this sense, our study is justified to the extent that we seek to understand the curricular configuration of Pedagogy, questioning the assumptions of pedagogue training as the National Guidelines and curricula prescribed three public universities in Minas Gerais State, discussing centrally on the teaching conception. As our methodological approach and analytical research headed in the qualitative, in which document analysis consisted in core methodology. As instrument of analysis, we used content analysis, seeking to understand and discuss, from the registration units, the central category of this work were: of teaching conception. The analysis was directed towards establishing cyclical and constant discussion with the literature that based our reflections. At first, we brought the discussion and configuration of the field of teacher education throughout history, covering the concept of teaching linked to rationality, since the establishment of the first school for teacher preparation. The second chapter talked specifically about the Pedagogy courses and curricula configuration that has been configured in this course since its creation in 1939. We believe that the results achieved through this research can bring significant academics contributions and specifically for the vehement discussions over the Pedagogy course, and knowing that they are susceptible to other viewpoints, because knowledge is a state in process and not finished. We realize, as prescribed curriculum analysis of the three selected universities, that the National Guidelines (BRASIL, 2006), while the official curricular document, provides precedent for the interpretation of varied presuppositions that underpin structuring curricular prescribed by institutions of learning, which may represent fragility, in view of in the identity configuration view of the course. Thus, we discuss the extended conception of teaching expressed in official documents analyzed, which reveals itself in the constitution of "hyper professional" as well as the fragility still found in the curricula prescribed for effective integration of theory-practice in the formation of the pedagogue. Therefore, still being relevant discussions around the Pedagogy course in order to minimize uncertainties and seek more definitions about the identity of this.
Formação de professores, Currículo, Curso de Pedagogia, Teacher training, Curriculum, Education Course
LEAL, Elimar Ponzzo Dutra. The legal and prescribed under discussion: the assumptions of teacher education in the curricula of Pedagogy courses. 2013. 163 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, estado e sociedade; formação de professores e práticas educativas) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2013.