Tecnologia de Alimentos

URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://locus.ufv.br/handle/123456789/11783


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Fatores da embalagem de café orgânico torrado e moído na intenção de compra do consumidor
    (Food Science and Technology, 2007-07) Lucia, Suzana Maria Della; Minim, Valéria Paula Rodrigues; Silva, Carlos Henrique Osório; Minim, Luis Antonio
    O efeito de algumas características da embalagem de café orgânico sobre a intenção de compra do consumidor foi avaliado, utilizando-se a conjoint analysis. Quatro características, cada uma com dois níveis, foram manipuladas: preço do produto (alto e baixo), cor da embalagem (vermelha e verde), marca (conhecida e desconhecida) e informação sobre orgânicos (com e sem os dizeres "produto isento de agrotóxicos" e "não agride o meio ambiente"). Dezesseis embalagens hipotéticas foram criadas seguindo o delineamento fatorial completo e avaliadas por 144 consumidores, de acordo com a intenção de compra. O modelo clustering segmentation foi utilizado para a análise dos dados. A marca conhecida afetou positivamente a intenção de compra de 93% dos consumidores. Embalagens possuindo preço alto conferiram impacto negativo na intenção de compra de todos os participantes. A cor da embalagem teve pouco impacto na avaliação. As informações adicionais sobre orgânicos afetaram positivamente a intenção de compra de 79% dos participantes, demonstrando que consumidores gostam de encontrar informações sobre o produto descritas na embalagem.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Preference mapping to assess the effect of information on the acceptability of snack bars
    (Food Science and Technology, 2018) Pinto, Vinícius Rodrigues Arruda; Araújo, Lucas Guimarães; Soares, Letícia dos Santos; Dantas, Maria Inês de Souza; Souza, Thiago Duarte de; Melo, Laura Fernandes; Minim, Valéria Paula Rodrigues; Bressan, Josefina; Lucia, Suzana Maria Della
    Six Brazilian commercial brands of snack bars were chosen to evaluate the importance of packaging, highlighting the potential of health claims on the acceptability of them. One hundred and two consumers evaluated bars in three sessions of acceptance test, using a nine-point hedonic scale: the first with no information about the product, the second containing the packaging of the product and the last with information on health-related claims associated with the consumption of the bar. A Randomized Complete Block Design structured the experiment. The results were analyzed using frequency distribution, internal preference mapping, ANOVA and Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05). In the blind test, the lower mean acceptance of the seed and protein bars showed the need for sensorial improvement. In the packaging test, the difference between the means show that the packaging of the bars evaluated did not differ on acceptance, differing only from the protein bar. Test with the information showed that information of health claims, for the most part, can positively influence sensory acceptance, even if in some cases there is no sensory pleasure.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sugarcane spirit market share simulation: an application of conjoint analysis
    (Food Science and Technology, 2009-05-16) Minim, Valéria Paula Rodrigues; Minim, Luis Antonio; Regazz, Adair José; Silva, Carlos Henrique Osorio; Carneiro, João de Deus Souza
    This study evaluated the influence of packaging and labeling attributes of sugarcane spirit on consumers' behavior by applying the results of conjoint analysis in sugarcane spirit market share simulation. Firstly, a conjoint analysis was performed aiming to estimate the part-worths of each consumer for some sugarcane spirit packaging and labeling attributes. These part-worths were used in the market share simulation using the maximum utility model. It was observed that some packaging and labeling attributes affected consumer's purchase intention and that most consumers showed a similar preference pattern regarding these attributes. These consumers showed preference for the Seleta brand, which was bottled in 700 mL clear glass bottles with a metal screw cap that bore a label illustration unrelated to sugarcane spirit production process and had the information "aged 36 months in oak barrels". This study also showed that conjoint analysis and the use of its results in the market share simulation proved important tools to better understand consumer behavior towards intention to purchase sugarcane spirit
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Use of relative risk test to evaluate the influence of the brand on beer acceptability
    (Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2013-10-14) Lucia, Suzana Maria Della; Minim, Valéria Paula Rodrigues; Silva, Carlos Henrique Osório; Minim, Luis Antonio; Cipriano, Paula de Aguiar
    The acceptance of the product is very complex and it involves not only its sensory attributes but also non-sensory characteristics, often presented in the packaging or related to concepts regarding the consumer. The relative risk test was applied in order to investigate the effect of the brand, a non- sensory characteristic, on consumers’ acceptance of beer. Eight commercial brands of Pilsen beer wereevaluated by 101 consumers in two sessions of acceptance tests: the blind test and the test with brand information. As a general view, it could be concluded that three brands of beer showed a positive impact over the sensory acceptance of the product and four brands negatively impacted on consumers’ evaluation. One of the brands did not show any influence over the consumers’ response. The relative risk method was practical and useful as it was easily calculated and reproduced, and its application permitted easy interpretation of the results.