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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Efeitos de diferentes níveis de matéria orgânica no solo e de inóculo sobre a interação planta-Meloidogyne spp. e a produção massal de Pasteuria penetrans
    (Summa Phytopathologica, 2007-10) Freitas, Leandro Grassi de; Alves, Fábio Ramos; Martinelli, Paulo Roberto Pala; Meira, Renata Maria Strozi Alves; Ferraz, Silamar; Demuner, Antônio Jacinto; Jesus Júnior, Waldir de Cintra; Borges, Eduardo Euclydes De L.
    Foram estudados os efeitos de quatro proporções de esterco de curral no solo, 0, 20, 33 e 50% (V:V), e três níveis de inóculo de Meloidogyne spp. (3.000, 6.000 e 9.000 J2 por planta) na concentração de fenóis em raízes de tomateiro, no desenvolvimento das fêmeas, nas células gigantes induzidas por esses patógenos e na infecção e reprodução de Pasteuria penetrans. O experimento foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com doze repetições, sendo avaliado 50 dias após a inoculação das plantas. O tamanho médio das fêmeas do nematóide foi maior quando as plantas foram inoculadas com 3.000 J2. Maior percentual de fêmeas infectadas por P. penetrans foi observado quando não se utilizou esterco no substrato ou quando as plantas foram inoculadas com 3.000 J2. As plantas inoculadas com 9.000 J2 e cultivadas no substrato com 20% de esterco foram as que produziram mais endósporos. A concentração de fenóis nas raízes aumentou à medida que se acrescentou esterco de curral ao substrato. As células gigantes de plantas cultivadas no substrato com 33 e 50% de esterco apresentaram menores número, tamanho e quantidade de núcleos. O aumento da proporção de esterco de curral ao substrato causou aumento nas concentrações de fenóis nas raízes, fato que foi deletério às células gigantes, prejudicial ao desenvolvimento do nematóide e à reprodução de P. penetrans.
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    Produção de clamidósporos de Pochonia chlamydosporia em diferentes substratos
    (Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2011-03) Dallemole-Giaretta, Rosangela; Caixeta, Larissa de Brito; Xavier, Déborah Magalhães; Ferraz, Silamar; Fabry, Cléia de Fátima Silva; Freitas, Leandro Grassi de
    Clamidósporos são estruturas de sobrevivência do fungo nematófago Pochonia chlamydosporia. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar diferentes substratos, teores de água e formas de inóculo para a produção in vitro de clamidósporos de P. chlamydosporia. Inicialmente, testaram-se os substratos grãos de milho triturado, grãos de arroz e casca de café e os tipos de inóculo meio líquido concentrado ou diluído (1:40) e discos de cultura, colonizados por P. chlamydosporia. Posteriormente, testou-se o substrato grãos de milho triturado suplementado ou não com caldo de batata com os inóculos do fungo nas formas de discos de micélio ou suspensão aquosa. As maiores produções de clamidósporos g-1 de substrato foram obtidas nos substratos grãos de milho triturado e casca de café, e as melhores formas de inóculo foram meio líquido diluído (1:40) e discos de micélio. A suplementação do substrato grãos de milho triturado com caldo de batata não aumentou a produção de clamidósporos do fungo e a melhor forma de inóculo do fungo foi a de discos de micélio. Além disso, testaram-se os substratos canjica, grãos de arroz, casca de café e fibra de coco, umedecidos com diferentes quantidades de água; o substrato casca de café umedecido por diferentes períodos; a casca de café enriquecida ou não com sacarose e farinha de arroz e o substrato grãos de arroz esterilizado no forno micro-ondas com diferentes quantidades de água. Apenas o substrato grãos de arroz, em todas as quantidades de água testadas, apresentou maior produção de clamidósporos. Não houve diferença na produção de clamidósporos no substrato casca de café umedecido por diferentes períodos e apenas quando a casca de café foi enriquecida com farinha de arroz, apresentou maior média de clamidósporos g-1 de substrato. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram grande produção de clamidósporos g-1 quando o substrato utilizado foi o de grãos de arroz tratados no forno de micro-ondas. O melhor meio de cultivo de P. chlamydosporia para a produção de clamidósporos foi o substrato contendo grãos de arroz.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Induction of systemic resistance in tomato by the autochthonous phylloplane resident Bacillus cereus
    (Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2006-08) Halfeld-Vieira, Bernardo de Almeida; Vieira Júnior, José Roberto; Romeiro, Reginaldo da Silva; Silva, Harllen Sandro Alves; Baracat-Pereira, Maria Cristina
    The objective of this work was to verify if the induced resistance mechanism is responsible for the capacity of a phylloplane resident bacteria (Bacillus cereus), isolated from healthy tomato plants, to control several diseases of this crop. A strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was used as the challenging pathogen. The absence of direct antibiosis of the antagonist against the pathogen, the significant increase in peroxidases activity in tomato plants exposed to the antagonist and then inoculated with the challenging pathogen, as well as the character of the protection, are evidences wich suggest that biocontrol efficiency presented by the antagonist in previous works might be due to induced systemic resistance (ISR).
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Antagonistic rhizobacteria and jasmonic acid induce resistance against tomato bacterial spot
    (Bragantia, 2015-10) Ferraz, Hélvio Gledson Maciel; Resende, Renata Sousa; Moreira, Poliana Coutinho; Silveira, Patrícia Ricardino; Milagres, Elisângela Aparecida; Oliveira, José Rogério; Rodrigues, Fabrício Ávila
    Tomato bacterial spot on tomato may be caused by four species of Xanthomonas and among them X. gardneri(Xg) is the most destructive one, especially in areas irrigated using a center pivot system in Minas Gerais state and the midwest region of Brazil. Due to the ineffectiveness of chemical control and the lack of cultivars with high levels of genetic resistance, this study investigated the potential of three antagonists (Streptomyces setonii (UFV618), Bacillus cereus (UFV592) and Serratia marcescens (UFV252)), and the hormone jasmonic acid (JA) as a positive control, to reduce bacterial spot symptoms and to potentiate defense enzymes in the leaves of tomato plants infected by Xg. Tomato seeds were microbiolized with each antagonist, and the soil was drenched with these bacteria. The plants were sprayed with JA 48 h before Xginoculation. The final average severity on the tomato plants was reduced by 29.44, 59.26 and 61.33% in the UFV592, UFV618 and JA treatments, respectively. The UFV618 antagonist was as effective as JA in reducing bacterial spot symptoms on tomatoes, which can be explained by the greater activities of defense enzymes that are commonly involved in host resistance against bacterial diseases. These results suggest that JA and the UFV618 antagonist can be used in the integrated management of bacterial spot on tomatoes.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Mortalidade de Coccus viridis (Hemiptera: Coccidae) por Lecanicillium spp. em diferentes órgãos de Coffea arabica em casa de vegetação
    (EntomoBrasilis, 2009-01) Fernandes, Flávio Lemes; Picanço, Marcelo Coutinho; Fernandes, Maria Sena; Magalhães, Sérgio Verçosa; Gontijo, Pablo Costa; Silva, Valkíria Fabiana
    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a mortalidade de Coccus viridis (Green) por Lecanicillium spp. em folhas e ramos de Coffea arabica L. O trabalho foi realizado na casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal de Viçosa, entre fevereiro de 2005 a junho de 2006. Foram utilizadas sementes da variedade Catuaí vermelho de café (C. arabica). A solução nutritiva utilizada foi composta por 3,0 mmol/L de N, 9,0 mmol/L de K, 1,0 mmol/L de P, 4,0 mmol/L de Ca, 2,1 mmol/L de S, 46 μmol/L de B, 0,3 μmol/L de Cu, 60,0 μmol/L de Fe, 2,0 μmol/L de Mg, 0,5 μmol/L de Mo e 36,0 μmol/L de Mn. As cochonilhas e o fungo foram coletados de folhas de café em lavouras comerciais de Viçosa, MG e foram mantidos em gaiolas em Casa de Vegetação. As plantas foram infestadas com oito meses de idade. A infestação foi realizada por contato de C. viridis infectadas com o fungo sobre as cochonilhas sadias. As densidades de C. viridis viva e morta nas folhas e nos ramos foram avaliadas aos 0, 15, 30, 35, 45, 60 e 75 dias após a infestação. Usou-se análise de variância, teste de média de Skott-Knott e análise de regressão linear simples a p<0,05. O fungo Lecanicillium spp. causou mortalidade em todos os estádios de C. viridis. De forma geral, a maior mortalidade ocorreu no terceiro ínstar. Além disso, o fungo causou maior mortalidade nesse inseto praga na face abaxial da folha de café.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Use of Pochonia chlamydosporia to control Meloidogyne javanica in cucumber
    (Biological Control, 2014-02) Viggiano, José R.; Freitas, Leandro G. de; Lopes, Everaldo A.
    This study was done to evaluate the effect of the bionematicide Pc-10, based on Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia, on the control of Meloidogyne javanica. The fungus was applied by two methods: (1) drenching the substrate of seedlings with an aqueous suspension of Pc-10 (0, 4.5, 9.0, 13.5 and 18.0 g/L), or (2) incorporating Pc-10 into the soil of potted plants at a rate of 5000 chlamydospores/g of soil. The soil of each pot was infested with 3000 eggs of M. javanica, and one cucumber seedling was transplanted to each pot after 1 week. Increasing the doses of Pc-10 in the seedlings reduced the numbers of galls/g and eggs/g in the roots of cucumber plants in both experiments, regardless of the application method of the fungus in the soil. The application of 18 g/L of Pc-10 in the seedlings reduced the number of galls/g of roots by 46.04% and 49.44%, and the number of eggs/g of roots by 48.32% and 40.58% in the first and second experiments, respectively. Soil application of Pc-10 reduced the number of eggs/g of roots by 19.42% in the first experiment only. Drenching the substrate of seedlings with Pc-10 at 18 g/L controls M. javanica in cucumber and does not require additional fungus application in the soil.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Efficiency of phylloplane bacteria in controlling aerial tomato diseases under field conditions
    (Summa Phytopathologica, 2008-01) Halfeld-Vieira, Bernardo A.; Romeiro, Reginaldo S.; Mounteer, Ann; Mizubuti, Eduardo S.G.
    The capacity of two bacteria isolated from the tomato phylloplane to control late blight (Phytophthora infestans) was investigated in the field, and compared against the effectiveness of spraying with the fungicide chlorothalonil (1.5 g a.i. L-1 ) or water (control). A 55% reduction in late blight intensity was observed in the leaves of the middle of the plant and 62% in those of the upper leaves when using the antagonist UFV-STB 6 ( Novosphingobium capsulatum ) as compared to the control. Isolate UFV-IEA 6 (Bacillus cereus) was able to reduce disease intensity by 55%, but only in the upper leaves of the tomato plants. Treatment with isolate UFV-STB 6 also led to a significant reduction in the percentage of fruits with late blight symptoms. The results demonstrate the potential of these two bacteria in controlling this disease.
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    The mycobiota of the weed Lantana camara in Brazil, with particular reference to biological control
    (Mycological Research, 1995-07) Barreto, Robert W.; Evans, Harry C.; Ellison, Carol A.
    A survey of the fungi associated with the tropical weed Lantana camara was conducted during 1988 and 1989 in part of its native range in southern Brazil. The sampling activity was concentrated mainly in the state of Rio de Janeiro, covering 70 sites located in different climatic or ecological zones. The survey continued and was extended to the Amazon and northeast regions. Nine fungal species were identified as members of the mycobiota, including the previously undescribed fungi: Ceratobasidium lantanae-camarae sp. nov., Dendryphiella aspera sp. nov. and Micropustulomyces mucilaginosus gen. et sp. nov. Perisporiopsis lantanae, which has not been recorded previously in Brazil, has its anamorph described for the first time. The rusts Aecidium lantanae were also recorded. Field observations suggest that several fungal pathogens have potential as classical biocontrol agents of the weed in the Old World tropics: Ceratobasidium lantanae-camarae and Puccinia lantanae in lowland humid climates; Mycovellosiella lantanae, Prospodium tuberculatum and Micropustulomyces mucilaginosus in more elevated or subtropical areas. In addition, databases and herbaria were consulted in order to compile a world list of fungal pathogens associated with L. camara.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    The mycobiota of the weed Mikania micrantha in southern Brazil with particular reference to fungal pathogens for biological control
    (Mycological Research, 1995-03) Barreto, Robert Weingart; Evans, Harry Charles
    A survey of the fungi associated with the tropical weed Mikania micrantha was conducted during 1988 and 1989 in part of its native range in southern Brazil. Sampling was concentrated mainly in the state of Rio de Janeiro, covering 70 sites in different climatic or ecological zones. Nine species were identified, including the recently described downy mildew species Basidiophora montana and the previously undescribed Mycosphaerella mikania-micranthae sp. nov. with its anamorph Septoria mikania-micranthae. Asperisporium mikaniae comb. nov., Asperisporium mikaniigena comb. nov., Pseudocercospora plunketii comb. nov., and Cercospora mikaniacola are new records for Brazil. Field observations indicate that Basidiophora montana has potential as a classical biological control agent of the weed in Old World subtropical or montane climates, whilst Mycosphaerella mikania-micranthae and the microcyclic rust Puccinia spegazzinii appear to be equally damaging to the host but to have a wider climatic range and thus are highly promising agents for introduction throughout the Palaeotropics.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    First record of Cercospora pistiae causing leaf spot of water lettuce ( Pistia stratioites ) in Brazil, with particular reference to weed biocontrol
    (Mycopathologia, 1998-11) Barreto, R. W.; Evans, H. C.; Hanada, R. E.
    Pistia stratioites , the water lettuce, is an important pantropical aquatic weed. It has been the target of successful classical biocontrol programmes utilizing an insect natural enemy collected in Brazil and introduced into Australia, Papua New Guinea and South Africa. Little attention was given to the fungal pathogens associated with this weed as potential biocontrol agents. An 11-month field survey in the state of Rio de Janeiro involving repeated visits to 12 sites, and a 2-month survey in the Amazonas Basin (Amazonas state) in Brazil, yielded only one pathogenic fungus on P. stratioites. This was identified as Cercospora pistiae. No previous record of this species has been made in Brazil nor in the New World. The fungus is described and its taxonomy and biocontrol potential discussed herein. C. pistiae is a damaging pathogen of water lettuce. Its distribution was restricted to two interconnected sites in Rio de Janeiro. A literature and herbaria survey yielded few fungi associated to water lettuce (8 species), probably reflecting a lack of adequate collection in the centre of origin of the plant.