Associação multivariada e múltipla da saúde mental com medidas sociais, condições de saúde e comportamentos humanos habituais de uma comunidade acadêmica durante o período pandêmico da COVID-19
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo geral avaliar a saúde mental (SM) por meio da investigação dos sentimentos de isolamento, tristeza-depressão e ansiedade-nervosismo e associar com fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentais, estado de saúde e índice de massa corporal de uma comunidade universitária. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e corte transversal, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), composto por uma amostra de 1655 voluntários, de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 17 a 72 anos, dos segmentos da comunidade acadêmica (discentes e servidores ativos) da UFV, nos campi Florestal, Rio Paranaíba-MG e Viçosa. Foi utilizada uma versão adaptada dos questionários “ConVid: Pesquisa de Comportamentos” e versão curta do “International Physical Activity Questionnaire” aplicados de forma online correlacionando a SM com fatores sociodemográficos, estado de saúde, COVID-19, comportamentos de rotina, de movimento e sedentários, sono, hábitos sociais e índice de massa corporal, assumindo o nível de rejeição de hipótese de nulidade de α=5% para as análises estatísticas. Os sentimentos foram avaliados individualmente por meio da regressão logística binária e de forma multivariada pela Análise Correspondência Múltipla. O modelo Two Step Cluster apresentou 7 classes ajustadas com a melhor medida de separação e coesão = 1,0 (Bom), valor de Bayesian Information Criterion igual a 236,511, razão do tamanho entre as classes de maior e menor prevalência igual a 13,65, as quais resultaram em 3 classificações da SM: “pior SM” com 54,7% dos participantes que sentiram “muitas vezes ou sempre” os sentimentos de solidão, tristeza, depressão, ansiedade e nervosismo; “moderada SM” com 34,1%; e “melhor SM” com 11,2% dos indivíduos que sentiram “poucas vezes ou nunca” os sentimentos. A regressão multinomial mostrou que a faixa etária até 39 anos (60 anos ou mais OR: 0,223; p<0,001; 40 a 59 anos OR: 0,168; p<0,001), sexo feminino (masculino OR: 0,288; p<0,001), apenas Ensino Médio completo (OR: 3,876; p<0,001), mantiveram a renda (OR: 3,281; p=0,0020) e a diminuíram (OR: 9,724; p<0,001), receberam Auxílio Emergencial (não receberam OR: 0,330; p<0,001), diagnóstico de doença crônica não transmissíveis (2 ou mais OR: 4,120; p<0,001; apenas 1 OR: 3,747; p<0,001), caso grave ou falecimento da família ou amigos (OR: 1,850; p<0,001), diminuíram o trabalho doméstico (mantiveram o trabalho doméstico OR: 0,349; p=0,035), moderada (OR: 5,985; p<0,001) e muita dificuldade na rotina (OR: 49,926; p<0,001), moderada (OR: 5,088; p<0,001) e muita dificuldade no trabalho e estudo (OR: 30,572; p<0,001), má qualidade do sono (OR: 13,487; p<0,001), não atingiram as recomendações de atividade física (AF) moderada (OR: 1,720; p=0,005) e AF vigorosa (OR: 1,787; p=0,001), ≥4horas/diárias de TV (OR: 1,941; p=0,002) e computador/tablet (OR: 2,131; p<0,001), eutróficos (sobrepeso OR: 0,68; p=0,039) apresentaram mais chances de serem classificados com pior SM que as classes moderada e melhor SM. Concluímos, a partir dos agrupamentos e das análises multivariadas, que as mudanças dos comportamentos, no estilo de vida e o impacto socioeconômico provocados pelo isolamento social da COVID-19, aumentaram as chances de percepções negativas nos sentimentos e na SM da população avaliada. Palavras-chave: Saúde Mental. Solidão. Depressão. Ansiedade. Atividade Física. Tempo de Tela. COVID-19.
This dissertation had the general objective of evaluating mental health (MH) through the investigation of feelings of isolation, sadness-depression and anxiety-nervousness, and associating it with sociodemographic and behavioral factors, health status and body mass index of the university community. This is an observational and cross-sectional study, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), composed of a sample of 1655 volunteers, of both sexes, aged 17 to 72 years old, from the segments of the academic community (students and active employees) of the UFV, on the Florestal, Rio-Paranaíba-MG and Viçosa campuses. An adapted version of the “ConVid: Behavior Research” questionnaire and a short version of the “International Physical Activity Questionnaire” was applied online, correlating MH with sociodemographic factors, health status, COVID-19, routine behavior, movement and sedentary, sleep, social habits and body mass index, assuming a null hypothesis rejection level of α=5% for the statistical analyses. Sentiments were deeply appreciated through binary logistic regression and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The Two Step Cluster model presented 7 adjusted classes with the best measure of separation and cohesion = 1.0 (Good), Bayesian Information Criterion value equal to 236.511, size ratio between the classes with the highest and lowest prevalence equal to 13, 65, which resulted in 3 MH classifications: “worst MH” with 54.7% of individuals who felt “often or always” feelings of loneliness, sadness, depression, anxiety and nervousness; “moderate MH” with 34.1%; and “better MH” with 11.2% of individuals who felt “few times or never” the feelings. Multinomial regression showed that the age group up to 39 years (60 years or more OR: 0.223; p<0.001; 40 to 59 years OR: 0.168; p<0.001 ), female gender (male gender OR: 0.288; p<0.001), only complete high school (OR: 3.876; p<0.001), maintained their income (OR: 3.281; p=0.0020) and decreased it (OR: : 9.724; p<0.001), received Auxílio Emergencial (did not receive OR: 0.330; p<0.001), diagnosis of chronic noncommunicable disease (2 or more OR: 4.120; p<0.001; only 1 OR: 3.747 ; p<0.001), severe case or death of family or friends (OR: 1.850; p<0.001), decreased housework (kept housework OR: 0.349; p=0.035), moderate (OR: 5.985; p< 0.001) and a lot of difficulty in routine (OR: 49.926; p<0.001), moderate (OR: 5.088; p<0.001) and great difficulty in work and study (OR: 30.572; p<0.001), poor sleep quality (OR: : 13.487; p<0.001), did not meet the recommendations for moderate physical activity (PA) ( OR: 1.720; p=0.005) and vigorous PA (OR: 1.787; p=0.001), TV ≥4hours/day (OR: 1.941; p=0.002) and computer/tablet (OR: 2.131; p<0.001), eutrophic (overweight OR: 0.68; p=0.039) were more likely to be classified with worse MH than moderate and better MH classes. We conclude, based on the groupings and multivariate analyses, that changes in behavior, lifestyle and the socioeconomic impact caused by the social isolation of COVID-19, increased the chances of negative perceptions in the feelings and MH of the evaluated population. Keywords: Mental Health. Isolation. Depression. Anxiety. Physical Activity. Screen Time. COVID-19.
This dissertation had the general objective of evaluating mental health (MH) through the investigation of feelings of isolation, sadness-depression and anxiety-nervousness, and associating it with sociodemographic and behavioral factors, health status and body mass index of the university community. This is an observational and cross-sectional study, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), composed of a sample of 1655 volunteers, of both sexes, aged 17 to 72 years old, from the segments of the academic community (students and active employees) of the UFV, on the Florestal, Rio-Paranaíba-MG and Viçosa campuses. An adapted version of the “ConVid: Behavior Research” questionnaire and a short version of the “International Physical Activity Questionnaire” was applied online, correlating MH with sociodemographic factors, health status, COVID-19, routine behavior, movement and sedentary, sleep, social habits and body mass index, assuming a null hypothesis rejection level of α=5% for the statistical analyses. Sentiments were deeply appreciated through binary logistic regression and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The Two Step Cluster model presented 7 adjusted classes with the best measure of separation and cohesion = 1.0 (Good), Bayesian Information Criterion value equal to 236.511, size ratio between the classes with the highest and lowest prevalence equal to 13, 65, which resulted in 3 MH classifications: “worst MH” with 54.7% of individuals who felt “often or always” feelings of loneliness, sadness, depression, anxiety and nervousness; “moderate MH” with 34.1%; and “better MH” with 11.2% of individuals who felt “few times or never” the feelings. Multinomial regression showed that the age group up to 39 years (60 years or more OR: 0.223; p<0.001; 40 to 59 years OR: 0.168; p<0.001 ), female gender (male gender OR: 0.288; p<0.001), only complete high school (OR: 3.876; p<0.001), maintained their income (OR: 3.281; p=0.0020) and decreased it (OR: : 9.724; p<0.001), received Auxílio Emergencial (did not receive OR: 0.330; p<0.001), diagnosis of chronic noncommunicable disease (2 or more OR: 4.120; p<0.001; only 1 OR: 3.747 ; p<0.001), severe case or death of family or friends (OR: 1.850; p<0.001), decreased housework (kept housework OR: 0.349; p=0.035), moderate (OR: 5.985; p< 0.001) and a lot of difficulty in routine (OR: 49.926; p<0.001), moderate (OR: 5.088; p<0.001) and great difficulty in work and study (OR: 30.572; p<0.001), poor sleep quality (OR: : 13.487; p<0.001), did not meet the recommendations for moderate physical activity (PA) ( OR: 1.720; p=0.005) and vigorous PA (OR: 1.787; p=0.001), TV ≥4hours/day (OR: 1.941; p=0.002) and computer/tablet (OR: 2.131; p<0.001), eutrophic (overweight OR: 0.68; p=0.039) were more likely to be classified with worse MH than moderate and better MH classes. We conclude, based on the groupings and multivariate analyses, that changes in behavior, lifestyle and the socioeconomic impact caused by the social isolation of COVID-19, increased the chances of negative perceptions in the feelings and MH of the evaluated population. Keywords: Mental Health. Isolation. Depression. Anxiety. Physical Activity. Screen Time. COVID-19.
Saúde mental, Depressão mental, Ansiedade, Solidão, Exercícios físicos, COVID-19 (Doença) - Aspectos sociais, COVID-19 (Doença) - Aspectos econômicos
BEDIM, Natiele Resende. Associação multivariada e múltipla da saúde mental com medidas sociais, condições de saúde e comportamentos humanos habituais de uma comunidade acadêmica durante o período pandêmico da COVID-19. 2023. 177 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.