Validade, variabilidade, reprodutibilidade e precisão do pedômetro Power Walker® na contagem de passos em ampla faixa etária
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Pedômetros são equipamentos especializados na contagem de passos e consistem em um método atrativo por fornecer medida objetiva da atividade física (AF) com baixo custo e fácil manuseio. Entretanto, alguns pedômetros, tais como o Power Walker® - 610 (Yamax, Japão) (PW) requerem ainda validação por critério científico. Objetivou-se verificar a validade, variabilidade, reprodutibilidade e precisão do pedômetro PW na contagem do número de passos durante situações laboratoriais e de cotidiano envolvendo uma ampla faixa etária. A amostra total do estudo foi composta por 292 voluntários, a saber: 150 indivíduos (47,5 ± 20,4 anos), sendo o Grupo 1 (G1) constituído por 50 indivíduos na faixa etária entre 18 e 30 anos, Grupo 2 (G2) composto por 50 participantes com idade entre 50 a 64 anos, e Grupo 3 (G3) formado por 50 integrantes na faixa etária entre 65 e 70 anos submetidos a teste de pista de 200 m em velocidade autosselecionada; 50 adultos jovens (21,6 ± 2,1 anos), os quais realizaram caminhada em esteira rolante, nas velocidades de 33, 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1, com duração de 2 minutos cada estágio; 40 voluntários com idade entre 40 e 59 anos (49,9 ± 5,5 anos), os quais foram instruídos a utilizarem o pedômetro por oito dias consecutivos, o maior número de horas possível, mantendo sua rotina de atividade diária inalterada; e por fim, 52 crianças, na faixa etária de 8 a 13 anos, submetidas a teste em pista de 400 m em velocidade autosselecionada e caminhada em esteira em velocidades de 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1. Em todos os testes o posicionamento do pedômetro PW foi padronizada ao lado direito do corpo e esteve de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante. Durante os testes de pista de 200 e 400 m, e os protocolos desenvolvidos em esteira, a medida critério utilizada para a contagem de passos foi a observação direta (OD) dos passos, realizada por dois observadores previamente treinados. No protocolo desenvolvido em cotidiano, a medida critério utilizada foi o pedômetro Digi-Walker® SW-200 (Yamax, Japão) (DW). Os resultados do teste de 200 m em pista com 150 participantes apontam que o PW superestimou em + 2.9 passos para amostra total. Foram encontrados elevados valores do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) para G1 (,96), G2 (,95) e G3 (,96). O coeficiente de variabilidade (CV) apresentou valores de 10,9; 7,1 e 12,2% nos grupos G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. O teste em esteira com 50 adultos jovens x encontrou diferenças significativas entre as contagens de passos realizadas pelo pedômetro PW e pela OD nas velocidades 33 e 83 m.min-1 (p < 0,05), nas quais o pedômetro subestimou em - 23 e superestimou em + 13 passos a contagem real, respectivamente. Melhor resultado foi encontrado para velocidade de 67 m.min-1, com superestimação média de + 2 passos e variação entre + 19 e - 23 passos. CCI apresentou valores de baixa magnitude nas velocidades equivalentes a 33, 50 e 83 m.min-1 de 0,35; 0,35 e 0,48, respectivamente, tendo seu valor mais elevado a 67 m.min-1 (0,83), e o CV alcançou menor valor a 67 m.min-1 (0,06). O protocolo em condições de cotidiano apontou diferenças significativas entre a contagem de passos registrada por ambos os pedômetros PW e DW na maioria dos dias da semana. A média semanal da contagem de passos produzida pelo PW (11.554 ± 6.839 passos) foi estatisticamente maior em comparação com o DW (9.881 ± 5.585 passos). Considerando a média de sete dias, o PW superestimou em + 1.673 passos a contagem do DW. Foram encontrados elevados valores de CCI para todos os dias de coleta, com variação entre 0,778 (IC95%: 0,568 0,886) e 0,919 (IC95%: 0,840 0,958). Ambos os pedômetros apresentaram elevados valores de CV, provavelmente devido à considerável variabilidade do cotidiano das atividades individuais. Nos testes com amostra infantil, não se verificou diferenças significativas entre as contagens de passos produzidas entre PW e OD durante caminha de 400 m e testes em esteira. Encontrou-se diferença significativa entre as contagens de passos produzidas pelo DW em relação à OD e PW durante a velocidade de caminhada de 50 m.min-1 (p = 0,01). Os valores de CCI mantiveram-se elevados para ambos os pedômetros durante os testes e o CV do PW apresentou-se estável. Em conjunto os resultados concluem que o pedômetro PW apresenta-se como ferramenta válida, precisa e com elevada reprodutibilidade para a contagem de passos em ampla faixa etária. Sua eficácia pode ser comprometida em baixa velocidade de caminhada como 33 m.min-1, entretanto, tal velocidade pode não ser usual durante o cotidiano da população. São sugeridos novos estudos em condições de cotidiano, em faixas etárias diferentes da aqui realizada, bem como com protocolos diferentes de avaliação, para uma mais adequada generalização dos resultados.
Pedometers are specialized equipment in counting steps and consist of an attractive method for providing objective measure of physical activity (PA) with low cost and easy manipulation. However, some pedometers, such as Power Walker® - 610 (Yamax, Japan) (PW) still require validation by scientific criteria. The objective was to verify the validity, variability, reproducibility and accuracy of the PW pedometer on counting the number of steps during laboratory and free life situations a wide age group. The total study sample consisted of 292 volunteers, namely: 150 individuals (47.5 ± 20.4 years), being the Group 1 (G1), consisting of 50 individuals aged between 18 and 30 years, Group 2 (G2) consists of 50 participants aged 50 and 64 years, and Group 3 (G3) consists of 50 members aged between 65 and 70 years underwent test on the track 200 m in self-selected speed; 50 young adults (21 , 6 ± 2.1 years), which made walking on a treadmill at speeds of 33, 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1, lasting 2 minutes each stage; 40 volunteers aged between 40 and 59 years (49.9 ± 5.5 years), who were instructed to use the pedometer for eight consecutive days, the greatest number of hours possible, keeping your routine daily activity unchanged; and finally, 52 children, aged 8 - 13 years, underwent testing on the track 400 m in self-selected speed and walking on a treadmill at speeds of 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1. In all tests the position of the PW pedometer has been standardized to the right side and was according to the manufacturer's recommendations. During testing of track 200 and 400 m, and protocols developed on a treadmill, the criterion used to measure the step count was direct observation (DO) of the steps, performed by two observers previously trained. In the protocol developed in free-living, the criterion method used was the Digi-Walker® SW- 200 pedometer (Yamax, Japan) (DW). The test results of 200 m on the track with 150 participants showed that the PW overestimated by +2.9 steps in the total sample. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values for G1, G2 and G3 were .96, .95 and .96, respectively. The coefficient of variability (CV) showed values of 10.9, 7.1 and 12.2% in groups YA, MW and OL, respectively. The treadmill test with 50 young adults found significant differences between the counting of steps taken by PW and the DO at speeds 33 and 83 m.min-1 (p < 0.05), in which the pedometer underestimated and overestimated in -23 in +13 steps the real count, respectively. Best results were found for speed 67 m.min-1, with an average overestimation of + 2 steps and variation between +19 and -23 steps. ICC values were of low magnitude at speeds equivalent to 33, 50 and 83 m.min-1 of 0.35, 0.35 and 0.48, respectively, and its highest value at 67 m.min-1 (0.83), and reached lower CV value at 67 m.min-1 (0.06). The protocol in free-living indicated significant differences between the number of steps recorded by both PW and DW pedometers on most days of the week. The weekly average of the step count produced by PW (1.1554 ± 6.839 steps) was statistically higher in comparison with DW (9.881 ± 5.585 steps). Considering the average of seven days, the PW overestimated by 1.673 steps of the counting by DW. We found high ICC values for all collection days, ranging from 0.778 (CI95%: 0.568 0.886) and 0.919 (CI95%: 0.840 0.958). Both pedometers showed high CV values, probably due to the considerable variability of daily individual activities. In tests with sample child, there were no significant differences between the scores of steps produced between PW and DO during walks 400 m and treadmill tests. Found a significant difference between the scores produced by DW in relation to DO and PW during the walking speed of 50 m.min-1 (p = 0.01). The ICC values remained high for both pedometers during the tests and the CV of PW remained stable. Together the results conclude that the PW pedometer appears as a valid, accurate and highly reproducible tool for counting steps in a wide age range. Its effectiveness can be compromised at low walking speeds as 33 m.min-1, however, such speeds can not be usual for the day-by-day of the population. We suggest further studies involving other age groups and protocols in order to confirm our findings.
Pedometers are specialized equipment in counting steps and consist of an attractive method for providing objective measure of physical activity (PA) with low cost and easy manipulation. However, some pedometers, such as Power Walker® - 610 (Yamax, Japan) (PW) still require validation by scientific criteria. The objective was to verify the validity, variability, reproducibility and accuracy of the PW pedometer on counting the number of steps during laboratory and free life situations a wide age group. The total study sample consisted of 292 volunteers, namely: 150 individuals (47.5 ± 20.4 years), being the Group 1 (G1), consisting of 50 individuals aged between 18 and 30 years, Group 2 (G2) consists of 50 participants aged 50 and 64 years, and Group 3 (G3) consists of 50 members aged between 65 and 70 years underwent test on the track 200 m in self-selected speed; 50 young adults (21 , 6 ± 2.1 years), which made walking on a treadmill at speeds of 33, 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1, lasting 2 minutes each stage; 40 volunteers aged between 40 and 59 years (49.9 ± 5.5 years), who were instructed to use the pedometer for eight consecutive days, the greatest number of hours possible, keeping your routine daily activity unchanged; and finally, 52 children, aged 8 - 13 years, underwent testing on the track 400 m in self-selected speed and walking on a treadmill at speeds of 50, 67 e 83 m.min-1. In all tests the position of the PW pedometer has been standardized to the right side and was according to the manufacturer's recommendations. During testing of track 200 and 400 m, and protocols developed on a treadmill, the criterion used to measure the step count was direct observation (DO) of the steps, performed by two observers previously trained. In the protocol developed in free-living, the criterion method used was the Digi-Walker® SW- 200 pedometer (Yamax, Japan) (DW). The test results of 200 m on the track with 150 participants showed that the PW overestimated by +2.9 steps in the total sample. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values for G1, G2 and G3 were .96, .95 and .96, respectively. The coefficient of variability (CV) showed values of 10.9, 7.1 and 12.2% in groups YA, MW and OL, respectively. The treadmill test with 50 young adults found significant differences between the counting of steps taken by PW and the DO at speeds 33 and 83 m.min-1 (p < 0.05), in which the pedometer underestimated and overestimated in -23 in +13 steps the real count, respectively. Best results were found for speed 67 m.min-1, with an average overestimation of + 2 steps and variation between +19 and -23 steps. ICC values were of low magnitude at speeds equivalent to 33, 50 and 83 m.min-1 of 0.35, 0.35 and 0.48, respectively, and its highest value at 67 m.min-1 (0.83), and reached lower CV value at 67 m.min-1 (0.06). The protocol in free-living indicated significant differences between the number of steps recorded by both PW and DW pedometers on most days of the week. The weekly average of the step count produced by PW (1.1554 ± 6.839 steps) was statistically higher in comparison with DW (9.881 ± 5.585 steps). Considering the average of seven days, the PW overestimated by 1.673 steps of the counting by DW. We found high ICC values for all collection days, ranging from 0.778 (CI95%: 0.568 0.886) and 0.919 (CI95%: 0.840 0.958). Both pedometers showed high CV values, probably due to the considerable variability of daily individual activities. In tests with sample child, there were no significant differences between the scores of steps produced between PW and DO during walks 400 m and treadmill tests. Found a significant difference between the scores produced by DW in relation to DO and PW during the walking speed of 50 m.min-1 (p = 0.01). The ICC values remained high for both pedometers during the tests and the CV of PW remained stable. Together the results conclude that the PW pedometer appears as a valid, accurate and highly reproducible tool for counting steps in a wide age range. Its effectiveness can be compromised at low walking speeds as 33 m.min-1, however, such speeds can not be usual for the day-by-day of the population. We suggest further studies involving other age groups and protocols in order to confirm our findings.
Validade, Pedômetro, Atividade física, Validity, Pedometer, Physical activity
FARIA, Fernanda Rocha de. Validity, variability, reprodutibility and accuracy of Power Walker® pedometer in counting steps in broad age group. 2013. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2013.