Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família no consumo de alimentos: estudo comparativo das regiões Sudeste e Nordeste do Brasil
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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto do Programa Bolsa Família no consumo de alimentos nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste. A base de dados procedeu do módulo sobre o consumo alimentar individual da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar realizada em 2008-09. O consumo foi avaliado por meio de dois registros alimentares. Os alimentos foram classificados em quatro grupos: in natura ou minimamente processados, ingredientes culinários, processados, e ultraprocessados. Para análise da medida de impacto utilizou-se o método Propensity Score Matching que assemelha os indivíduos beneficiários e não beneficiários em relação ao conjunto de características socioeconômicas. Após cálculo do propensity score estimou-se o impacto do programa através do algoritmo de pareamento do vizinho mais próximo. Mais de 60% do total calórico diário consumido pelos beneficiários do programa, em ambas as regiões, provém de alimentos que não sofreram processamento industrial. Os participantes do programa apresentaram menor consumo de alimentos processados e ultraprocessados, em ambas as regiões, e maior consumo de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados na região Nordeste. Os resultados ratificam a importância da adoção de políticas intersetoriais, em paralelo ao programa, para o fortalecimento de práticas alimentares saudáveis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) on food consumption in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil. The database was obtained from the individual food consumption module of the Household Budget Survey conducted in 2008-09. Consumption was assessed through two food records. The food was categorized into four groups: fresh or minimally processed food; culinary ingredients; processed food; and ultra-processed food. To analyze the impact, the propensity score matching method was used, which compares the individual recipients and non-recipients of the PBF in relation to a group of socioeconomic characteristics. After the propensity score was calculated, the impact of the PBF was estimated through the nearest-neighbor matching algorithm. In both regions, more than 60% of the daily total calories consumed by PBF recipients came from foods that had not undergone industrial processing. The recipients of PBF had a low level of consumption of processed and ultra-processed food in both regions, and an increased level of consumption of fresh or minimally processed food in the northeast. The results indicate the importance of adopting intersectoral policies in parallel to the PBF in order to strengthen healthy eating practices.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) on food consumption in the northeast and southeast regions of Brazil. The database was obtained from the individual food consumption module of the Household Budget Survey conducted in 2008-09. Consumption was assessed through two food records. The food was categorized into four groups: fresh or minimally processed food; culinary ingredients; processed food; and ultra-processed food. To analyze the impact, the propensity score matching method was used, which compares the individual recipients and non-recipients of the PBF in relation to a group of socioeconomic characteristics. After the propensity score was calculated, the impact of the PBF was estimated through the nearest-neighbor matching algorithm. In both regions, more than 60% of the daily total calories consumed by PBF recipients came from foods that had not undergone industrial processing. The recipients of PBF had a low level of consumption of processed and ultra-processed food in both regions, and an increased level of consumption of fresh or minimally processed food in the northeast. The results indicate the importance of adopting intersectoral policies in parallel to the PBF in order to strengthen healthy eating practices.
Consumo alimentar, Política social, Alimentos industrializados, Food consumption, Social policy, Processed food