Effect of cleaning treatment on adhesion of Streptococcus agalactiae to milking machine surfaces

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Food and Bioprocess Technology


Streptococcus agalactiae is a common subclinical mastitis agent in dairy cattle. In this study, the influence of hygiene procedure time on the adhesion of S. agalactiae to rubber and silicone surfaces used in milking machines was evaluated. The effect of hygiene practices on the thermodynamic and microscopic features of both surfaces was also evaluated. The hydrophobicity of milking machines and bacterial surfaces was investigated by measuring the contact angle with a goniometer 0, 30, 90, and 180 days after a full hygiene procedure simulated using rubber and silicone coupons. As the time of cleaning procedures enhanced, there was a reduction in the adhesion of S. agalactiae to both surfaces. The rubber and silicone surfaces were hydrophobic in all treatments (ΔGTOTsws<0), while the bacterial surface presented hydrophilic behavior (ΔGTOTsws>0), which makes the adhesion process difficult. Photomicrographs showed rapid wear of both surfaces, pointing to damages caused by cleaning agents. However, the silicone was more resistant to cleaning and sanitizing treatments. Thus, this work shows that changes caused by hygiene procedures in the thermodynamic and in the morphology of milking surfaces have an enormous importance in the S. agalactiae adhesion and, consequently, in mastitis transmission between cattle herd.



Biofilm, Mastitis, Hygiene, Hydrophobicity





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