Variação espacial e temporal da precipitação no Estado do Pará
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Estudos sobre a climatologia das precipitações no Estado do Pará são essenciais para o planejamento das atividades agrícolas. A variação das precipitações anual, sazonal e mensal no Estado do Pará foi analisada com base em séries históricas de 23 anos (1976-1998) de dados diários de chuva. A análise foi realizada para 31 localidades do Estado do Pará, sendo os resultados representados em mapas, com a utilização de técnicas de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). A análise de correlação entre os totais pluviométricos da estação chuvosa resultou na identificação de quatro áreas no Estado pluviometricamente semelhantes. A variabilidade das precipitações anual, sazonal e mensal foi caracterizada com base no coeficiente de variação e no índice de variabilidade interanual relativo. A variação desses coeficientes para a precipitação anual no Estado do Pará foi de 15 a 30%. As características mensais da estação chuvosa, em termos de início, fim e duração, foram determinadas utilizando-se o critério proposto por KASSAM (1979). A variação entre as datas de plantios precoces e tardios correspondeu aos decêndios identificados pelos dias julianos 309–319 e 353–363, respectivamente. Durante a estação chuvosa, os menores períodos secos ocorreram, geralmente, na região norte do Estado, enquanto os períodos secos mais prolongados se deram, principalmente, na porção sudeste do Pará.
Studies about the climatology of precipitation in the state of Pará are essential for the planning of agricultural activities. The annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation variation was analysed based on historical series of 23 years (1976-1998) of daily rainfall data. The analysis was done for 31 localities of Pará state, with the results showed in maps using Gis techniques. The correlation analysis of total rainfall during the rainy season among the localities allowed the identification of four pluviometric homogeneous areas in the state of Pará. The precipitation variability or an annual, seasonal and monthly basis was characterized by the coefficient of variation and the indice of relative interannual variability. The variation of these coefficients for the annual precipitation in the state of Pará was is to 30%. The monthly characteristics of rainy season regarding the start, end and duration, were determined using the criteria proposed by KASSAM (1979). The variation between early and late planting dates were identified by the juliam days 309-319 and 353-363, respectivelly. During the wet season, the lower dry periods occurred generally in the North of the state, white the higher dry periods occurred mainly in the postion of southeast of Pará.
Studies about the climatology of precipitation in the state of Pará are essential for the planning of agricultural activities. The annual, seasonal and monthly precipitation variation was analysed based on historical series of 23 years (1976-1998) of daily rainfall data. The analysis was done for 31 localities of Pará state, with the results showed in maps using Gis techniques. The correlation analysis of total rainfall during the rainy season among the localities allowed the identification of four pluviometric homogeneous areas in the state of Pará. The precipitation variability or an annual, seasonal and monthly basis was characterized by the coefficient of variation and the indice of relative interannual variability. The variation of these coefficients for the annual precipitation in the state of Pará was is to 30%. The monthly characteristics of rainy season regarding the start, end and duration, were determined using the criteria proposed by KASSAM (1979). The variation between early and late planting dates were identified by the juliam days 309-319 and 353-363, respectivelly. During the wet season, the lower dry periods occurred generally in the North of the state, white the higher dry periods occurred mainly in the postion of southeast of Pará.
Agricultura, Climatologia, Precipitação
Morais, Bergson Cavalcanti de. Variação espacial e temporal da precipitação no Estado do Pará. 2002. 45f. Dissertação (Mestrado Meteorologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2002.