Análise da influência das funções executivas no comportamento e desempenho tático de jogadores de futebol
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a influência das funções executivas no comportamento e desempenho tático dos jogadores de futebol. Este trabalho foi organizado em três artigos sobre o tema. O primeiro artigo teve por objetivo verificar a influência da tomada de decisão afetiva no comportamento tático dos jogadores de futebol da categoria Sub-15. Foram analisados os dados de 153 participantes. Para avaliação do comportamento tático foi utilizado o Sistema de Avaliação Tática no Futebol (FUT-SAT) e para avaliação da tomada de decisão afetiva, o Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Os valores do comportamento tático dos jogadores foram agrupados em quartis. Os resultados da tendência geral do IGT obtidos pelos jogadores de maiores e menores valores do comportamento tático ofensivo, defensivo e de jogo foram comparados através do teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos no comportamento tático defensivo (Z=-3,133; p=0,002; r=-0,355) e do jogo (Z=- 2,267; p=0,023; r=-0,260). Os resultados apresentados revelaram que a tomada de decisão afetiva influenciou o comportamento tático defensivo e de jogo dos participantes. O segundo estudo teve por objetivo verificar a influência do controle inibitório no comportamento e desempenho tático dos jogadores de futebol da categoria Sub-15. Foram analisados os dados de 166 participantes. Para avaliação do comportamento e desempenho tático foi utilizado o FUT-SAT e para avaliação do controle inibitório, o Conners Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Os valores do comportamento e desempenho tático dos jogadores foram agrupados em tercis. Os resultados do número de erros por omissão, número de erros por comissão e tempo de reação do CPT obtidos pelos jogadores de maiores e menores valores de comportamento e desempenho tático ofensivo, defensivo e de jogo foram comparados através do teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos no número de erros por comissão, no comportamento tático ofensivo (Z=-2,071; p=0,038; r=-0,192), e no tempo de reação, no desempenho tático do jogo (Z=-2,317; p=0,021; r=-0,221). Os resultados revelaram que o controle inibitório influenciou o comportamento tático ofensivo e o desempenho tático de jogo dos participantes. O terceiro estudo teve por objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade cognitiva no comportamento tático dos jogadores de futebol da categoria Sub-15. Foram analisados os dados de 160 participantes. Para avaliação do comportamento tático foi utilizado o FUT-SAT e para avaliação da flexibilidade cognitiva, o Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Os valores do comportamento tático dos jogadores foram agrupados em tercis. Os resultados do número de categorias completadas do WCST obtidos pelos jogadores de maiores e menores valores de comportamento tático ofensivo, defensivo e de jogo foram comparados através do teste não paramétrico Mann-Whitney. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos. Os resultados revelaram que a flexibilidade cognitiva não influenciou o comportamento tático dos participantes. Em todos os estudos apresentados, foi adotado um nível de significância de p<0.05. A partir dos resultados apresentados, é possível concluir que as funções executivas influenciaram o comportamento e o desempenho tático dos jogadores de futebol, no que refere à tomada de decisão afetiva, no comportamento tático defensivo e de jogo, e ao controle inibitório, no comportamento tático ofensivo e no desempenho tático de jogo.
This study aims to analyze the influence of executive functions on tactical behaviour and performance of soccer players. This dissertation was structured in three papers about the subject. The first paper aimed to verify the influence of affective decision-making over tactical behaviour of under-15 youth soccer players. Data from 153 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour, the System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT) was used, and for assessment of affective decision-making, Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) was utilized. Values of players tactical behaviour were grouped in quartiles. IGT net score results obtained by players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. Statistically significant differences were observed between groups in the defensive (Z=-3,133; p=0,002; r=-0,355) and game (Z=-2,267; p=0,023; r=-0,260) tactical behaviour. Results revealed that affective decision-making influenced subjects' defensive and game tactical behaviour. The second study aimed to verify the influence of inhibitory control on tactical behaviour and performance of U-15 youth soccer players. Data from 166 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour and performance, the FUT-SAT was used, and for assessment of inhibitory control, it was utilized the Conner s Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Values of players tactical behaviour and performance were grouped in tertiles. Results of number of omission errors, number of commission errors and hit reaction time in CPT, obtained by the players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour and performance were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. Statistically significant differences between groups were observed in number of commission errors on offensive tactical behaviour (Z=-2,071; p=0,038; r=-0,192), and hit reaction time on the game tactical performance (Z=-2,317; p=0,021; r=-0,221). Results revealed that inhibitory control influenced participants offensive tactical behaviour and game tactical performance. The third paper aimed to verify the influence of cognitive flexibility on tactical behaviour of U-15 youth soccer players. Data from 160 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour, the FUT-SAT was used, and for assessment of cognitive flexibility, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was utilized. Values of players tactical behaviour were grouped in tertiles. Results of the number of categories completed of the WCST, obtained by players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups. Results revealed that cognitive flexibility did not influence participants tactical behaviour. In all the papers presented, significance level was set at p<0.05. Regarding the results, it is possible to conclude that executive functions influenced players tactical behaviour and performance in terms of the affective decision-making, in defensive and game tactical behaviour, and the inhibitory control, in offensive tactical behaviour and game tactical performance.
This study aims to analyze the influence of executive functions on tactical behaviour and performance of soccer players. This dissertation was structured in three papers about the subject. The first paper aimed to verify the influence of affective decision-making over tactical behaviour of under-15 youth soccer players. Data from 153 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour, the System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT) was used, and for assessment of affective decision-making, Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) was utilized. Values of players tactical behaviour were grouped in quartiles. IGT net score results obtained by players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. Statistically significant differences were observed between groups in the defensive (Z=-3,133; p=0,002; r=-0,355) and game (Z=-2,267; p=0,023; r=-0,260) tactical behaviour. Results revealed that affective decision-making influenced subjects' defensive and game tactical behaviour. The second study aimed to verify the influence of inhibitory control on tactical behaviour and performance of U-15 youth soccer players. Data from 166 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour and performance, the FUT-SAT was used, and for assessment of inhibitory control, it was utilized the Conner s Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Values of players tactical behaviour and performance were grouped in tertiles. Results of number of omission errors, number of commission errors and hit reaction time in CPT, obtained by the players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour and performance were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. Statistically significant differences between groups were observed in number of commission errors on offensive tactical behaviour (Z=-2,071; p=0,038; r=-0,192), and hit reaction time on the game tactical performance (Z=-2,317; p=0,021; r=-0,221). Results revealed that inhibitory control influenced participants offensive tactical behaviour and game tactical performance. The third paper aimed to verify the influence of cognitive flexibility on tactical behaviour of U-15 youth soccer players. Data from 160 participants were analyzed. For assessment of tactical behaviour, the FUT-SAT was used, and for assessment of cognitive flexibility, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was utilized. Values of players tactical behaviour were grouped in tertiles. Results of the number of categories completed of the WCST, obtained by players with the highest and lowest values of offensive, defensive and game tactical behaviour were compared through Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups. Results revealed that cognitive flexibility did not influence participants tactical behaviour. In all the papers presented, significance level was set at p<0.05. Regarding the results, it is possible to conclude that executive functions influenced players tactical behaviour and performance in terms of the affective decision-making, in defensive and game tactical behaviour, and the inhibitory control, in offensive tactical behaviour and game tactical performance.
Comportamento tático, Desempenho tático, Futebol, Funções executivas, Tomada de decisão afetiva, Controle inibitório, Flexibilidade cognitiva, Tactical behavior, Tactical performance, Football, Executive functions, Affective decision making, Inhibitory control, Cognitive flexibility
GONZAGA, Adeilton dos Santos. Analysis of the influence of executive functions on tactical behaviour and performance of soccer players. 2013. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2013.