Ferramenta para planejamento e controle de obras em pré-fabricado
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este trabalho propõe um mecanismo de controle para tornar mais eficiente o processo
de projeto-fabricação-montagem em obras que possuem estruturas pré-fabricadas de
concreto. Sugere-se que as informações da edificação sejam centralizadas num
mecanismo de controle efetivo, de forma que se possa planejar dinamicamente o
fluxo de trabalho ao longo de todas as etapas dos empreendimentos de construção.
Tendo em vista a possibilidade de imprevistos ou restrições que por ventura possam
ocorrer ao longo do processo de construção, foram aplicadas ferramentas de
Planejamento e Controle, tendo como estudo um shopping center localizado na
Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Ao identificar um a um os possíveis
contratempos em todas as etapas de execução da obra com estrutura pré-fabricada,
conseguem-se melhores soluções para as fases de montagem, minimizando custos e
aumentando a qualidade do empreendimento. A pesquisa-ação foi exploratória e
classificada como um estudo de campo. O estudo de campo desenvolveu-se a partir
das seguintes etapas: domínio do problema, formulação, desenvolvimento e pré-
testes, aplicação e análise. O domínio do problema abrangeu os três temas focais
estudados, sendo estes: ferramenta gerencial conhecida como ciclo PDCA, estruturas
pré-fabricadas em concreto armado e Engenharia Simultânea. Foram analisados os
fluxos de trabalho inicialmente concebidos para o processo de fabricação e
montagem da estrutura para se identificar os problemas que estavam ocorrendo na
obra. A partir dessas análises, foi possível criar novo mecanismo de controle com base
na integração de informações existentes no projeto, na fábrica e na montagem da
estrutura visando solução imediata de problemas que estavam ocorrendo. Os
resultados mostram que a nova ferramenta de controle efetiva reduziu os conflitos
entre projeto, fabricação e montagem, evidenciando-se redução de custos e maior
agilidade na obra e, assim, a importância de planejamento e de controle detalhado e
This paper proposes a control mechanism to streamline the process of design- manufacturing-assembly in construction that have concrete precast structures. It is suggested that the building informations are centralized in an effective control mechanism, so it’s possible plan the workflow dynamically throughout all stages of construction projects. Given the possibility of unforeseen or restrictions that perhaps might occur along the construction process, planning and control tools have been applied, with the study a shopping mall in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. To identify one by one the possible setbacks at all construction stages with concrete precast structure, ensures best solutions for the assembly steps, minimizing costs and increasing the quality of the project. The action-research was exploratory and classified as a field study. The field study was developed from the following steps: problem domain, formulation, development and pretesting, implementation and analysis. The problem domain covered the three studied thematic areas, namely: management tool known as PDCA cycle, reinforced concrete precast structures and Concurrent Engineering. Workflows were analyzed initially designed for the manufacturing process and assembly structure to identify problems that were occurring in the construction. From these analyzes, it was possible to create a new control mechanism based on the integration of existing information in the design, factory and assembly structure aimed at immediate solution of problems that were occurring. The results show that the new effective control tool reduced conflicts between design, manufacturing and assembly, demonstrating cost savings and greater flexibility in the work and thus the importance of planning and detailed and systematic control.
This paper proposes a control mechanism to streamline the process of design- manufacturing-assembly in construction that have concrete precast structures. It is suggested that the building informations are centralized in an effective control mechanism, so it’s possible plan the workflow dynamically throughout all stages of construction projects. Given the possibility of unforeseen or restrictions that perhaps might occur along the construction process, planning and control tools have been applied, with the study a shopping mall in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. To identify one by one the possible setbacks at all construction stages with concrete precast structure, ensures best solutions for the assembly steps, minimizing costs and increasing the quality of the project. The action-research was exploratory and classified as a field study. The field study was developed from the following steps: problem domain, formulation, development and pretesting, implementation and analysis. The problem domain covered the three studied thematic areas, namely: management tool known as PDCA cycle, reinforced concrete precast structures and Concurrent Engineering. Workflows were analyzed initially designed for the manufacturing process and assembly structure to identify problems that were occurring in the construction. From these analyzes, it was possible to create a new control mechanism based on the integration of existing information in the design, factory and assembly structure aimed at immediate solution of problems that were occurring. The results show that the new effective control tool reduced conflicts between design, manufacturing and assembly, demonstrating cost savings and greater flexibility in the work and thus the importance of planning and detailed and systematic control.
Trabalho apresentado no IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído, Viçosa - UFV, 2015
Planejamento, Controle, Engenharia simultânea, Estrutura pré-fabricada
ASSIS, Daniel; ARANTES, Eduardo. Ferramenta para planejamento e controle de obras em pré-fabricado. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2015, Viçosa-MG. Anais... Viçosa-MG: UFV, 2015.