Variações de temperatura no Continente Antártico: observações e reanálises
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As regiões polares são um componente importante do sistema climático terrestre onde ocorrem variações sazonais e anuais significativas. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a variação da temperatura em superfície na
Antártica e compará-las as reanálises, visando analisar a influência que os modos de variabilidade climática exercem sobre a variação da temperatura em superfície na Antártica. Os dados observados utilizados foram obtidos através
do READER para o período de 1989 a 2009. Já as reanálises utilizadas foram as do NCEP/NCAR, ERA-Interim e MERRA. Com o objetivo de se ter uma análise local, o continente Antártico foi dividido em cinco setores. Após a análise por regiões da Antártica, ficou claro que o continente passou por
mudanças de temperatura do ar em superfície durante o período de 1989 a 2009. As Ilhas Shetland do Sul foi a região que apresentou resultado oposto ao compararmos com o restante do continente, a tendência mudou de aquecimento para resfriamento. Outra característica importante em relação a temperatura no continente Antártico foi que durante o outono a tendência foi de aquecimento significativo na região da Antártica Oriental (setores Continental e Oceano Pacífico) e setor do Mar de Weddell, muito por influência da AAO que apresentou correlações significativas com os dados de temperatura, principalmente na segunda década (2000-2009) onde a AAO apresentou enfraquecimento. Em termos de reanálises, percebe-se que o MERRA apresentou o melhor desempenho para a maioria das regiões. A única região
que as reanálises apresentaram fraco desempenho foi no Mar de Ross. Conclui-se que ao trabalhar com modelos climáticos que levam em consideração as reanálises para região da Antártica, deve-se ter o cuidado de analisar o período de estudo e qual a região, a fim de levar em consideração mais de uma reanálise para obter melhor desempenho.
The polar regions are a very important component of Earth's climate system where significant annual and seasonal variations occur. Before this, the objective of this chapter is to analyze the variation of surface temperature in Antarctica and compare them the reanalysis, the analyze of influence that the modes of climate variability on the variation of surface temperature in Antarctica. The observed data used were obtained through READER. Already the reanalysis used were those of the NCEP/NCAR, ERA-Interim and MERRA. With the goal of having a local analysis, the Antarctic continent was divided into five sectors. After the analysis by regions of Antarctica, it became clear that the continent has undergone changes in surface air temperature during the period 1989 to 2009. South Shetland Islands was the sector that has adverse result to compare with the rest of the continent, the trend changed heating to cooling. Another important feature about the trend of temperature in the Antarctic continent was that during the autumn the trend was significant warming in the region of East Antarctica (Continental and Pacific Ocean sectors) and sector of the Weddell Sea, much influenced by the AAO that was significantly correlated with temperature data, especially in the second decade (2000-2009) where the AAO showed a weakening. In terms of reanalysis, realizes that the MERRA presented the best performance for most regions. The only region that the reanalysis showed a weak performance was in the Ross Sea. It is concluded that when working with climate models that take into consideration the reanalysis for Antarctic region, care should be taken to examine the study period and which the region. In order to take into account more than one review for better performance.
The polar regions are a very important component of Earth's climate system where significant annual and seasonal variations occur. Before this, the objective of this chapter is to analyze the variation of surface temperature in Antarctica and compare them the reanalysis, the analyze of influence that the modes of climate variability on the variation of surface temperature in Antarctica. The observed data used were obtained through READER. Already the reanalysis used were those of the NCEP/NCAR, ERA-Interim and MERRA. With the goal of having a local analysis, the Antarctic continent was divided into five sectors. After the analysis by regions of Antarctica, it became clear that the continent has undergone changes in surface air temperature during the period 1989 to 2009. South Shetland Islands was the sector that has adverse result to compare with the rest of the continent, the trend changed heating to cooling. Another important feature about the trend of temperature in the Antarctic continent was that during the autumn the trend was significant warming in the region of East Antarctica (Continental and Pacific Ocean sectors) and sector of the Weddell Sea, much influenced by the AAO that was significantly correlated with temperature data, especially in the second decade (2000-2009) where the AAO showed a weakening. In terms of reanalysis, realizes that the MERRA presented the best performance for most regions. The only region that the reanalysis showed a weak performance was in the Ross Sea. It is concluded that when working with climate models that take into consideration the reanalysis for Antarctic region, care should be taken to examine the study period and which the region. In order to take into account more than one review for better performance.
Climatologia, Hidroclimatologia, Região polar austral, Climatology, Hydroclimatology, Austral Polar Region
LINDEMANN, Douglas da Silva. Temperature changes in Antarctic Continent: observartions and reanalyses.. 2012. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agrometeorologia; Climatologia; Micrometeorologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.