Avaliação do estado mental de pacientes com hipertensão e diabetes atendidos pelo Centro Hiperdia de Viçosa após programa de exercícios físicos supervisionados
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e o diabetes mellitus (DM) são desordens muito comuns na atualidade, ocasionando disfunções físicas e também neuropsicológicas, como os transtornos depressivos, de ansiedade e o déficit cognitivo. Estudos relatam que a prevalência desses transtornos psicológicos são maiores em hipertensos e diabéticos do que na população em geral, e que hipertensos possuem risco de desenvolver demência vascular três vezes maior que indivíduos normotensos, aumentando para seis vezes quando a HAS está associada com o DM. Neste contexto, a prática de exercícios físicos vem sendo utilizada como instrumento fundamental para a atenuação de possíveis sintomas depressivos, ansiosos e déficit cognitivo que esses pacientes possam apresentar. O objetivo geral dessa dissertação foi verificar e analisar possíveis melhoras na saúde mental em pacientes atendidos no Centro Hiperdia de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, submetidos a um programa de exercícios físicos supervisionados composto por exercícios de características aeróbica e anaeróbica. A presente dissertação contempla três artigos distintos, sendo que os objetivos específicos foram: descrever o estado mental, quadros de declínio cognitivo, bem como quadros de depressão e ansiedade em pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos atendidos num centro de atenção secundária de uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais, candidatos à participação em programa de treinamento físico; Analisar possíveis benefícios da prática regular de exercícios nos níveis de ansiedade, depressão e déficit cognitivo de diabéticos e hipertensos pertencentes a um programa de exercícios físicos supervisionados, além de avaliar e comparar os resultados entre programas de exercícios aeróbicos e resistidos; E verificar se a prática de exercício físico supervisionado, com duração de 12 semanas, é suficiente para impor modificações no estado cognitivo de pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos, através da utilização do Mental Test and Training System (MTTS). No primeiro estudo, avaliou-se 34 pacientes (23 mulheres e 11 homens), sendo 17 hipertensos (59 ±10 anos) e 17 diabéticos (54 ± 10 anos), onde foram aplicados os seguintes questionários: Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Inventário de Beck para Depressão (BDI) e Ansiedade (BAI) e o Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Detectou-se que 82% dos hipertensos e 65% dos diabéticos apresentaram suspeição de transtorno mental, não havendo diferença entre os dois grupos (p=0,246). Já, 76% dos diabéticos e 65% dos hipertensos foram classificados com depressão de moderada a grave, enquanto que 64% dos hipertensos e 48% dos diabéticos demonstraram ansiedade de moderada a grave. Não foram encontrados quadros de déficit cognitivo. Foi evidenciada, assim, elevada porcentagem de quadros depressivos e de ansiedade na amostra estudada, reforçando a importância do diagnóstico pelo médico que o acompanha. No segundo estudo avaliou-se 17 pacientes, (55 ± 9 anos) sendo 9 hipertensos (de 57 ± 8 anos) e 8 diabéticos (53 ± 8 anos) que foram submetidos a um programa de exercícios físicos resistidos supervisionados, utizando o método circuito alternado por segmento e aeróbicos em esteira e bicicleta ergométrica, por 12 semanas, com frequência semanal de 3 dias e de intensidade moderada. Os mesmos questionários do trabalho anterior foram aplicados antes e após o período de intervenção. Observou-se queda de 61% (p=0,001) na pontuação alcançada pelo BDI, assim como queda de 53% (p=0,02) na pontuação do BAI após o período de 12 semanas de exercícios. Também registrou-se diminuição de 73% dos pacientes classificados com suspeição de transtorno mental. Não foram observadas melhoras nos níveis cognitivos através do MEEM após o período de intervenção, e não houve diferença entre os grupos de exercícios aeróbico e resistido. Foram demonstrados assim efeitos positivos nos quadros depressivos, ansiosos e de transtornos mentais não psicóticos em hipertensos e diabéticos, após um período de 12 semanas de realização de exercícios físicos supervisionados, independente da característica do exercício. O terceiro estudo foi realizado com 13 pacientes, (55 ± 12 anos) sendo 6 diabéticos (49 ± 13 anos) e 7 hipertensos, (60 ± 9 anos) onde aplicou-se testes que avaliam atenção e concentração, atenção seletiva e tempo de reação no equipamento MTTS antes e após o período de 12 semanas de realização de exercícios, por um grupo aeróbico e por outro resistido supervisionado. Os resultados demonstraram que houve melhoras significativas no teste de Atenção e Concentração, na variável "não reações incorretas" para hipertensos (p = 0,031) e diabéticos (p = 0,013), além da variável "reações corretas" (p = 0,013) e "reações incorretas" (p = 0,028) para diabéticos. Não houve diferença entre os grupos que realizaram exercícios aeróbico e resistido. O desenvolvimento do estudo permitiu concluir que apesar da alta prevalência de quadros depressivos e ansiosos nos hipertensos e diabéticos que participaram desta pesquisa, o exercício físico foi capaz de minimizar esses transtornos psiquiátricos consideravelmente após um período 12 semanas de treinamento com modalidades de exercício de característica aeróbica e resistida. Neste contexto, o protocolo de exercício sugerido foi também eficaz na melhora dos níveis de atenção e concentração dos pacientes. Conclui-se que o exercício físico supervisionado pode ser utilizado como instrumento eficaz não apenas no tratamento das comorbidades cardiometabólicas presentes em hipertensos e diabéticos, mas também nas suas prevalentes comorbidades neuropsiquiátricas.
Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and diabetes mellitus (DM) are very common disorders today, causing physical and psychological disorders such as depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and cognitive deficit. Studies have reported that the prevalence of these psychological disorders are higher in hypertensives and diabetics than in the general population, and hypertensive have at risk of developing vascular dementia three times higher than normotensive individuals, increasing to six times when SAH is associated with DM. In this context, the practice of physical exercise has been used as a fundamental tool for the mitigation of possible depressive and, anxiety symptoms and cognitive deficit that patients may present. The overall objective of this thesis was to investigate and to analyze possible improvements in mental health of patients seen in Viçosa Hiperdia Center, Minas Gerais, undergoing to a supervised physical exercise program that consists in aerobic and anaerobic characteristics exercises of aerobic and anaerobic exercise features. This thesis has three separate articles, and the aims were to describe the mental state, cadres of cognitive decline as well as cases of depression and anxiety in hypertensive and diabetic patients treated at a center of secondary attention of Minas Gerais‘ city, candidates to the participation in a physical training program; Examine possible benefits of practice regular exercise in the levels of anxiety, depression and cognitive impairment in diabetic and hypertensive patients belonging to a program of supervised physical exercise, beyond to evaluate and to compare the results between aerobic and resistance exercise programs; And check whether the practical of supervised physical exercise with duration 12 weeks it is sufficient to impose changes in cognitive status of diabetic and hypertensive patients through the use of the Mental Test and Training System (MTTS). In the first one study, we evaluated 34 patients, (23 women and 11 men) which 17 are hypertensive (59 ± 10 years) and 17 are and diabetic patients (54 ± 10 years), and the following questionnaires were applied: Mini Exam Mental State Examination (MMSE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI) and the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). It was found that 82% of hypertensives and 65% of diabetics showed mental disorder suspicion, with no difference between the two groups (p = 0.246). Already, 76% of diabetics and 65% of hypertensive patients were classified with moderate to severe depression, while 64% of hypertensive and 48% of diabetic patient showed moderate to severe anxiety. Not being found cognitive deficit frames. Showing thus high percentage of depressive disorders and anxiety in the sample studied, reinforcing the importance of psychiatric care. In the second study we evaluated 17 patients (55 ± 9 years), which 9 hypertensives (57 ± 8 years) and 8 diabetics (53 ± 8 years) who underwent a program of resisrence physical exercise using the alternate circuit method by segment and aerobic exercise supervised on the treadmill and ergometer for 12 weeks, with weekly frequency of 3 days and moderate intensity. The same questionnaires from the previous work were applied before and after the intervention period. There was a reduction of 61% (p = 0.001) scores achieved by the BDI, as well as decrease of 53% (p = 0.02) in the BAI score after 12 weeks of exercise. Also it was recorded a decrease of 73% of patients classified with a mental disorder suspicion. There were no improvements in cognitive levels through the MMSE after the intervention period, and there was no difference between groups of aerobic and resistance exercises. Demonstrating positive effects on depressive disorders, anxiety and nonpsychotic mental disorders in hypertensive and diabetic, after a 12-week period conducting supervised exercise, regardless of the exercises characteristics. The third study was conducted with 13 patients, (55 ± 12years) 6 diabetics (49 ± 13 years) and 7 hypertensive (60 ± 9 years) applying tests that assess attention and concentration, selective attention and reaction time in MTTS equipment before and after 12 weeks conducting exercises for an aerobic group and a supervised resistance group. The results showed that there were significant improvements in attention and concentration tests in the variable "no reation incorrect" to hypertensive subjects (p = 0.031) and diabetic patients (p = 0.013), and the variable "correct" reactions (p = 0.013) and " incorrect reactions "(p = 0.028) for diabetics. There was no difference between the groups who performed aerobic and resistance exercises. The development of the study concluded that despite the high prevalence of depressive and anxiety tables in hypertensives and diabetics who participated in this study, physical exercise was able to minimize these psychiatric disorders considerably after a period of 12 weeks training with modalities of aerobic and resistance exercises. In this context the suggested exercises protocol was also effective in improving the levels of attention and concentration of the patients, even if not diagnosed by MMSE questionnaire or a type of cognitive impairment. Thereby demonstrating that supervised exercise can be used as an effective tool not only in the treatment of cardiometabolic comorbidities in hypertensives and diabetics but also on their mental health.
Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and diabetes mellitus (DM) are very common disorders today, causing physical and psychological disorders such as depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and cognitive deficit. Studies have reported that the prevalence of these psychological disorders are higher in hypertensives and diabetics than in the general population, and hypertensive have at risk of developing vascular dementia three times higher than normotensive individuals, increasing to six times when SAH is associated with DM. In this context, the practice of physical exercise has been used as a fundamental tool for the mitigation of possible depressive and, anxiety symptoms and cognitive deficit that patients may present. The overall objective of this thesis was to investigate and to analyze possible improvements in mental health of patients seen in Viçosa Hiperdia Center, Minas Gerais, undergoing to a supervised physical exercise program that consists in aerobic and anaerobic characteristics exercises of aerobic and anaerobic exercise features. This thesis has three separate articles, and the aims were to describe the mental state, cadres of cognitive decline as well as cases of depression and anxiety in hypertensive and diabetic patients treated at a center of secondary attention of Minas Gerais‘ city, candidates to the participation in a physical training program; Examine possible benefits of practice regular exercise in the levels of anxiety, depression and cognitive impairment in diabetic and hypertensive patients belonging to a program of supervised physical exercise, beyond to evaluate and to compare the results between aerobic and resistance exercise programs; And check whether the practical of supervised physical exercise with duration 12 weeks it is sufficient to impose changes in cognitive status of diabetic and hypertensive patients through the use of the Mental Test and Training System (MTTS). In the first one study, we evaluated 34 patients, (23 women and 11 men) which 17 are hypertensive (59 ± 10 years) and 17 are and diabetic patients (54 ± 10 years), and the following questionnaires were applied: Mini Exam Mental State Examination (MMSE), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI) and the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). It was found that 82% of hypertensives and 65% of diabetics showed mental disorder suspicion, with no difference between the two groups (p = 0.246). Already, 76% of diabetics and 65% of hypertensive patients were classified with moderate to severe depression, while 64% of hypertensive and 48% of diabetic patient showed moderate to severe anxiety. Not being found cognitive deficit frames. Showing thus high percentage of depressive disorders and anxiety in the sample studied, reinforcing the importance of psychiatric care. In the second study we evaluated 17 patients (55 ± 9 years), which 9 hypertensives (57 ± 8 years) and 8 diabetics (53 ± 8 years) who underwent a program of resisrence physical exercise using the alternate circuit method by segment and aerobic exercise supervised on the treadmill and ergometer for 12 weeks, with weekly frequency of 3 days and moderate intensity. The same questionnaires from the previous work were applied before and after the intervention period. There was a reduction of 61% (p = 0.001) scores achieved by the BDI, as well as decrease of 53% (p = 0.02) in the BAI score after 12 weeks of exercise. Also it was recorded a decrease of 73% of patients classified with a mental disorder suspicion. There were no improvements in cognitive levels through the MMSE after the intervention period, and there was no difference between groups of aerobic and resistance exercises. Demonstrating positive effects on depressive disorders, anxiety and nonpsychotic mental disorders in hypertensive and diabetic, after a 12-week period conducting supervised exercise, regardless of the exercises characteristics. The third study was conducted with 13 patients, (55 ± 12years) 6 diabetics (49 ± 13 years) and 7 hypertensive (60 ± 9 years) applying tests that assess attention and concentration, selective attention and reaction time in MTTS equipment before and after 12 weeks conducting exercises for an aerobic group and a supervised resistance group. The results showed that there were significant improvements in attention and concentration tests in the variable "no reation incorrect" to hypertensive subjects (p = 0.031) and diabetic patients (p = 0.013), and the variable "correct" reactions (p = 0.013) and " incorrect reactions "(p = 0.028) for diabetics. There was no difference between the groups who performed aerobic and resistance exercises. The development of the study concluded that despite the high prevalence of depressive and anxiety tables in hypertensives and diabetics who participated in this study, physical exercise was able to minimize these psychiatric disorders considerably after a period of 12 weeks training with modalities of aerobic and resistance exercises. In this context the suggested exercises protocol was also effective in improving the levels of attention and concentration of the patients, even if not diagnosed by MMSE questionnaire or a type of cognitive impairment. Thereby demonstrating that supervised exercise can be used as an effective tool not only in the treatment of cardiometabolic comorbidities in hypertensives and diabetics but also on their mental health.
Saúde mental, Exercícios físicos, Diabetes, Hipertensão
TEIXEIRA, Robson Bonoto. Avaliação do estado mental de pacientes com hipertensão e diabetes atendidos pelo Centro Hiperdia de Viçosa após programa de exercícios físicos supervisionados. 2016. 89f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2016.