Evaluation of different selection indices combining Pilodyn penetration and growth performance in Eucalyptus clones

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Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology


The present study aimed to evaluate the selection indices efficiency for Pilodyn penetration combined with growth traits in Eucalyptus clones. It was carried out experiments in a randomized block design, with single tree plots and 30 replications. Diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (TH), and Pilodyn penetration as an indicator of basic density (BD) were measured. The volume was estimated. Based on predicted genotypic values, three indices presented the highest accuracies: I8 (based on partial correlation), I7 (based on the concept of multivariate BLUP) and I3 (based on two variables as ratio, which uses a third heritability estimate associated to the ratio DBH/BD, besides the two heritabilities of DBH and BD). Thus, it is possible to optimize the selection by combining properly the variables using their genetic control, precision and the relationships between them. The best options came from using only two no redundant traits DBH and BD.


O artigo não contém resumo em português.


Selection criteria, Accuracy, Wood quality, Partial correlation, Path analysis




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