A certificação fitossanitária como ferramenta de prevenção e controle de Meloidogyne spp. em mudas de café produzidas em Rondônia
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Os nematoides do gênero Meloidogyne são vermes fitoparasitas do cafeeiro, infectam as raízes das plantas afetando a absorção de água e nutrientes, causam grandes prejuízos e comprometem a viabilidade econômica da lavoura. O estado de Rondônia é o quinto maior produtor de café do país e seu cultivo constitui-se em uma importante fonte de renda para a economia do estado. Em Rondônia, tem-se observado a presença e a disseminação do patógeno nas lavouras cafeeiras de diversos municípios, sendo o uso de mudas infectadas a maior fonte de disseminação. O patógeno é de difícil controle e erradicação, devendo-se evitar sua disseminação para novas áreas, para tanto se recomenda o uso de mudas certificadas e livres de Meloidogyne spp. A certificação de mudas de café em Rondônia teve início quando a Portaria N° 558 de 08 de janeiro de 2016 entrou em vigor. Passados cinco anos da implantação do processo de certificação fitossanitária, tornou-se importante conhecer os resultados obtidos com o programa. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o impacto da certificação fitossanitária como ferramenta de prevenção e controle de Meloidogyne spp. em mudas de café produzidas em Rondônia. Para tanto, foram utilizados os dados do programa de certificação fitossanitária, disponibilizados pela Agência IDARON. Tais dados revelaram que houve produção de mudas de café certificadas em 126 viveiros distribuídos por 24 municípios do Estado, com destaque para o município de Nova Brasilândia D’Oeste que foi o maior produtor e consumidor de mudas. No período de 2017 a 2021 foram produzidas 70.678.332 mudas, das quais 2,67% apresentaram resultados laboratoriais positivos para Meloidogyne spp. O município de Alta Floresta do Oeste apresentou o maior percentual de contaminação. Do total de mudas comercializadas, 96,52% foram destinadas internamente à Rondônia, sendo o restante das mudas destinadas a outros 11 Estados, com destaque para Mato Grosso que recebeu 2,1% das mudas. No que se refere às ocorrências de Meloidogyne spp., houve contaminação em 56 viveiros, distribuídos por 16 municípios, sendo que mudas produzidas em sacolas de polietileno, alocadas no solo e contendo solo como substrato representaram 96% das mudas contaminadas. Foi verificada a preferência dos viveiristas em enviar as amostras para análise ao Laboratório Agronômica localizado no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Quanto às alterações no sistema de produção de mudas, constatou-se que apenas 8,7% dos produtores realizaram alterações, com destaque para as alterações do tipo de substrato utilizado e da fonte de captação de água para irrigação. A certificação fitossanitária da produção de mudas de café preservou uma área de aproximadamente 567 hectares e garantiu a comercialização de mudas livres de Meloidogyne spp. A qualidade do sistema de produção de mudas apresentou leve evolução ao longo do programa de certificação fitossanitária. Palavras-chave: Nematoide-das-galhas. Fitoparasitas. Cafeeiro. Certificação de mudas. Defesa sanitária vegetal.
The nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are phytoparasitic worms of the coffee tree. They infect the roots of the plants, affecting the absorption of water and nutrients, causing great damage, and compromising the economic viability of the crop. The state of Rondônia is the fifth largest coffee producer in the country, and its cultivation constitutes an important source of income for the state's economy. In Rondônia, the presence and dissemination of the pathogen have been observed in coffee plantations in several municipalities, with the use of infected seedlings being the main source of dissemination. The pathogen is difficult to control and eradicate, and its spread to new areas should be avoided. For this purpose, the use of certified seedlings free of Meloidogyne spp is recommended. The certification of coffee seedlings in Rondônia began when Ordinance No. 558 of January 8, 2016, came into force. Five years after the implementation of the phytosanitary certification process, it became important to know the results obtained with the program. This work aimed to determine the impact of phytosanitary certification as a tool for the prevention and control of Meloidogyne spp in coffee seedlings produced in Rondônia. For this purpose, data from the phytosanitary certification program, made available by the IDARON Agency, were used. Such data revealed that there was the production of certified coffee seedlings in 126 nurseries spread over 24 municipalities in the State, with emphasis on the municipality of Nova Brasilândia D’Oeste, which was the largest producer and consumer of seedlings. In the period from 2017 to 2021, 70,678,332 seedlings were produced, of which 2.67% had positive laboratory results for Meloidogyne spp. The municipality of Alta Floresta do Oeste had the highest percentage of contamination. Of the total seedlings sold, 96.52% were destined internally to Rondônia, with the rest of the seedlings destined for the other 11 states, with emphasis on Mato Grosso, which received 2.1% of the seedlings. Concerning the occurrences of Meloidogyne spp., there was contamination in 56 nurseries spread over 16 municipalities, and produced in polyethylene bags, placed in the soil, and containing soil as substrate represented 96% of the contaminated seedlings. The preference of nurserymen to send the samples for analysis to the Agronomic Laboratory located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul was verified. As for changes in the seedling production system, it was found that only 8.7% of producers made changes with emphasis on changes in the type of substrate used and the source of water collection for irrigation. The phytosanitary certification for the production of coffee seedlings preserved an area of approximately 567 hectares and guaranteed the sale of seedlings free of Meloidogyne spp. The quality of the seedling production system showed a slight evolution throughout the phytosanitary certification program. Keywords: Root-knot nematode. Phytoparasites. Coffee tree. Seedling certification. Plant health defense.
The nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are phytoparasitic worms of the coffee tree. They infect the roots of the plants, affecting the absorption of water and nutrients, causing great damage, and compromising the economic viability of the crop. The state of Rondônia is the fifth largest coffee producer in the country, and its cultivation constitutes an important source of income for the state's economy. In Rondônia, the presence and dissemination of the pathogen have been observed in coffee plantations in several municipalities, with the use of infected seedlings being the main source of dissemination. The pathogen is difficult to control and eradicate, and its spread to new areas should be avoided. For this purpose, the use of certified seedlings free of Meloidogyne spp is recommended. The certification of coffee seedlings in Rondônia began when Ordinance No. 558 of January 8, 2016, came into force. Five years after the implementation of the phytosanitary certification process, it became important to know the results obtained with the program. This work aimed to determine the impact of phytosanitary certification as a tool for the prevention and control of Meloidogyne spp in coffee seedlings produced in Rondônia. For this purpose, data from the phytosanitary certification program, made available by the IDARON Agency, were used. Such data revealed that there was the production of certified coffee seedlings in 126 nurseries spread over 24 municipalities in the State, with emphasis on the municipality of Nova Brasilândia D’Oeste, which was the largest producer and consumer of seedlings. In the period from 2017 to 2021, 70,678,332 seedlings were produced, of which 2.67% had positive laboratory results for Meloidogyne spp. The municipality of Alta Floresta do Oeste had the highest percentage of contamination. Of the total seedlings sold, 96.52% were destined internally to Rondônia, with the rest of the seedlings destined for the other 11 states, with emphasis on Mato Grosso, which received 2.1% of the seedlings. Concerning the occurrences of Meloidogyne spp., there was contamination in 56 nurseries spread over 16 municipalities, and produced in polyethylene bags, placed in the soil, and containing soil as substrate represented 96% of the contaminated seedlings. The preference of nurserymen to send the samples for analysis to the Agronomic Laboratory located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul was verified. As for changes in the seedling production system, it was found that only 8.7% of producers made changes with emphasis on changes in the type of substrate used and the source of water collection for irrigation. The phytosanitary certification for the production of coffee seedlings preserved an area of approximately 567 hectares and guaranteed the sale of seedlings free of Meloidogyne spp. The quality of the seedling production system showed a slight evolution throughout the phytosanitary certification program. Keywords: Root-knot nematode. Phytoparasites. Coffee tree. Seedling certification. Plant health defense.
Nematoide-das-galhas, Cafeeiro - Doenças e pragas, Café - Mudas - Certificados e licenças - Rondônia
SIMÕES, Lindomar Pereira. A certificação fitossanitária como ferramenta de prevenção e controle de Meloidogyne spp. em mudas de café produzidas em Rondônia. 2023. 42 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.