Do tablado ao teclado: relação entre novas tecnologias, arranjos espaciais e práticas pedagógicas em ambientes de aprendizagem
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta pesquisa investiga a relação entre novas tecnologias, arranjos espaciais e práticas pedagógicas em ambientes de aprendizagem, focando na espacialidade da Educação a Distância. O espaço escolar presencial e o ciberespaço forma estudados, aliando arquitetura à prática pedagógica, tendo como objeto de análise, o espaço presencial e virtual do curso a distância de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Para compreensão do perfil do usuário desta espacialidade, foram aplicados dois questionários. A espacialidade presencial - no caso os pólos de apoio - foi investigada no tocante à sua estrutura, percepção do usuário por meio dos questionários e visita in loco ao pólo da cidade de Bicas/MG. No espaço virtual PVAnet a interface ―Fórum‖ foi analisada por meio da leitura de mensagens, teias de interação geradas pelo software AGNA e opinião do usuário via questionário. Os resultados alcançados permitiram diagnosticar o perfil heterogêneo do aluno, quanto a faixa etária,
formação, domínio da informática, profissão exercida, e o tempo e o período dedicado aos estudos. O polo de apoio presencial foi avaliado positivamente pelos alunos com relação a seu espaço e organização espacial. A arquitetura e a organização dos espaços internos dos polos seguem a um programa de necessidades tradicional não havendo inovações na estrutura deste lugar. A sala de aula se estrutura tradicionalmente desde o mobiliário até o arranjo espacial. O polo é frequentado, sobretudo para exercício de atividades obrigatórias e é pouco utilizado para as atividades que não as aulas em classe. O PVAnet teve também avaliação positiva pelos alunos e seu uso se dá vinculado a atividades obrigatórias e pouco interativas. Quando ocorrem interações, no caso do fórum, estas se centram numa figura representativa da detenção do saber, ora tutor ora professor. As interações diagnosticadas ocorrerem em uma sala de aula presencial, estando vinculada a forma como a atividade é conduzida e a postura de professores e alunos. A pesquisa mostra que tanto no espaço físico como no virtual o uso do espaço está vinculado a atividades obrigatórias, pouco interativas e centradas nas relações professor aluno ou tutor aluno. A arquitetura dos espaços de ensino parece ser pouco considerada pelos usuários, pois o uso e apropriação do espaço estão ligados à forma como a prática educativa se estrutura. A Arquitetura é importante, pois ela é o palco de ação das atividades de ensino.
This research investigates the relationship between new technologies, spatial arrangements and pedagogical practices in learning environments, focusing in spatiality of Distance Education. The issue of the classroom space and the cyberspace was studied, combining architecture and pedagogical practice. The physical and virtual spaces used by the distance learning course in Mathematics offered by the Federal University of Viçosa were chosen as the object of analysis. To understand the users profile of this spatiality, two questionnaires were developed and applied. The physical space in this case, the support poles - was investigated with regard to its structure, user perception by means of questionnaires and on-site visit to the town of Bicas in Minas Gerais. In the virtual space PVANET - an analysis of the interface Fórum was carried out by reading messages, webs of interaction generated by AGNA software and user opinion through questionnaire. The results obtained allow us to diagnose the heterogeneous profile of the students regarding age, education, knowledge on computer, profession and the amount of time and period dedicated to thei studies. The architecture and organization of internal spaces of the poles follow a traditional program with no innovations in the structure of this place. The classroom is traditionally structured from furniture to spatial arrangement. The pole is frequented, mainly, for doing exercises and compulsory activities. It is rarely used for activities that are beyond the lectures. The PVANET also had a positive assessment by students. Its use is bound to mandatory and less interactive activities. When interactions occur, in the forum case, they focus on a representative figure that has of knowledge, which is sometimes the professor, sometimes the tutor. The diagnosed interactions occur in a physical classroom, being linked to how the activity is conducted and to the attitude of teachers and students. The research shows that both in the physical space and in the virtual space usage is tied to mandatory activities, less interactive and centered in the relations teacher-student or tutor-student. The architecture of the teaching spaces seems to be not much considered by users as the use and appropriation of space are linked to how educational practice is structured. The school architecture is important because it is the stage of the teaching activities.
This research investigates the relationship between new technologies, spatial arrangements and pedagogical practices in learning environments, focusing in spatiality of Distance Education. The issue of the classroom space and the cyberspace was studied, combining architecture and pedagogical practice. The physical and virtual spaces used by the distance learning course in Mathematics offered by the Federal University of Viçosa were chosen as the object of analysis. To understand the users profile of this spatiality, two questionnaires were developed and applied. The physical space in this case, the support poles - was investigated with regard to its structure, user perception by means of questionnaires and on-site visit to the town of Bicas in Minas Gerais. In the virtual space PVANET - an analysis of the interface Fórum was carried out by reading messages, webs of interaction generated by AGNA software and user opinion through questionnaire. The results obtained allow us to diagnose the heterogeneous profile of the students regarding age, education, knowledge on computer, profession and the amount of time and period dedicated to thei studies. The architecture and organization of internal spaces of the poles follow a traditional program with no innovations in the structure of this place. The classroom is traditionally structured from furniture to spatial arrangement. The pole is frequented, mainly, for doing exercises and compulsory activities. It is rarely used for activities that are beyond the lectures. The PVANET also had a positive assessment by students. Its use is bound to mandatory and less interactive activities. When interactions occur, in the forum case, they focus on a representative figure that has of knowledge, which is sometimes the professor, sometimes the tutor. The diagnosed interactions occur in a physical classroom, being linked to how the activity is conducted and to the attitude of teachers and students. The research shows that both in the physical space and in the virtual space usage is tied to mandatory activities, less interactive and centered in the relations teacher-student or tutor-student. The architecture of the teaching spaces seems to be not much considered by users as the use and appropriation of space are linked to how educational practice is structured. The school architecture is important because it is the stage of the teaching activities.
Ambiente de aprendizagem, Novas tecnologias, Arranjos espaciais, Práticas pedagógicas, Learning environment, New technologies, Spatial arrangements, Pedagogical practices
ASSIS, Thaís Reis de. From the stage to the keyboard: the relationship between new technologies, spatial arrangements and pedagogical practices in learning environments. 2012. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Planejamento e Avaliação do Espaço Construído) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.