Acúmulo de cátions em dois cultivares de feijoeiro crescidos em soluções salinas
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Revista Ceres
Com o objetivo de isolar os efeitos da presença de concentrações elevadas de sais na solução, verificando respostas à pressão osmótica, sódio, cloreto, bicarbonato e pH, foi realizado um ensaio utilizando dois cultivares de feijoeiro: Diamante Negro e OPNS 331. As sementes foram germinadas em água deionizada e as plântulas, transplantadas para a solução nutritiva, acrescida de 60 mmol L-1 dos sais: NaNO3 , NaCl, NaHCO3 , KNO3 , KCl ou KHCO3 , além de um tratamento controle. O pH da testemunha e das soluções que incluíram nitratos e cloretos foi mantido em 5,5, e o das soluções com bicarbonato, em 8,5. Foi acrescentado um tratamento adicional, em que a solução nutritiva com NaCl teve seu pH elevado a 8,5 com hidróxido de lítio, para coincidir com o das soluções de bicarbonato e testar o efeito do pH. O cultivar OPNS 331 foi mais tolerante à salinidade do que o Diamante Negro nos dois feijoeiros estudados. Os efeitos prejudiciais, decorrentes de concentrações salinas e pH elevados, foram hierarquizados na ordem: sódio > alcalinidade > ânion acompanhante.
A trial with the common bean cultivars Diamante Negro and OPNS 331 was performed to isolate the effects caused by high salt concentrations in solution and verify responses to osmotic pressure, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and pH. The treatments consisted of NaNO 3 , NaCl, NaHCO 3 , KNO 3 , KCl, or KHCO 3 solutions, and a control treatment. The pH of the control, nitrate and chloride solutions were maintained at 5.5, and bicarbonate solutions at 8.5. A further treatment was added, in which the pH of the nutrient solution with NaCl was raised to 8.5 to equal the pH of bicarbonate solutions. The effect of sodium chloride was thus tested at the two indicated pH values. Cultivar OPNS 331 was more tolerant to salinity than Diamante Negro cultivar, the harmful effects caused by high salt concentrations and pH, in both common bean varieties under study, can be ranked in the following order: osmotic pressure > alkalinity > accompanying anion.
A trial with the common bean cultivars Diamante Negro and OPNS 331 was performed to isolate the effects caused by high salt concentrations in solution and verify responses to osmotic pressure, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and pH. The treatments consisted of NaNO 3 , NaCl, NaHCO 3 , KNO 3 , KCl, or KHCO 3 solutions, and a control treatment. The pH of the control, nitrate and chloride solutions were maintained at 5.5, and bicarbonate solutions at 8.5. A further treatment was added, in which the pH of the nutrient solution with NaCl was raised to 8.5 to equal the pH of bicarbonate solutions. The effect of sodium chloride was thus tested at the two indicated pH values. Cultivar OPNS 331 was more tolerant to salinity than Diamante Negro cultivar, the harmful effects caused by high salt concentrations and pH, in both common bean varieties under study, can be ranked in the following order: osmotic pressure > alkalinity > accompanying anion.
Salinidade, Alcalinidade, Cloreto, Bicarbonato, Phaseolus vulgaris