Propagação in vitro de Pereskia aculeata Mill.
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Pereskia aculeata Mill., conhecida popularmente como ora-pro-nóbis, é uma planta alimentícia não convencional, utilizada pela medicina popular no tratamento de queimaduras e inflamações. Apresenta propriedades farmacológicas, como analgésica, antioxidante, anticancerígena e nutracêutica, resultado de uma gama de compostos bioativos produzidos pela espécie, tais como sesquiterpenos, compostos fenólicos e betalaínas. Apesar da sua importância, ainda são escassos os trabalhos que visem estabelecer o cultivo in vitro de P. aculeata. Notadamente, ainda não há relatos de estudos sobre a influência das trocas gasosas e qualidade da luz no desenvolvimento e produção de compostos bioativos em P. aculeata cultivada in vitro. A cultura de tecidos vegetais é uma alternativa viável para a multiplicação de espécies medicinais em larga escala, pois é fonte potencial para produção de metabólitos secundários de interesse. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um protocolo de propagação in vitro e avaliar a influência de citocininas, meios de cultura, trocas gasosas, concentrações de sacarose e qualidade da luz na morfofisiologia de plantas de P. aculeata. Para isso, foram conduzidos cinco experimentos: I) Estabelecimento de protocolo de desinfestação de P. aculeata; II) Avaliação de citocininas no desempenho de explantes nodais no estabelecimento in vitro de P. aculeata; III) Avaliação de formulações de meios de cultura no estabelecimento in vitro de P. aculeata; IV) Efeito das trocas gasosas e concentrações de sacarose na morfofisiologia e anatomia de P. aculeata cultivada in vitro; V) Influência da qualidade de luz na morfofisiologia e na produção de betalaínas de P. aculeata cultivada in vitro. Os resultados demostraram que para estabelecer de forma eficiente segmentos nodais de P. aculeata in vitro, faz-se necessário a desinfestação dos explantes em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 2,5% de cloro ativo combinado à adição de 0,2% de Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) ao meio de cultura, e inoculação dos mesmos em meio de cultura Murashige e Skoog (MS) contendo 1 mg L-1 de meta-Topolina (mT). Além disso, a espécie pode ser cultivada sob o sistema de cultivo hererotrófico, em meio de cultura suplementado com 15 g L-1 de sacarose e frascos vedados com tampas contendo uma membrana que permite taxa de troca de CO2 de 14 μL L-1 s-1 (TTCO2 de 14 μL L-1 s-1), e/ou sob o sistema de cultivo fotomixotrófico, em meio suplementado com 30 g L-1 de sacarose e frascos vedados com tampas contendo duas membranas que permitem TTCO2 de 25 μL L-1 s-1. Na propagação in vitro de P. aculeata, a combinação dos espectros de luz Vermelho/Branco/Azul Médio (V/B/AM) promoveram maior acúmulo de betacianina. Este trabalho fornece novas perspectivas em relação aos efeitos da manipulação do meio e do ambiente de cultivo sobre o desenvolvimento e o metabolismo secundário de P. aculeata, podendo auxiliar na otimização de protocolos de propagação e de produção in vitro de betalaínas nessa espécie.
Palavras-chave: Ora-pro-nóbis; Sistemas de cultivo in vitro; Cultura de tecidos vegetais; Betalaína.
Pereskia aculeata Mill., popularly known as ‘ora-pro-nóbis’, is an unconventional food plant used in folk medicine to treat burns and inflammation. It has pharmacological properties, such as analgesic, antioxidant, anticancer and nutraceutical properties, due to a range of bioactive compounds produced by the species, such as sesquiterpenes, phenolic compounds and betalains. Despite its importance, few studies still aim to establish the in vitro cultivation of P. aculeata. In particular, there are still no reports of studies on the influence of gas exchange and light quality on the development and production of bioactive compounds in P. aculeata grown in vitro. Plant tissue culture is a viable alternative for the large-scale multiplication of medicinal species, as it is a potential source for producing secondary metabolites of interest. This study aimed to develop an in vitro propagation protocol and evaluate the influence of cytokinins, culture media, gas exchange, sucrose concentrations and light quality on the morphophysiology of P. aculeata plants. To this end, five experiments were carried out: I) Establishment of a P. aculeata disinfestation protocol; II) Evaluation of cytokinins on the performance of nodal explants in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; III) Evaluation of culture media formulations in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; IV) Effect of cytokinins on the performance of nodal explants in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; IV) Effect of gas exchange and sucrose concentrations on the morphophysiology and anatomy of P. aculeata grown in vitro; V) Influence of light quality on the morphophysiology and betalain production of P. aculeata grown in vitro. The results showed that in order to efficiently establish nodal segments of P. aculeata in vitro, it is necessary to disinfect the explants in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at 2.5% active chlorine combined with the addition of 0.2% Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) to the culture medium, and inoculate them in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) containing 1 mg L-1 of meta-Topolin (mT). In addition, the species can be grown under the hererotrophic cultivation system, in culture medium supplemented with 15 g L-1 sucrose and sealed flasks with lids containing a membrane that allows a CO2 exchange rate of 14 μL L-1 s-1 (TTCO2 of 14 μL L-1 s-1), and/or under the photomixotrophic cultivation system, in medium supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and sealed flasks with lids containing two membranes that allow a TTCO2 of 25 μL L-1 s-1. In the in vitro propagation of P. aculeata, combining the Red/White/Medium Blue (R/W/MB) light spectra promoted greater betacyanin accumulation. This work provides new insights into the effects of manipulating the growing medium and environment on the development and secondary metabolism of P. aculeata, and may help to optimize propagation protocols and in vitro production of betalains in this species. Keywords: ‘Ora-pro-nóbis’; In vitro culture systems; Plant tissue culture; Betalain.
Pereskia aculeata Mill., popularly known as ‘ora-pro-nóbis’, is an unconventional food plant used in folk medicine to treat burns and inflammation. It has pharmacological properties, such as analgesic, antioxidant, anticancer and nutraceutical properties, due to a range of bioactive compounds produced by the species, such as sesquiterpenes, phenolic compounds and betalains. Despite its importance, few studies still aim to establish the in vitro cultivation of P. aculeata. In particular, there are still no reports of studies on the influence of gas exchange and light quality on the development and production of bioactive compounds in P. aculeata grown in vitro. Plant tissue culture is a viable alternative for the large-scale multiplication of medicinal species, as it is a potential source for producing secondary metabolites of interest. This study aimed to develop an in vitro propagation protocol and evaluate the influence of cytokinins, culture media, gas exchange, sucrose concentrations and light quality on the morphophysiology of P. aculeata plants. To this end, five experiments were carried out: I) Establishment of a P. aculeata disinfestation protocol; II) Evaluation of cytokinins on the performance of nodal explants in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; III) Evaluation of culture media formulations in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; IV) Effect of cytokinins on the performance of nodal explants in the in vitro establishment of P. aculeata; IV) Effect of gas exchange and sucrose concentrations on the morphophysiology and anatomy of P. aculeata grown in vitro; V) Influence of light quality on the morphophysiology and betalain production of P. aculeata grown in vitro. The results showed that in order to efficiently establish nodal segments of P. aculeata in vitro, it is necessary to disinfect the explants in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at 2.5% active chlorine combined with the addition of 0.2% Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) to the culture medium, and inoculate them in Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) containing 1 mg L-1 of meta-Topolin (mT). In addition, the species can be grown under the hererotrophic cultivation system, in culture medium supplemented with 15 g L-1 sucrose and sealed flasks with lids containing a membrane that allows a CO2 exchange rate of 14 μL L-1 s-1 (TTCO2 of 14 μL L-1 s-1), and/or under the photomixotrophic cultivation system, in medium supplemented with 30 g L-1 sucrose and sealed flasks with lids containing two membranes that allow a TTCO2 of 25 μL L-1 s-1. In the in vitro propagation of P. aculeata, combining the Red/White/Medium Blue (R/W/MB) light spectra promoted greater betacyanin accumulation. This work provides new insights into the effects of manipulating the growing medium and environment on the development and secondary metabolism of P. aculeata, and may help to optimize propagation protocols and in vitro production of betalains in this species. Keywords: ‘Ora-pro-nóbis’; In vitro culture systems; Plant tissue culture; Betalain.
Ora-pro-nóbis - Propagação in vitro, Betalaínas
SOUSA, Elisandra da Silva. Propagação in vitro de Pereskia aculeata Mill. 2023. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.