Bases fisiológicas e moleculares em cianobactérias em resposta a presença de arsênio
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As cianobactérias são bactérias gram-negativas, que realizam fotossíntese oxigênica e possuem uma grande variação morfológica. Elas ainda apresentam uma grande diversidade metabólica e fisiológica, permitindo que colonizem uma gama de habitats aquáticos e terrestres. Em muitos destes ambientes ocorre a presença e acúmulo de diversos metais pesados, bem como de outros elementos tóxicos, como o arsênio (As). O As é encontrado naturalmente no ambiente, mas, nos últimos anos, tem ocorrido um aumento em suas concentrações em decorrência predominantemente da mineração. Devido à sua diversidade metabólica, as cianobactérias são capazes de habitarem ambientes contaminados com As, e também participam do ciclo biogeoquímico desse elemento. Cumpre mencionar que, ao longo do processo evolutivo, as cianobactérias desenvolveram diversas estratégias de resistência e tolerância ao As, incluindo múltiplas biotransformações deste elemento. Alterações morfológicas, fisiológicas e bioquímicas também estão envolvidas na resposta ao estresse por As. Neste contexto, o operon ars (arsBHC) responde pelo principal mecanismo de resistência ao As em cianobactérias: arsC codifica para uma redutase do arsenato, ao passo que arsB ou acr3, codificam uma permease do arsenito. Ressalta-se ainda que, dentre as diferentes morfologias apresentadas por cianobactérias, morfotipos filamentosos parecem possuir uma menor tolerância ao As quando comparadas a linhagens unicelulares. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre qual(is) fator(es) permitem às cianobactérias unicelulares apresentarem essa maior tolerância. Desta forma, o estudo de linhagens de cianobactérias diversas, incluindo as isoladas de ambientes contaminados por As, pode ajudar a elucidar alguns processos e também desvendar novos mecanismos relacionados a essa resistência/tolerância diferencial. Neste estudo, três organismos isolados de ambientes hostis foram identificados e classificados. Também se examinou o crescimento, as alterações metabólicas, fisiológicas e morfológicas de seis cianobactérias expostas a duas concentrações de arsenito. Destaca-se a notável flexibilidade desses organismos em colonizar ambientes contaminados com arsênio, evidenciando sua capacidade de resposta mesmo em altas concentrações desse elemento. Algumas linhagens conseguiram manter ou recuperar padrões de crescimento próximos às condições controle, ressaltando a presença de mecanismos eficientes na mobilização do arsênio. Percebe-se, também, que a produção de um polímero celular externo (EPS) e o aumento nos padrões de agregação celular e tricomas são respostas comuns à exposição ao arsenito, indicando um papel na redução da mobilidade e contato do arsênio com as células. Este estudo fornece insights sobre como o metabolismo desses organismos é afetado pelo arsênio, revelando padrões de resposta que podem ser explorados em estudos futuros. A coleta, identificação e caracterização desses organismos isolados de ambientes contaminados são de grande importância, destacando o potencial uso iotecnológico dessas cianobactérias em ambientes afetados por arsênio. Além disso, o entendimento de seu metabolismo nessas condições contribui para diversas áreas científicas.
Palavras-chave: arsênio, cianobactérias, filogenia, metabolismo, morfologia.
Cyanobacteria, a group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of oxygenic photosynthesis, exhibit extensive morphological diversity and a broad range of metabolic and physiological adaptations, enabling colonization of diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Many of these environments host elevated concentrations of heavy metals, including arsenic (As), a naturally occurring element that has increased in presence due to mining activities. Leveraging their metabolic diversity, cyanobacteria thrive in As-contaminated habitats and actively participate in the biogeochemical cycling of this element. Through evolutionary processes, cyanobacteria acquired diverse strategies, including morphological, physiological, and biochemical adjustments to resist and tolerate arsenic-induced stress. In this context, the ars operon (arsBHC) emerges as the primary mechanism conferring As resistance in cyanobacteria, where arsC encodes an arsenate reductase and arsB or acr3 encodes an arsenite permease. Notably, among different cyanobacterial morphotypes, filamentous morphotypes exhibit lower As tolerance compared to unicellular strains. However, the factors contributing to the enhanced tolerance of unicellular cyanobacteria remain poorly understood. This study investigates diverse cyanobacterial strains, including those isolated from As-contaminated environments, shedding light on processes and unveiling novel mechanisms underlying this differential resistance/tolerance. Three organisms isolated from hostile environments were identified and classified. The growth, metabolic, physiological, and morphological changes of six cyanobacteria exposed to two arsenite concentrations were examined. These organisms displayed remarkable flexibility in colonizing arsenic-contaminated environments, showcasing their adaptive responses even in high arsenic concentrations. Some strains maintained or recovered growth patterns similar to control conditions, emphasizing the efficiency of arsenic mobilization mechanisms. Additionally, the production of an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and increased cellular and trichome aggregation were common responses to arsenite exposure, suggesting a role in reducing arsenic mobility and contact with cells. This study provides insights into how arsenic affects the metabolism of cyanobacteria, revealing response patterns that can be explored in future studies. The identification and characterization of these organisms isolated from contaminated environments are crucial, emphasizing the biotechnological potential of cyanobacteria in arsenic-affected habitats. Understanding their metabolism under these conditions contributes to various scientific fields. Keywords: arsenic, cyanobacteria, phylogeny, metabolism, morphology.
Cyanobacteria, a group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of oxygenic photosynthesis, exhibit extensive morphological diversity and a broad range of metabolic and physiological adaptations, enabling colonization of diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Many of these environments host elevated concentrations of heavy metals, including arsenic (As), a naturally occurring element that has increased in presence due to mining activities. Leveraging their metabolic diversity, cyanobacteria thrive in As-contaminated habitats and actively participate in the biogeochemical cycling of this element. Through evolutionary processes, cyanobacteria acquired diverse strategies, including morphological, physiological, and biochemical adjustments to resist and tolerate arsenic-induced stress. In this context, the ars operon (arsBHC) emerges as the primary mechanism conferring As resistance in cyanobacteria, where arsC encodes an arsenate reductase and arsB or acr3 encodes an arsenite permease. Notably, among different cyanobacterial morphotypes, filamentous morphotypes exhibit lower As tolerance compared to unicellular strains. However, the factors contributing to the enhanced tolerance of unicellular cyanobacteria remain poorly understood. This study investigates diverse cyanobacterial strains, including those isolated from As-contaminated environments, shedding light on processes and unveiling novel mechanisms underlying this differential resistance/tolerance. Three organisms isolated from hostile environments were identified and classified. The growth, metabolic, physiological, and morphological changes of six cyanobacteria exposed to two arsenite concentrations were examined. These organisms displayed remarkable flexibility in colonizing arsenic-contaminated environments, showcasing their adaptive responses even in high arsenic concentrations. Some strains maintained or recovered growth patterns similar to control conditions, emphasizing the efficiency of arsenic mobilization mechanisms. Additionally, the production of an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and increased cellular and trichome aggregation were common responses to arsenite exposure, suggesting a role in reducing arsenic mobility and contact with cells. This study provides insights into how arsenic affects the metabolism of cyanobacteria, revealing response patterns that can be explored in future studies. The identification and characterization of these organisms isolated from contaminated environments are crucial, emphasizing the biotechnological potential of cyanobacteria in arsenic-affected habitats. Understanding their metabolism under these conditions contributes to various scientific fields. Keywords: arsenic, cyanobacteria, phylogeny, metabolism, morphology.
Cianobactérias - Filogenia, Cianobactérias - Morfologia, Cianobactérias - Metabolismo, Arsênio
ALMEIDA, Allan Victor Martins. Bases fisiológicas e moleculares em cianobactérias em resposta a presença de arsênio. 2023. 164 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fisiologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.