Programando espaços de aprendizagem: uma contribuição para a educação brasileira
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este artigo foca no processo de projeto de edifícios escolares com o intuito de criar
ambientes de aprendizagem de qualidade para o ensino fundamental brasileiro. Para
tanto, requisitos de projeto estão sendo organizados para dar suporte a fase de
Programa Arquitetônico do processo de projeto de edifícios escolares. Assim, este
estudo tem como objetivo identificar e organizar requisitos de projeto que norteiem a
construção de edifícios escolares relacionando comportamento humano e ambiente
construído, bem como teorias pedagógicas. Para tanto, um banco de dados está
sendo criado para facilitar o acesso a informações relevantes para o desenvolvimento
do projeto arquitetônico de escolas. Uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi conduzida para
identificar dados sobre ambiente de aprendizagem, arquitetura escolar, psicologia
ambiental, métodos pedagógicos e leis que orientam a educação brasileira. A
ferramenta para apoiar a fase do Programa Arquitetônico, o Problem Seeking, está
sendo utilizada para filtrar as informações. No banco de dados as informações são
apresentadas através de textos, desenhos, ilustrações e diagramas. Todo item é
referenciado para futuros estudos e questionamentos. O banco de dados está sendo
implementado no programa ACCESS da Microsoft, específico para banco de dados. A
validação do mesmo ocorrerá através de testes com arquitetos e educadores. Por fim,
o Banco de Dados deverá aprimorar a qualidade arquitetônica de novas escolas,
colaborando para a melhoria da educação como um todo.
This article focuses on the design process of school buildings, with a goal of creating better quality learning environments for Brazilian primary and secondary education. Design requirements were organized to support the architectural programming phase of the design process of school buildings. The main goal of the study is to identify and to organize design requirements that guide the designing of learning environments, by relating the learning environment as it was built to both human behavior and pedagogical activities. To accomplish this task, a database was created to facilitate the access to relevant information regarding the design of learning environments. A literature research was conducted to identify data on: learning environments, school architecture, environmental behavior, teaching and pedagogical methodologies and laws concerning the Brazilian education. The Problem Seeking tool to support the architectural programming phase was chosen for the organization of information. In the database each information is presented as a text with drawings, diagrams and other illustrations. Every item is referenced for further studies. The database will be implemented as a computer application, using ACCESS by Microsoft, a specific software to create database. Validation will occur through testing with architects and educators. Ultimately, the tool should stimulate an architectural quality for new school buildings that can then improve education as a whole.
This article focuses on the design process of school buildings, with a goal of creating better quality learning environments for Brazilian primary and secondary education. Design requirements were organized to support the architectural programming phase of the design process of school buildings. The main goal of the study is to identify and to organize design requirements that guide the designing of learning environments, by relating the learning environment as it was built to both human behavior and pedagogical activities. To accomplish this task, a database was created to facilitate the access to relevant information regarding the design of learning environments. A literature research was conducted to identify data on: learning environments, school architecture, environmental behavior, teaching and pedagogical methodologies and laws concerning the Brazilian education. The Problem Seeking tool to support the architectural programming phase was chosen for the organization of information. In the database each information is presented as a text with drawings, diagrams and other illustrations. Every item is referenced for further studies. The database will be implemented as a computer application, using ACCESS by Microsoft, a specific software to create database. Validation will occur through testing with architects and educators. Ultimately, the tool should stimulate an architectural quality for new school buildings that can then improve education as a whole.
Trabalho apresentado no IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído, Viçosa - UFV, 2015
Arquitetura escolar, Programa arquitetônico, Ensino fundamental
ALVARES, S. L.; KOWALTOWSKI, D. C. C. K. Programando espaços de aprendizagem: uma contribuição para a educação brasileira. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2015, Viçosa-MG. Anais... Viçosa-MG: UFV, 2015.