Treinamento físico de baixa intensidade e destreinamento: avaliação das propriedades morfológicas e mecânicas de miócitos cardíacos de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O estudo teve como objetivo verificar se o treinamento físico de baixa intensidade, corrida em esteira, e o destreinamento afetam a pressão arterial, a morfologia e a contratilidade de miócitos cardíacos isolados do ventrículo esquerdo de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). Ratos SHR com 16 semanas de idade, peso inicial de 328, 8 ± 6,58 g (média ± EPM) e pressão arterial sistólica de 174,1 ± 3,75 mmHg, foram alocados aleatoriamente em um dos quatro grupos: G1 = grupo sedentário por 8 semanas (n = 7); G2 = grupo treinado por 8 semanas (n = 7); G3 = grupo treinado por 8 e destreinado por 4 semanas (n = 7); G4 = grupo sedentário por 12 semanas (n = 6). Os animais dos grupos G2 e G3 foram submetidos a um programa de treinamento de corrida de baixa intensidade (16m/min) em esteira rolante, 60 min/dia, 5 dias/semana, durante 8 semanas. Os animais dos grupos G3 e G4 permaneceram em gaiolas coletivas, sem exercício, por mais 4 semanas. Após eutanásia, o coração foi removido e os miócitos do ventrículo esquerdo foram isolados por dispersão enzimática. O comprimento e a largura dos miócitos foram medidos usando-se um sistema de captação de imagens e o volume celular foi calculado. As contrações celulares foram medidas através da técnica de alteração do comprimento dos miócitos, após estimulação elétrica a 1 Hz, em temperatura ambiente (~25ºC), usando-se um sistema de detecção de bordas. Os resultados mostraram que ao final do experimento não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (P > 0,05) entre os grupos para os pesos do animal, do coração, dos ventrículos e para as relações peso do coração/peso do animal e peso dos ventrículos/peso do animal. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (P > 0,05) entre a pressão arterial sistólica inicial e final em todos os grupos. O programa de treinamento aumentou o comprimento dos miócitos cardíacos dos animais SHR, em comparação aos animais sedentários (P < 0,05), e o período de destreinamento não reverteu esta adaptação (P > 0,05). Todavia, tanto o programa de treinamento quanto o destreinamento não foram capazes de alterar a largura e o volume dos miócitos (P > 0,05). A amplitude de contração celular não foi afetada pelo treinamento ou pelo destreinamento (P > 0,05). O treinamento diminuiu o tempo para o pico de contração (P < 0,05), porém o destreinamento reverteu esta adaptação (P < 0,05). Em relação ao tempo para 50% do relaxamento, houve uma tendência de redução pelo treinamento (P = 0,08), mas o destreinamento reverteu esta tendência. A máxima velocidade de contração dos miócitos dos animais treinados foi maior do que a dos sedentários (P < 0,05) e o destreinamento não modificou esta situação (P > 0,05). A máxima velocidade de relaxamento foi maior nos miócitos dos animais treinados do que nos sedentários (P < 0,05), o que foi mantido com o destreinamento (P > 0,05). Concluiu-se que: a) o programa de corrida com intensidade baixa e o destreinamento, não afetaram a pressão arterial sistólica de ratos SHR; b) o programa de corrida com intensidade baixa, aumentou o comprimento, sem alterar a largura e o volume dos miócitos cardíacos de ratos SHR, porém o destreinamento não afetou a morfologia; e c) o programa de treinamento não alterou a amplitude de contração, mas aumentou a velocidade máxima de contração e de relaxamento dos miócitos cardíacos, todavia, o destreinamento reverteu apenas as adaptações do tempo para o pico de contração.
The aim of this study was to verify whether low-intensity treadmill running training and detraining affect blood pressure, morphological and contractile properties of single left ventricular myocytes in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Sixteen-week old SHR male rats with initial body weight of 328.8 ± 6.58 g (mean ± SEM) and blood pressure of 174.1 ± 3.75 mmHg, where randomly allocated into one of the four groups: G1, sedentary 8 weeks (n = 7); G2, exercised 8 weeks (n = 7); G3, detrained 4 weeks (n = 7); G4 = sedentary 12 weeks (n = 6). Animals from G2 and G3 groups were submitted to a low-intensity treadmill running training (16m/min), 60 min/day, 5 days/week, for 8 weeks. Animals from G3 were kept sedentary in their cages for the following 4 weeks. At sacrifice, the heart was removed and left ventricular myocytes were enzymatically dispersed. Cell length and width were measured using an image capture system and cell volume was calculated. Myocytes were stimulated at 1 Hz at room temperature (25ºC) and cell contractility was measured by using an edge detection system. The results showed that by the end of experimental period no between group differences was observed in body weight, heart weight, ventricular weight and the ratios heart weight:body weight and ventricular weight:body weight. Initial and final blood pressure were not different in all groups. Cell length of G2 rats was higher than that of G1 (P < 0.05) and detraining did not affect such adaptation. However, neither exercise training nor detraining affected cell width and volume (P > 0.05). The amplitude of contraction was not affected by either exercise training or detraining (P > 0.05). The time to peak of contraction was reduced by exercise training (P < 0.05), but after detraining such adaptation has disappeared. The time to 50% of relaxation tended to be reduced by the exercise training program (P=0.08), but after detraining such trend disappeared. The maximal velocity of contraction of myocytes from G2 animals was higher than that of G1 (P < 0.05) and detraining did not affect such adaptation. The maximal velocity of relaxation was higher in cells from G2 animals, as compared to that of G1 (P < 0.05), which was maintained after detraining. In conclusion: a) The low-intensity running training and detraining did not affect SHR blood pressure; b) The running training program increased SHR cardiac length without affecting cell width and volume, but detraining did not affect cell morphology; and c) The training program did not affect SHR cardiac amplitude of contraction, however, it increased the maximal velocity of contraction and relaxation, nevertheless detraining reversed the time to peak of contraction.
The aim of this study was to verify whether low-intensity treadmill running training and detraining affect blood pressure, morphological and contractile properties of single left ventricular myocytes in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Sixteen-week old SHR male rats with initial body weight of 328.8 ± 6.58 g (mean ± SEM) and blood pressure of 174.1 ± 3.75 mmHg, where randomly allocated into one of the four groups: G1, sedentary 8 weeks (n = 7); G2, exercised 8 weeks (n = 7); G3, detrained 4 weeks (n = 7); G4 = sedentary 12 weeks (n = 6). Animals from G2 and G3 groups were submitted to a low-intensity treadmill running training (16m/min), 60 min/day, 5 days/week, for 8 weeks. Animals from G3 were kept sedentary in their cages for the following 4 weeks. At sacrifice, the heart was removed and left ventricular myocytes were enzymatically dispersed. Cell length and width were measured using an image capture system and cell volume was calculated. Myocytes were stimulated at 1 Hz at room temperature (25ºC) and cell contractility was measured by using an edge detection system. The results showed that by the end of experimental period no between group differences was observed in body weight, heart weight, ventricular weight and the ratios heart weight:body weight and ventricular weight:body weight. Initial and final blood pressure were not different in all groups. Cell length of G2 rats was higher than that of G1 (P < 0.05) and detraining did not affect such adaptation. However, neither exercise training nor detraining affected cell width and volume (P > 0.05). The amplitude of contraction was not affected by either exercise training or detraining (P > 0.05). The time to peak of contraction was reduced by exercise training (P < 0.05), but after detraining such adaptation has disappeared. The time to 50% of relaxation tended to be reduced by the exercise training program (P=0.08), but after detraining such trend disappeared. The maximal velocity of contraction of myocytes from G2 animals was higher than that of G1 (P < 0.05) and detraining did not affect such adaptation. The maximal velocity of relaxation was higher in cells from G2 animals, as compared to that of G1 (P < 0.05), which was maintained after detraining. In conclusion: a) The low-intensity running training and detraining did not affect SHR blood pressure; b) The running training program increased SHR cardiac length without affecting cell width and volume, but detraining did not affect cell morphology; and c) The training program did not affect SHR cardiac amplitude of contraction, however, it increased the maximal velocity of contraction and relaxation, nevertheless detraining reversed the time to peak of contraction.
Atividade física, Inatividade, Hipertensão, Miócitos cardíacos, Physical activity, Sedentarism, Hypertension, Cardiac myocytes
CARNEIRO JÚNIOR, Miguel Araujo. Low-intensity physical training and detraining: evaluation of morphological and mechanical properties of cardiac myocytes from spontaneously hypertensive rats. 2009. 5 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2009.