Os efeitos do nível de oposição sobre indicadores de performance técnica em jogos reduzidos e condicionados de futebol
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A relação de oposição é inerente ao jogo de futebol. Ela tem sido estudada ao longo dos anos em situações de partidas oficiais e nos treinamentos em situações de jogos reduzidos e condicionados. É importante entender a relação dos níveis de oposição estabelecidos através de métricas individuais para permitir a individualização dos estímulos nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento. Portanto, este estudo objetivou investigar os efeitos da manipulação dos níveis de oposição com base na tomada de decisão em jogos reduzidos e condicionados no futebol sobre os indicadores de performance técnica. A amostra foi composta por 121 jogadores de futebol masculino de clubes de formação (n=1) ou escolas de futebol (n=9) das categorias Sub-13 (n=62; 11,8±0,5 anos de idade, 4,3±1,8 anos de prática sistematizada) e Sub-15 (n=59; 13,9±0,7 anos de idade, 5,4±1,9 anos de prática sistematizada). Para a avaliação da tomada de decisão foi utilizada a plataforma TacticUP®. Os níveis de oposição foram estabelecidos conforme os índices da qualidade da tomada de decisão de acordo com os resultados do TacticUP® e, posteriormente, os jogadores realizaram jogos reduzidos e condicionados com diferentes níveis de oposição: I) Alta qualidade da tomada de decisão ofensiva vs. Alta qualidade da tomada de decisão defensiva; II) Alta qualidade da tomada de decisão ofensiva vs. Baixa qualidade da tomada de decisão defensiva; III) Baixa qualidade da tomada de decisão ofensiva vs. Alta qualidade da tomada de decisão ofensiva e, IV) Baixa qualidade da tomada de decisão ofensiva vs. Baixa qualidade da tomada de decisão defensiva. Para avaliação dos indicadores de performance técnica nos jogos reduzidos e condicionados foi utilizada a técnica da análise notacional. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os jogadores apresentaram melhor desempenho nos indicadores de performance técnica ofensivos (número de contatos com a bola, tempo de posse de bola, dribles, chutes, passes e recepções realizadas) e defensivos (dribles e chutes sofridos) quando enfrentam jogadores com baixa qualidade da tomada de decisão. Ademais, os indicadores de performance técnica que são influenciados variam de acordo com a qualidade dos níveis de oposição. Conclui-se que a manipulação dos níveis de oposição com base na tomada de decisão influência nos indicadores de performance técnica em jogos reduzidos e condicionados de futebol. Estes resultados permitem aos treinadores organizarem seus treinamentos de forma mais assertiva e adequada aos objetivos dos jogos e as capacidades táticas individuais dos jogadores.
Jogos esportivos coletivos. Tática. Cognição. Tomada de decisão.
The opposition relationship is inherent in the game of football. It has been studied in official matches and training situations in small-sided games over the years. It is important to understand the relationship of opposition levels established through individual metrics to allow the individualization of stimuli in training processes. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of manipulation of opposition levels according decision-making in small-sided games in soccer on technical performance indicators. The sample consisted of 121 male soccer players from clubs (n=1) or soccer academies (n=9) from the Under-13 categories (n=62; 11.8±0.5 years old, 4 .3±1.8 years of systematic practice) and Sub-15 (n=59; 13.9±0.7 years old, 5.4±1.9 years of systematic practice). For the evaluation of decision-making, the TacticUP® online platform was used. The opposition levels were established according to the decision-making quality indices obtained through TacticUP® and later, the players performed small-sided games with different levels of opposition: I) High offensive decision-making quality vs. High defensive decision-making quality; II) High offensive decision-making quality vs. Low defensive decision-making quality; III) Low offensive decision-making quality vs. High defensive decision-making quality; and IV) Low offensive decision-making quality vs. Low defensive decision-making quality. The technique of notational analysis was used to evaluate the technical performance indicators in small-sided games. The results indicate that players performed better in offensive technical performance indicators (number of contacts with the ball, time in possession of the ball, dribbling, kicking, passing and receptions made) and defensive (dribbling and kicking conceded) when opposing players with low quality of decision making. Furthermore, the technical performance indicators that were influenced vary according to the quality of the opposition levels. It is concluded that the manipulation of opposition levels based on decision making influences technical performance indicators in small-sided and conditioned football games. These results allow coaches to organize their training more assertively and adequately to the games' objectives and the players' tactical capacities. Keywords: Football. Tactics. Cognition. Decision-making.
The opposition relationship is inherent in the game of football. It has been studied in official matches and training situations in small-sided games over the years. It is important to understand the relationship of opposition levels established through individual metrics to allow the individualization of stimuli in training processes. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of manipulation of opposition levels according decision-making in small-sided games in soccer on technical performance indicators. The sample consisted of 121 male soccer players from clubs (n=1) or soccer academies (n=9) from the Under-13 categories (n=62; 11.8±0.5 years old, 4 .3±1.8 years of systematic practice) and Sub-15 (n=59; 13.9±0.7 years old, 5.4±1.9 years of systematic practice). For the evaluation of decision-making, the TacticUP® online platform was used. The opposition levels were established according to the decision-making quality indices obtained through TacticUP® and later, the players performed small-sided games with different levels of opposition: I) High offensive decision-making quality vs. High defensive decision-making quality; II) High offensive decision-making quality vs. Low defensive decision-making quality; III) Low offensive decision-making quality vs. High defensive decision-making quality; and IV) Low offensive decision-making quality vs. Low defensive decision-making quality. The technique of notational analysis was used to evaluate the technical performance indicators in small-sided games. The results indicate that players performed better in offensive technical performance indicators (number of contacts with the ball, time in possession of the ball, dribbling, kicking, passing and receptions made) and defensive (dribbling and kicking conceded) when opposing players with low quality of decision making. Furthermore, the technical performance indicators that were influenced vary according to the quality of the opposition levels. It is concluded that the manipulation of opposition levels based on decision making influences technical performance indicators in small-sided and conditioned football games. These results allow coaches to organize their training more assertively and adequately to the games' objectives and the players' tactical capacities. Keywords: Football. Tactics. Cognition. Decision-making.
Futebol, Tática, Cognição, Processo decisório
MACHADO, Victor Reis. Os efeitos do nível de oposição sobre os indicadores de performance técnica em jogos reduzidos e condicionados de futebol. 2023. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.