Efeito da mudança na cobertura vegetal na evapotranspiração e vazão de microbacias na região do Alto Xingu
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Uma das formas tradicionais de expansão da fronteira agrícola é por meio da conversão de ecossistemas naturais em áreas de cultivo, geralmente por meio de desmatamento. A região do Alto Xingu, no Estado do Mato Grosso - Brasil, tem sido indicada como uma das regiões de mais intensa conversão de ecossistemas naturais em pastagens ou culturas agrícolas (principalmente a soja) no país e há preocupação em se compreender como e quanto essa alteração da cobertura vegetal modifica a hidroclimatologia da região. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o quanto a mudança na cobertura vegetal influencia a evapotranspiração e a vazão de microbacias do Alto Xingu, na região sudeste da bacia Amazônica. Foram feitas medições de vazão em microbacias com uso uniforme do solo na região de estudo e foram conduzidas simulações pontuais com as coberturas de floresta, cerrado e pastagem no modelo InLand e com cobertura de soja, no AgroIBIS. Os dados meteorológicos e parâmetros como a condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo utilizados nos modelos foram medidos na Fazenda Tanguro MT. As vazões médias simuladas nos modelos InLand e AgroIBIS foram semelhantes aos valores observados em campo no período de setembro de 2008 a agosto de 2010. Comparando-se as vazões simuladas para as quatro coberturas no Alto Xingu, estima-se que a conversão da precipitação em vazão nos ecossistemas naturais (floresta e cerrado) foi 53,5% menor que nos ecossistemas agrícolas (pastagem e soja). Quando comparado aos ecossistemas naturais, a evapotranspiração dos ecossistemas agrícolas foi 38,3% menor durante o período de estudo. Também se buscou avaliar a influência de 11 diferentes classes texturais no particionamento da precipitação em escoamento total e evapotranspiração nas coberturas estudadas. Independente da textura do solo considerada, o escoamento total com cobertura de floresta tropical foi sempre inferior à simulada para as demais coberturas e a diferença entre o escoamento total simulado para as coberturas de floresta e cerrado é maior quanto menores são os valores de condutividade hidráulica saturada.
One of the traditional forms of agricultural expansion is the conversion of natural ecosystems into cultivated areas, usually through deforestation. The Upper Xingu, located in the state of Mato Grosso Brazil, has been referred to as one of the regions of most intense conversion of natural ecosystems to pasture or cropland (specially soybean) in the country, and there is a concern with respect to how and how much these changes in vegetation modify the hydroclimatology of the region. Thus, this study aims to assess the influence of land cover changes on evapotranspiration and streamflow in small catchments of the Upper Xingu, in the southeastern Amazon basin. Streamflow was measured in small catchments with uniform land use in the region of study, and single point simulations were performed considering Tropical Rainforest, Cerrado and Pasture as land use in the InLand model and Soybean cropland as land use in the AgroIBIS model. Meteorological data and model input parameters such as the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured at the Tanguro Ranch - MT. The simulation results provided by the InLand and AgroIBIS for the mean stream discharge were similar to the values observed between September 2008 and August 2010. Comparing the simulated streamflows for the four land uses in the Upper Xingu, it is possible to observe that the water yield in natural ecosystems (tropical rainforest and cerrado) was 53,5% lower than in agricultural ecosystems (pasture and soybean cropland). During the period of study, evapotranspiration was 38,3% lower in agricultural ecosystems compared with natural ecosystems. We also assessed the influence of 11 different soil textures on the partitioning of precipitation into evapotranspiration and mean annual streamflow for the four vegetation cover types studied. Regardless of soil texture, the simulated runoff in areas covered with tropical rainforest was always lower than that simulated for the other vegetation covers, and the difference between the simulated runoff for tropical rainforest and cerrado was greater for lower hydraulic conductivity saturated values.
One of the traditional forms of agricultural expansion is the conversion of natural ecosystems into cultivated areas, usually through deforestation. The Upper Xingu, located in the state of Mato Grosso Brazil, has been referred to as one of the regions of most intense conversion of natural ecosystems to pasture or cropland (specially soybean) in the country, and there is a concern with respect to how and how much these changes in vegetation modify the hydroclimatology of the region. Thus, this study aims to assess the influence of land cover changes on evapotranspiration and streamflow in small catchments of the Upper Xingu, in the southeastern Amazon basin. Streamflow was measured in small catchments with uniform land use in the region of study, and single point simulations were performed considering Tropical Rainforest, Cerrado and Pasture as land use in the InLand model and Soybean cropland as land use in the AgroIBIS model. Meteorological data and model input parameters such as the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured at the Tanguro Ranch - MT. The simulation results provided by the InLand and AgroIBIS for the mean stream discharge were similar to the values observed between September 2008 and August 2010. Comparing the simulated streamflows for the four land uses in the Upper Xingu, it is possible to observe that the water yield in natural ecosystems (tropical rainforest and cerrado) was 53,5% lower than in agricultural ecosystems (pasture and soybean cropland). During the period of study, evapotranspiration was 38,3% lower in agricultural ecosystems compared with natural ecosystems. We also assessed the influence of 11 different soil textures on the partitioning of precipitation into evapotranspiration and mean annual streamflow for the four vegetation cover types studied. Regardless of soil texture, the simulated runoff in areas covered with tropical rainforest was always lower than that simulated for the other vegetation covers, and the difference between the simulated runoff for tropical rainforest and cerrado was greater for lower hydraulic conductivity saturated values.
Evapotranspiração, Climatologia, Hidroclimatologia, Alto Xingu, Evapotranspiration, Climatology, Hydroclimatology, Upper Xingu,
DIAS, Lívia Cristina Pinto. Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in Upper Xingu. 2013. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agrometeorologia; Climatologia; Micrometeorologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2013.