Atividade enzimática da tripsina e quimotripsina do pâncreas e do quimo de leitões do nascimento aos 35 dias de idade
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As atividades das enzimas tripsina e quimotripsina do pâncreas e do conteúdo (quimo) da primeira porção do intestino delgado foram estudadas em 30 leitões mestiços. Eles foram distribuídos em dois tratamentos, que consistiram de aleitamento natural ou aleitamento natural e ração fornecida a partir do sétimo até os 35 dias de idade. As atividades da tripsina e quimotripsina foram determinadas usando-se como substratos N-benzoil- D,L-arginina p-nitroanilida e N-benzoil-D,L-tirosina etil éster, respectivamente. Foi observado que as ”atividades tripticas e quimotrípticas do pâncreas aumentaram com a idade e que este aumento foi mais expressivo a partir dos 21 dias. O tratamento em que se utilizou o aleitamento natural e a ração proporcionou maiores valores de atividades dessas proteases no pâncreas dos leitões. Não foram detectadas atividades tripticas e quimotrípticas no conteúdo intestinal em leitões com um dia de idade. Porém, dos 7 aos 35 dias observaram-se flutuações das atividades dessas proteases. Todavia, foi verificado que as atividades tenderam a aumentar com a idade do animal. Os leitões que receberam aleitamento natural e ração apresentaram maiores valores de atividade dessas proteases no quimo dos leitões principalmente a partir dos 21 dias de idade. Concluiu-se, pela análise dos resultados, que as atividades das proteases aumentaram com a idade do animal, o fornecimento de ração, a partir do sétimo dia, teve efeito positivo sobre as atividades enzimáticas e que a metodologia adaptada e utilizada na dam-minação das atividades trípticas e quimotríptioas no pâncreas e no quimo de leitões foi adequada.
An experiment was conducted using 30 piglets form birth to 35 days of age to study the development of tryp sin and chymotryp sin in the pancreas and contents (chymo) of the first portion of the small intestine. The piglets were distributed in two dietary treatments: natural sow milking (M) and M plus a corn-soybean diet (MD), offered from the 7th to the 35th day of age. Enzyme activity was measured applying N-benzoyl-D,L-arginine p-nitroanilide and N-benzoyl-D,L-tyrosine ethyl ester, respectively. It was observed that pancreas enzyme activity (PEA) increased with age and being best expressed after the Zlª' day of age. Feeding the piglets with MD resulted in higher PEA than when feeding only M. No enzyme activity was detected in the chymo of the piglets at the Hrst day of age. But, from 7thl to 35th day of age, chymo enzyme activity (CEA), though exhibiting high Huctuation, had a tendency to increase with age. Also, the piglets fed with MD showed higher CEA than those fed only M. The data obtained showed that the activity of both enzymes from pancreas and chymo increased with age and that a supply of com-soybean diet positively influenced their activities, mainly after the 21th day of age.
An experiment was conducted using 30 piglets form birth to 35 days of age to study the development of tryp sin and chymotryp sin in the pancreas and contents (chymo) of the first portion of the small intestine. The piglets were distributed in two dietary treatments: natural sow milking (M) and M plus a corn-soybean diet (MD), offered from the 7th to the 35th day of age. Enzyme activity was measured applying N-benzoyl-D,L-arginine p-nitroanilide and N-benzoyl-D,L-tyrosine ethyl ester, respectively. It was observed that pancreas enzyme activity (PEA) increased with age and being best expressed after the Zlª' day of age. Feeding the piglets with MD resulted in higher PEA than when feeding only M. No enzyme activity was detected in the chymo of the piglets at the Hrst day of age. But, from 7thl to 35th day of age, chymo enzyme activity (CEA), though exhibiting high Huctuation, had a tendency to increase with age. Also, the piglets fed with MD showed higher CEA than those fed only M. The data obtained showed that the activity of both enzymes from pancreas and chymo increased with age and that a supply of com-soybean diet positively influenced their activities, mainly after the 21th day of age.
Atividade enzimática, Tripsina, Quimotripsina, Pancreas, Quimo, Leitões