Modelagem e simulação das interações biosfera-atmosfera em plantio de soja na Amazônia
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O estudo das interações biosfera-atmosfera permite não apenas descrever e caracterizar os processos de transferência de energia e massa, relacionados às características da vegetação e propriedades físico-hídricas do solo, mas, também, investigar a influência dos fatores ambientais diretamente envolvidos na complexidade que se acha relacionada com o comportamento vegetal. O desenvolvimento da técnica de modelagem e simulação é atualmente uma ferramenta imprescindível para descrever mecanismos físicos e fisiológicos reconhecidamente complexos, que se inter-relacionam com o sistema solo-planta-atmosfera, a maioria dos quais ainda pouco explicados ou, mesmo, desconhecidos. Em razão de tais aspectos e da necessidade de ampliar os conhecimentos sobre a modelagem de processos ambientais e características microclimáticas na cultura da soja em área de expansão da fronteira agrícola na Amazônia, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa área produtora de soja com aproximadamente 200 hectares, localizada no Município de Paragominas, mesorregião nordeste do Estado do Pará. Nessa área foi semeada a soja (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill), variedade Tracajá, no período de fevereiro a junho de 2007, tendo como principal objetivo avaliar o desempenho do modelo de transferência biosfera atmosfera, Land Air Parametrization Scheme (LAPS), na simulação processos de solo nu, vegetação e movimento da água no solo durante o ciclo de cultivo da soja. Os dados meteorológicos, fluxo de calor e teor de água no perfil do solo foram coletados em estação meteorológica automática. A coleta de amostras para avaliar a variação da altura da cultura, o crescimento radicular, o índice de área foliar e a biomassa seca da parte aérea da planta foi realizada na escala semanal. Para monitoramento do conteúdo de água no perfil do solo foi utilizada a técnica do reflectômetro de domínio do tempo (TDR). O desenvolvimento da biomassa do sistema radicular, nas diferentes camadas de solo, foi acompanhado através do método da escavação. A variação do armazenamento diário de água no perfil do solo foi analisada por meio do método do balanço hídrico. O método da razão de Bowen determinado a partir dos dados experimentais observados foi utilizado como referência para comparação entre os valores horários da transpiração simulados (LAPS) e estimados pelo o método Peman-Monteith (EPM). Na escala diária foram comparados aos valores da evapotranspiração da cultura estimados através dos métodos de Ritchie (ERT), EPM e obtidos pelo LAPS. Os valores simulados e estimados foram validados através dos testes estatísticos MBE, RMSE, EF, d, r2 e teste de Student (t). Os resultados mostraram que o modelo LAPS parametrizado e validado para as condições locais deste estudo apresentou os melhores índices estatísticos, o que evidencia ser confiável o seu uso para simular, além do movimento da água no perfil do solo, a transpiração e, ou, a evapotranspiração da cultura e apresenta potencial para ser acoplado com outros modelos de simulação de transferência solo-atmosfera.
The study of biosphere-atmosphere interactions just allows not to describe and to characterize the transfer processes of energy and mass, related to the characteristics of the vegetation and soil properties physical and hydrology but, also, to investigate the influence of the environmental factors, directly involved in the complexity that link up the vegetable behavior. The current development of modelling approach and simulation, become an indispensable tool to describe the complex physical and physiologic mechanisms that are links to the system soil-plant-atmosphere, most of the which still little explained or even ignored. In function of such aspects and the need to enlarge the knowledge on the modelling of environmental processes and microclimates characteristics in the soybean crop, in area of expansion of the agricultural border, this study was developed in an area producing of soybean having approximately 200 hectares, located in the municipal district of Paragominas, northeast region of the State of Pará, where it was sowed with soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill), variety Tracajá, grown from February to June of 2007, was have as main objective to analyze the performance of the model LAPS (Land Air Parametrization Scheme) in the simulation of the flows of energy and mass during the soybean growth season. The meteorological data, flow of heat and content of water in the profile of the soil were collected through an automatic meteorological station. The collection of samples to evaluate the variation of the height of the culture, growth root, leaf index area and biomass dries of the aerial and underground parts were accomplished in the weekly basis. For accomplished of the content of water in the profile was employed the Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). Measurements of dry biomass of the root distributions in the different soil layers ware accompanied through the method of the excavation. The variation of the daily storage of water in the profile of the soil was analyzed through water balance method. The Bowen Ratio method with the field measurements data was used as reference variable to confront the simulation of the mass flows for the model. The performance of the model and of the estimating methods was evaluated through the tests MBE, RMSE, EF, d, r2 and test t. The results showed that the model LAPS parameterized and validated for the local conditions of this study presented the index best, could be recommended to simulate, besides the movement of the water in the profile of the soil, the transpiration and evapotranspiração of the culture and also shows potential to be coupled with other models of simulation of transfer soil-atmosphere.
The study of biosphere-atmosphere interactions just allows not to describe and to characterize the transfer processes of energy and mass, related to the characteristics of the vegetation and soil properties physical and hydrology but, also, to investigate the influence of the environmental factors, directly involved in the complexity that link up the vegetable behavior. The current development of modelling approach and simulation, become an indispensable tool to describe the complex physical and physiologic mechanisms that are links to the system soil-plant-atmosphere, most of the which still little explained or even ignored. In function of such aspects and the need to enlarge the knowledge on the modelling of environmental processes and microclimates characteristics in the soybean crop, in area of expansion of the agricultural border, this study was developed in an area producing of soybean having approximately 200 hectares, located in the municipal district of Paragominas, northeast region of the State of Pará, where it was sowed with soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill), variety Tracajá, grown from February to June of 2007, was have as main objective to analyze the performance of the model LAPS (Land Air Parametrization Scheme) in the simulation of the flows of energy and mass during the soybean growth season. The meteorological data, flow of heat and content of water in the profile of the soil were collected through an automatic meteorological station. The collection of samples to evaluate the variation of the height of the culture, growth root, leaf index area and biomass dries of the aerial and underground parts were accomplished in the weekly basis. For accomplished of the content of water in the profile was employed the Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). Measurements of dry biomass of the root distributions in the different soil layers ware accompanied through the method of the excavation. The variation of the daily storage of water in the profile of the soil was analyzed through water balance method. The Bowen Ratio method with the field measurements data was used as reference variable to confront the simulation of the mass flows for the model. The performance of the model and of the estimating methods was evaluated through the tests MBE, RMSE, EF, d, r2 and test t. The results showed that the model LAPS parameterized and validated for the local conditions of this study presented the index best, could be recommended to simulate, besides the movement of the water in the profile of the soil, the transpiration and evapotranspiração of the culture and also shows potential to be coupled with other models of simulation of transfer soil-atmosphere.
Modelagem agrometeorológica, Simulação, Evapotranspiração, Fronteira agrícola, Amazônia, Soja, Agrometeorological modeling, Simulation, Evapotranspiration, Agricultural frontier, Amazonian, Soybean
COSTA, José de Paulo Rocha da. Modelling and simulation of the interactions biosphere-atmosphere in soybean plants in the Amazonian. 2008. 127 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agrometeorologia; Climatologia; Micrometeorologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2008.