Comparações nos efeitos do envelhecimento na fisiologia cardiovascular e termorregulatória em ratos Wistar, Wistar Kyoto e espontaneamente hipertensos durante o repouso e o exercício físico agudo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Introdução: O Rato Espontaneamente Hipertenso (SHR) é um modelo experimental amplamente utilizado para o estudo da hipertensão arterial essencial. Contudo, existe um impasse na literatura quanto ao apontamento do modelo a ser utilizado como controle experimental dos SHR, sendo que os ratos Wistar Kyoto (WKY) e os ratos Wistar (WIS) são os mais utilizados. Esta tese foi dividida em quatro capítulos, em que foram realizadas caracterizações dos modelos citados quanto a parâmetros cardíacos e termorregulatórios durante o repouso e durante o exercício físico. Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos do envelhecimento sobre variáveis cardíacas e termorregulatórias durante o repouso e exercício físico agudo em Ratos Espontaneamente Hipertensos e seus principais controles experimentais, Wistar e Wistar Kyoto. Capítulo 1: foi realizada uma revisão de escopo baseada no método Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA), com objetivo de mapear todos os estudos que realizaram qualquer tipo de comparação entre WIS, WKY e SHR. Após a aplicação dos métodos de busca e seleção, 161 artigos foram incluídos para análise, sendo que 68.4% indicaram que ambos os animais normotensos podem ser utilizados como controle dos SHR. Em 13.49% e 6.47% dos estudos, foi indicado os WIS e WKY como melhor controle, respectivamente. Capítulo 2: foram avaliados a pressão arterial por meio da pletismografia de cauda e a estrutura e forma cardíaca por meio do ecocardiograma durante o processo de envelhecimento dos animais (16 semanas, 48 semanas e 72 semanas de vida). Foi constatado que para estas variáveis os WIS representam melhor controle, uma vez que os WKY exibiram valores de pressão arterial sistólica próxima ao limiar da hipertensão (WKY: 132 – 146 mmHg; WIS: 116 – 126 mmHg; p<0.05) e perda de função cardíaca antecipada em comparação aos WIS. Capítulo 3: avaliou o ritmo circadiano da temperatura central dos animais durante o processo de envelhecimento (16 semanas, 48 semanas e 72 semanas de vida). A medida foi realizada pelo método de telemetria e análises cronobiológica foram aplicadas sobre os dados. Foi encontrado que os SHR possuem disfunções do ritmo circadiano já com 16 semanas, o que foi apontado principalmente pelo maior MESOR (SHR16: 37,49°C; WIS16: 36,50°C; WKY16: 36,44°C; p<0.05), enquanto os animais normotensos apresentaram um aumento do MESOR com o envelhecimento (WIS16: 36,50°C; WIS72: 37,38°C; WKY16: 36,44°C; WKY72: 37,38°C; p<0.05). Para estas variáveis, foi considerado que ambos os normotensos podem ser utilizados como controle, uma vez que os resultados foram semelhantes. Capítulo 4: avaliou as respostas termorregulatórias e o desempenho dos modelos experimentais durante dois protocolos de exercício físico: exercício progressivo até a fadiga e exercício moderado de intensidade constante. Foi encontrado que os SHR com 16 e com 48 semanas apresentam reduzida capacidade de dissipar calor, indicado pela menor temperatura da pele e pelo menor índice para dissipação de calor. Quanto aos animais normotensos, ambos apresentaram perda progressiva da capacidade de dissipar calor com o envelhecimento, sendo que os WIS foram mais afetados nesse sentido. Conclusão geral: a revisão de literatura apontou que ambos os animais normotensos são amplamente utilizados como controle dos SHR, sendo que a seleção do modelo deve ser realizada baseada nos objetivos da pesquisa a ser realizada. Este trabalho contribui adicionando mais elementos quanto a caracterização destes. Foi determinado que os WIS são melhor controle para estudos com foco na pressão arterial e na estrutura e função cardíaca. Quanto a trabalhos sobre termorregulação- seja em repouso ou durante o exercício físico- ambos podem ser utilizados, uma vez que os resultados foram bastante semelhantes. Palavras-chave: Termorregulação. Hipertensão. Modelos experimentais. Rato Espontaneamente Hipertenso.
Introduction: The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) is an experimental model widely used for the study of essential arterial hypertension. However, there is an impasse in the literature regarding the designation of the model to be used as SHR control, with Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) and Wistar rats (WIS) being the most used. This thesis was divided into four chapters, in which characterizations of the models mentioned were made regarding cardiac and thermoregulatory parameters during rest and during physical exercise across aging process of the rats. Objective: to evaluate the effects of aging on cardiac and thermoregulatory variables during rest and acute physical exercise in SHR and their main experimental controls, WIS and WKY. Chapter 1: a scoping review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) method, with the objective of mapping all studies that performed any type of comparison between WIS, WKY and SHR. After applying the search and selection methods, 161 articles were included for analysis, with 68.4% indicating that both normotensive animals can be used as control of the SHR. In 13.49% and 6.47% of the studies, WIS and WKY were indicated as the best control, respectively. Chapter 2: blood pressure was assessed by tail plethysmography and cardiac structure and function by means of echocardiography during the animals' aging process (16 weeks, 48 weeks and 72 weeks of life). It was found that for these variables the WIS represent better control, since the WKY exhibited values of systolic blood pressure close to the threshold of hypertension (WKY: 132 - 146 mmHg; WIS: 116 - 126 mmHg; p <0.05) and loss of early cardiac function compared to WIS. Chapter 3: assessed the circadian rhythm of the core temperature during the aging process of the rats (16 weeks, 48 weeks and 72 weeks of life). The measurement was performed using the telemetry method and chronobiological analyzes were applied to the data. It was found that the SHR have dysfunctions of the circadian rhythm at 16 weeks, which was pointed out mainly by the largest MESOR (SHR16: 37.49 °C; WIS16: 36.50 °C; WKY16: 36.44 °C; p < 0.05), while normotensive animals showed an increase in MESOR with aging (WIS16: 36.50 °C; WIS72: 37.38 °C; WKY16: 36.44 °C; WKY72: 37.38 °C; p < 0.05). For these variables, it was considered that both normotensive individuals can be used as a control, since the results were similar. Chapter 4: evaluated the thermoregulatory responses and the performance of the experimental models during two physical exercise protocols: progressive exercise until fatigue and moderate exercise of constant intensity. It was found that SHRs at 16 and 48 weeks have a reduced ability to dissipate heat, indicated by the lower skin temperature and the lower index for heat dissipation. As for normotensive animals, both showed progressive loss of the ability to dissipate heat with aging, and WIS were more affected in this regard. General conclusion: the literature review pointed out that both normotensive animals are widely used as control of SHR, and the model selection must be performed based on the research objectives to be carried out. This work contributes by adding more elements regarding their characterization. It has been determined that WIS are the best control for studies focusing on blood pressure and cardiac structure and function. As for studies on thermoregulation - either at rest or during physical exercise - both can be used, since the results were quite similar. Keywords: Thermoregulation. Hypertension. Experimental models. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat.
Introduction: The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) is an experimental model widely used for the study of essential arterial hypertension. However, there is an impasse in the literature regarding the designation of the model to be used as SHR control, with Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) and Wistar rats (WIS) being the most used. This thesis was divided into four chapters, in which characterizations of the models mentioned were made regarding cardiac and thermoregulatory parameters during rest and during physical exercise across aging process of the rats. Objective: to evaluate the effects of aging on cardiac and thermoregulatory variables during rest and acute physical exercise in SHR and their main experimental controls, WIS and WKY. Chapter 1: a scoping review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) method, with the objective of mapping all studies that performed any type of comparison between WIS, WKY and SHR. After applying the search and selection methods, 161 articles were included for analysis, with 68.4% indicating that both normotensive animals can be used as control of the SHR. In 13.49% and 6.47% of the studies, WIS and WKY were indicated as the best control, respectively. Chapter 2: blood pressure was assessed by tail plethysmography and cardiac structure and function by means of echocardiography during the animals' aging process (16 weeks, 48 weeks and 72 weeks of life). It was found that for these variables the WIS represent better control, since the WKY exhibited values of systolic blood pressure close to the threshold of hypertension (WKY: 132 - 146 mmHg; WIS: 116 - 126 mmHg; p <0.05) and loss of early cardiac function compared to WIS. Chapter 3: assessed the circadian rhythm of the core temperature during the aging process of the rats (16 weeks, 48 weeks and 72 weeks of life). The measurement was performed using the telemetry method and chronobiological analyzes were applied to the data. It was found that the SHR have dysfunctions of the circadian rhythm at 16 weeks, which was pointed out mainly by the largest MESOR (SHR16: 37.49 °C; WIS16: 36.50 °C; WKY16: 36.44 °C; p < 0.05), while normotensive animals showed an increase in MESOR with aging (WIS16: 36.50 °C; WIS72: 37.38 °C; WKY16: 36.44 °C; WKY72: 37.38 °C; p < 0.05). For these variables, it was considered that both normotensive individuals can be used as a control, since the results were similar. Chapter 4: evaluated the thermoregulatory responses and the performance of the experimental models during two physical exercise protocols: progressive exercise until fatigue and moderate exercise of constant intensity. It was found that SHRs at 16 and 48 weeks have a reduced ability to dissipate heat, indicated by the lower skin temperature and the lower index for heat dissipation. As for normotensive animals, both showed progressive loss of the ability to dissipate heat with aging, and WIS were more affected in this regard. General conclusion: the literature review pointed out that both normotensive animals are widely used as control of SHR, and the model selection must be performed based on the research objectives to be carried out. This work contributes by adding more elements regarding their characterization. It has been determined that WIS are the best control for studies focusing on blood pressure and cardiac structure and function. As for studies on thermoregulation - either at rest or during physical exercise - both can be used, since the results were quite similar. Keywords: Thermoregulation. Hypertension. Experimental models. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat.
Exercícios físicos - Aspectos fisiológicos, Temperatura corporal - Regulação, Hipertensão, Ratos Endogâmicos SHR, Modelos animais em pesquisa
REZENDE, Leonardo Mateus Teixeira de. Comparações nos efeitos do envelhecimento na fisiologia cardiovascular e termorregulatória em ratos Wistar, Wistar Kyoto e espontaneamente hipertensos durante o repouso e o exercício físico agudo. 2020. 171 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2020.