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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Um novo gênero e espécie de Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) do Estado de Minas Gerais sudeste do Brasil
    (Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 2003-06-30) Salles, Frederico F.; Lugo-Ortiz, Carlos R.
    Iguaira gen. nov., type species, I. poranga, sp. nov., based on one nymph from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are proposed. The new taxon is distinguished by the labrum with multiple, unorganized setae dorsally; hypopharynx with three-lobed lingua; cleft mandibular incisors; labium with internally curved paraglossae; labial palps with second segment with strong, apically rounded distomedial process and third segment with truncate medial and apical margins; elongate tarsal claws with minute denticles; and absence of scales and scale bases.
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    Levantamento preliminar dos gêneros e espécies de Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) do estado de São Paulo, com ênfase em coletas realizadas em córregos florestados de baixa ordem
    (Biota Neotropica, 2003) Salles, Frederico Falcão; Francischetti, Cesar N.; Roque, Fabio de Oliveira; Pepinelli, Mateus; Strixino, Susana Trivinho
    Levantamento preliminar dos gêneros e espécies de Baetidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) do Estado de São Paulo, com ênfase em coletas realizadas em córregos florestados de baixa ordem A despeito dos avanços alcançados recentemente com relação ao conhecimento faunístico de Baetidae no Brasil, assim como na Região Sudeste, até o presente trabalho somente três espécies nominais haviam sido registradas para o Estado de São Paulo. Baseados em coletas realizadas em quinze córregos de baixa ordem localizados em seis macro-regiões do estado, os seguintes táxons de Baetidae são reportados: Americabaetis alphus, A. labiosus, A. longetron, Apobaetis fiuzai, Aturbina georgei, Baetodes cf. serratus, Callibaetis sp. 1, Callibaetis sp. 2, Camelobaetidius anubis, Cloeodes irvingi, Cryptonympha sp., Paracloeodes eurybranchus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus e Zelusia principalis.
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    Descrição dos adultos de Camelobaetidius billi (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae)
    (Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 2004-09-30) Salles, Frederico Falcão; Dias, Lucimar Gomes
    The adults of Camelobaetidius billi Thomas & Dominique, 2000 are described for the first time. They can be distinguished from the other known adults of the genus by the following combination of characters: in males, turbinate portion of the compound eyes orange, abdominal color pattern, and the shape and relative length of the forceps articles; in females by the abdominal color pattern. The specimens were collected at Presidente Figueiredo, State of Amazonas, Brazil, and represent the first report of the species in Brazil.
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    Baetidae (insecta: ephemeroptera) de nova xavantina, Mato Grosso, Brasil: novos registros e descrição de uma nova espécie de cloeodes traver
    (Biota Neotropica, 2004) Salles, Frederico Falcão; Batista, Joana Darc; Cabette, Helena Ramos Soares
    Studies carried mainly in the municipality of Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso State, have lead us to the discovery of several species of Baetidae. While one of them represents a new species of the genus Cloeodes and is herein described, the others represent new records for the state or even for Brazil. The new species, Cloeodes auwe sp. nov., can be differentiated from the other known species of the genus by the following characteristics: body color pattern, long and two-segmented maxillary palp, third segment of labial palp robust and apically truncate, long tarsal claws (0.5 times the length of the respective tarsus), hind wing pads absent, and number of spines on the posterior margin of the third tergite and on the paraproct. Besides this new species, the following taxa of Baetidae were also found: Adebrotus amazonicus, Americabaetis alphus, Apobaetis sp., Aturbina georgei, Baetodes sp., Callibaetis sp.1, Callibaetis sp.2, Camelobaetidius janae, Cryptonympha sp., Harpagobaetis gulosus, Paracloeodes binodulus, Spiritiops silvudus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus, and Zelusia principalis.
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    As espécies de ephemeroptera (insecta) registradas para o Brasil
    (Biota Neotropica, 2004) Salles, Frederico Falcão; Serrão, José Eduardo; Hubbard, Michael D.; Da-Silva, Elidiomar Ribeiro
    Uma lista da fauna de Ephemeroptera do Brasil, com todas as espécies, gêneros e famílias registrados para o país é apresentada, incluindo os estados para os quais as espécies estão reportadas assim como a bibliografia pertinente. Comentários acerca do estado atual do conhecimento da fauna brasileira também são tecidos. Até o presente momento 10 famílias, 63 gêneros e 166 espécies estão registrados. As famílias Baetidae e Leptophlebiidae compreendem mais de 50% de todos os registros, enquanto as regiões Norte e Sudeste são significativamente melhor estudadas que as demais.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Miridae (heteroptera) fitófagos e predadores de Minas Gerais, Brasil, com ênfase em espécies com potencial econômico
    (Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 2001-11) Ferreira, Paulo S. F.; Silva, Elidiomar R. da; Coelho, Luci B. N.
    A total of 296 species of Miridae belonging to 17 tribes were recorded from State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. New host plant records include 141 species of 43 orders and 69 families. Of this total, 98.5% of plants have some agricultural, pharmacological or ornamental importance; 29 orders and families of host plants have two or more mirid species.
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    Key to the genera of Ephemerelloidea (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Brazil
    (Biota Neotropica, 2006) Dias, Lucimar G.; Salles, Frederico F.; Francischetti, Cesar N.; Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio F.
    A key to the Brazilian genera of Ephemerelloidea, nymphs and adults, belonging to the families Coryphoridae, Leptohyphidae and Melanemerellidae is presented. Currently, seven genera of this superfamily are known in Brazil. The Leptohyphidae is the most representative family, with five genera registered from the country, Leptohyphes Eaton, 1882, Leptohyphodes Ulmer, 1920, Traverhyphes Molineri, 2001, Tricorythodes Ulmer, 1920 and Tricorythopsis Traver, 1958. The families Coryphoridae and Melanemerellidae are monotypic, represented by Coryphorus Peters, 1981and Melanemerella Ulmer, 1920.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Optimum spacing of pheromone traps for monitoring the coffee leaf miner Leucoptera coffeella
    (Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 2006-03-14) Bacca, T.; Lima, E. R.; Picanço, M. C.; Guedes, R. N. C.; Viana, J. H. M.
    Pest monitoring with pheromone traps is affected mainly by factors such as trap placement and pest biology. The intertrap distance can affect the capture due to competition among traps that are placed at short distances. We studied the interference among pheromone traps used to monitor males of the coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin‐Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae), with traps placed at various distances. Using geostatistical analysis, we determined at what distance captures were independent from other traps. Traps were placed in groups of 12 with distances among traps per group either 2, 5, 10, 15, or 30 m. Traps were checked for males every 4 days during 16 days. We found interference between traps when intertrap distances were shorter than 10 m. The range and magnitude of spatial dependence varied considerably among each sampling date and wind direction. For directions of 45° and 135°, the traps should be placed 110 and 177 m apart, respectively, to obtain spatially independent counts and therefore representative samplings for assessing the insect population in the area. These results have implications for developing sampling plans for managing L. coffeella with pheromone traps; the spatial analysis indicated that a trap density of one pheromone trap for every 3.5–4 ha would be adequate for the monitoring of the coffee leaf miner.
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    Ant communities, environmental characteristics and their implications for conservation in the Brazilian Pantanal
    (Biodiversity and Conservation, 2006-07-09) Ribas, Carla R.; Schoereder, José H.
    Studies about processes determining biodiversity in Pantanal are urgently needed and the use of invertebrates for this purpose may be an efficient tool. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether ants could be used to predict human impacts on Pantanal, assessing how environmental characteristics of gallery forest influence arboreal ant species richness. Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that: (i) resource availability (estimated by tree density) and (ii) diversity of environmental conditions (estimated by structural heterogeneity) positively influence arboreal ant species richness and composition. Ants were sampled in a gallery forest in the Miranda River. Ant species richness did not respond to tree density, but increased with structural heterogeneity. Species composition was affected both by tree density and structural heterogeneity. The species list produced in the present study showed a high similarity between arboreal ant faunas of Cerrado and Pantanal, which are contiguous biomes. The relationship of ant species richness with heterogeneity, as well as the observed changes of species composition with tree density and heterogeneity may be explained by the presence of a variation of environmental conditions, which create several micro-habitats in the forest. The response of the ant community can reflect human impacts on the forests of the studied region, which are usually modified to create patches for sport fishing and by pathways used in ecotourism.
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    Two new species of Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae) from brazilian amazon forest
    (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2008-04-10) Mews, Carina M.; Sperber, Carlos F.
    We describe here two new species of the genus Phalangopsis Serville, 1831 from the Brazilian Amazon Forest. The male genitalia and the female copulatory papilla were described, and a combination of diagnostic characteristics was given to separate both new species from the other described species. The principal morphological characteristics of this genus were discussed.