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    Aplicação foliar de fungicidas e incidência de grãos ardidos e fumonisinas totais em milho
    (Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2016-05) Lanza, Fabrício Eustáquio; Zambolim, Laércio; Costa, Rodrigo Veras da; Silva, Dagma Dionísia da; Queiroz, Valéria Aparecida Vieira; Parreira, Douglas Ferreira; Mendes, Simone Martins; Souza, André Gomes Coelho; Cota, Luciano Viana
    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da aplicação foliar de fungicidas na redução da incidência de patógenos fúngicos, de grãos ardidos e de fumonisinas totais em grãos de milho (Zea mays). Foram conduzidos três ensaios: um no município de Luís Eduardo Magalhães, na Bahia, e dois em Sete Lagoas, em Minas Gerais, nas safras 2010/2011 e 2011/2012, com cultivo de diferentes híbridos comerciais. Os seguintes fungicidas foram aplicados zero, uma e duas vezes: picoxistrobina + ciproconazol, piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole, trifloxistrobina + tebuconazole, azoxistrobina + ciproconazol e tiofanato metílico. Em todos os ensaios, foram realizados a quantificação da incidência de grãos ardidos, o teste de patologia de sementes e a quantificação dos teores de fumonisinas totais. Não foi observada diferença significativa para os fatores fungicida e número de aplicações, exceto para rendimento de grãos, em todos os ensaios. Esses resultados são indicativos da ineficiência da aplicação de fungicidas na redução da incidência de patógenos fúngicos, de grãos ardidos e dos teores de fumonisinas totais em grãos de milho.
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    Resistance of Botrytis cinerea to fungicides controlling gray mold on strawberry in Brazil
    (Bragantia, 2017-04) Zambolim, Laércio; Lopes, Ueder Pedro; Capobiango, Nayara Pereira; Gracia, Nicolas Arturo Osorio; Freitas-Lopes, Rejane Livramento
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the resistance of Botrytis cinerea to the fungicides currently used for its control in Brazil. Isolates of the fungus were collected from different strawberry-producing fields in the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, and São Paulo, Brazil. First, a total of 183 isolates were identified at the species level using specific primers for the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) gene. The isolates were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) containing the fungicides procymidone, iprodione, and thiophanate-methyl in different concentrations: 0.0 (control), 0.1; 1.0; 10.0; 100.0 and 1,000.0 μg∙mL−1. The percentage of mycelial growth inhibition was used to determine the effective concentration of the fungicide that was able to inhibit colony growth by 50% (EC50). Approximately 25.7% of the isolates were resistant to iprodione, 53.0% were resistant to procymidone, and 93.0% were resistant to thiophanate-methyl. Moreover, crossresistance and multiple resistance were verified, with 19.7% of the isolates showing resistance to 3 fungicides simultaneously. This finding explains the ineffectiveness of fungicides application to control gray mold in strawberry fields in Brazil and highlights the need for new strategies to manage this disease in the culture.
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    Identification of sources of resistance to anthracnose stalk rot in maize
    (Ciência Rural, 2016-11) Nicoli, Alessandro; Zambolim, Laércio; Costa, Rodrigo Veras da; Guimarães, Lauro José Moreira; Lanza, Fabrício Eustáquio; Silva, Dagma Dionísia da; Cota, Luciano Viana
    Adoption of resistant cultivars is the primary measure used to control anthracnose stalk rot. The goal of this study was to identify maize-resistant genotypes to anthracnose stalk rot, which are similar to the hybrid 2B710. Experiments were performed at Embrapa Maize and Sorghum experimental fields in Brazil. The first experimental trial evaluated 234 maize lines as well as two commercials hybrids, BRS1010 (susceptible) and 2B710 (resistant). Artificial inoculations were performed with a strain at the blister (R2) phase, and evaluation of disease severity was performed after 30 days. The second experimental trial evaluated 48 maize lines and hybrids, inoculated with two Colletotrichum graminicola strains. In the first trial, eight resistance groups were formed, and the last lines were more resistant, as was the hybrid 2B710, with values between 11.50% and 23.0% of severity. In the second trial, there was an interaction between the two factors, lines and isolates, and the lines often showed the same reaction features as those obtained in the first trial. However, the disease severity was higher for most lines, even when using other isolates. These lines with effective levels of resistance could be used in future studies of inheritance, in programs to develop hybrids, and to identify molecular markers associated with resistance to anthracnose stalk rot in maize.
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    Validação de escala diagramática para quantificação da severidade da antracnose do colmo do milho
    (Ciência Rural, 2015-10) Nicoli, Alessandro; Costa, Rodrigo Veras da; Cota, Luciano Viana; Silva, Dagma Dionísia da; Zambolim, Laércio; Lanza, Fabrício Esutáquio; Guimarães, Daniel Pereira; Landau, Elena Charlotte
    Objetivou-se propor e validar uma escala diagramática para quantificar a antracnose do colmo em milho. A severidade da antracnose foi estimada por dez avaliadores sem o uso de escala em 139 entrenós, e os mesmos avaliadores avaliaram os entrenós usando uma escala publicada anteriormente na literatura (primeira escala) e uma nova escala proposta. Com o uso da escala proposta, todas as variáveis foram significativamente diferentes em relação à primeira escala, e os valores foram mais próximos de uma medição acurada (r=0,97, Cb=0.98, u=0.09, υ=1.06, ρc=0.96). Os maiores desvios do erro foram observados quando os avaliadores atribuíram notas sem o uso de escalas e com a primeira escala, com vários exemplos de erros maiores do que 30% do valor real. Com a escala proposta, poucos erros acima de 15% do valor real foram encontrados, e a maioria das notas dos avaliadores não ultrapassou, para mais ou para menos, 10% do valor real. Uma maior confiabilidade na estimativa da severidade da doença foi obtida com o uso da escala proposta, com a qual 100% das comparações resultaram em um R2>0,90. A nova escala diagramática proposta no presente trabalho melhorou a acurácia, precisão e confiabilidade das estimativas da severidade da antracnose do colmo em milho
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    DMI and QoI fungicides for the control of coffee leaf rust
    (Australasian Plant Pathology, 2015-09) Zambolim, Laércio; Lopes, Uilton do Nascimento; Lopes, Ueder Pedro; Honorato Jr., Jaime; Duarte, Henrique da Silva Silveira
    This study investigated the ability of different triazole and strobilurin fungicides either alone or combination when applied to the leaves and triazole to the soil for control of Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR). The experiments were performed in a greenhouse using three month-old coffee seedlings, and in the field with five years old plants using the susceptible variety ‘Catuai vermelho’, at elevation of 750 m, from 2010 to 2012, in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The effects of triazole (triadimenol, cyproconazole and epoxiconazole) and strobilurin (azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin) was first studied in a greenhouse to evaluate the translaminar effect on CLR control. Based on the results obtained in the greenhouse, a field experiment was performed to evaluate the effect of triazole applied to the soil and triazole + strobilurin sprayed on CLR control and the effect on coffee berry yield of the plants. The different fungicides applied in the greenhouse reduced CLR severity by 8.9 % (trifloxystrobin), 79.4 % (azoxystrobin), 82.0 % (triadimenol), 93.2 % (cyproconazole), 96.6 % (epoxiconazole) and 98.5 % (pyraclostrobin) compared to that in the control plants. In the field experiment triazole + strobilurin fungicides provided effective CLR control. The co-application of epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin or azoxystrobin sprayed twice resulted in the most effective CLR control and maintained the highest coffee berry yield. The incidence of CLR was 83.5, 54.0 and 78.5 % for the control treatments, whereas the incidence did not exceeded 24.4, 37.0 and 39.0 % on the sprayed plants. The average coffee berry yield increased by 33.9 % (lowest value) when applying triadimenol to the soil in November followed by cyproconazole + trifloxystrobin sprayed in December and February, and increased by 99.1 % (highest value) in the treatment with epoxiconazol + pyraclostrobin sprayed in December and March compared with plants that did not receive any fungicide application. The control treatment and that of triadimenol applied to the soil in November followed by cyproconazole + trifloxystrobin sprayed in December and February yielded less than 1800 (1320 to 1800) kg/ha of processed coffee, whereas the other treatments more than 2100 (2142 to 2676) kg/ha. Treatments with cyproconazole applied to the soil in November followed by cyproconazole + azoxystrobin sprayed on the leaves in December and February, epoxiconazol + pyraclostrobin sprayed on the leaves in December and March, and cyproconazole + azoxystrobin sprayed on leaves in December, February and April yielded more than 2340 (2340 to 2676) kg/ha of processed coffee. This is the first report indicating that a triazole fungicide applied to the soil and triazole + strobilurin fungicide sprayed on the leaves, efficiently controlled CLR and significantly increased coffee berry yield for three seasons.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Quantification of yield loss due to coffee leaf scorch
    (Crop Protection, 2010-10) Rocha, Janilson G.; Zambolim, Laércio; Zambolim, Eunize M.; Vale, Francisco X. Ribeiro do; J. Junior, Waldir C.; Bergamin Filho, Armando
    Coffee leaf scorch caused by Xylella fastidiosa is widespread in major coffee-growing regions of Brazil. This study was done to quantify the yield loss caused by this disease. The severity data of the disease were collected during the 2006, 2007 and 2008 seasons at commercial plantations growing Coffea arabica ‘Catuaí’ in São Gotardo-MG in 250 plants of three blocks of 7000 coffee plants each. Fifty selected plants per block with different disease severities were determined. The linear regression showed a significant relationship (P < 0.01) between disease severity and bean yield and between disease severity and grain size in all years. The relationship between yield and the disease severity was significant (P < 0.01). For each 1% increase in the disease severity, there was a decrease of 1.22, 1.34 and 2.02 bags of bean yield/ha in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, thus showing the importance of the disease in reducing coffee bean yields.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Differential expression of molecular rust resistance components have distinctive profiles in Coffea arabica - Hemileia vastatrix interactions
    (European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017-11) Barka, Geleta Dugassa; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira; Almeida, Robson Ferreira de; Alvarenga, Samuel Mazzinghy; Zambolim, Laércio
    Countering the economic hurdle caused by coffee leaf rust disease is most appealing at this time as it has posed a major threat to coffee production around the world. Establishing differential expression profiles at different times following pathogen invasion in both innate and acquired immunities unlocks the molecular components of resistance and susceptibility. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to identify genes differentially over-expressed and repressed during incompatible and compatible interactions between Coffea arabica and Hemileia vastatrix. From 433 clones of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) sequenced, 352 were annotated and categorized of which the proportion of genes expressed during compatible interaction were relatively smaller. The result showed upregulation and downregulation of various genes at 12 and 24 h after pathogen inoculation in both interactions. The use of four different databases in searching for gene homology resulted in different number of similar sequences. BLASTx against EMBL-EBI (European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute) database being with the maximum (100%) hits for all the annotated sequences. RT-qPCR analysis of seven resistance-signaling genes showed similar expression patterns for most of the genes in both interactions, indicating these genes are involved in basal (non-specific) defense during which immune reactions are similar. Using SSH, we identified different types of resistance related genes that could be used for further studies towards resistant cultivar development. The potential role of some of the resistance related proteins found were also discussed.
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    Inheritance study and linkage mapping of resistance loci to Hemileia vastatrix in Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03
    (Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015-06-26) Pestana, Kátia Nogueira; Capucho, Alexandre Sandri; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira; Almeida, Dênia Pires de; Zambolim, Eunize Maciel; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Zambolim, Laércio; Pereira, Antônio Alves; Oliveira, Antonio Carlos Baião de; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu
    Coffee leaf rust (CLR) caused by Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. is one of the major Coffea arabica diseases worldwide. CLR resistance has been attributed to at least nine dominant genes, as single or in combination. We present an inheritance study and mapping loci involved in the Híbrido de Timor (HDT) UFV 443-03 resistance to race I, race II, and pathotype 001 of H. vastatrix. Molecular markers were used to ascertain the phenotypic results and to map the putative resistance loci. For all tree isolates, the inheritance study indicated that the resistance of HDT UFV 443-03 is conditioned by two independent dominant loci or by three independent loci (two dominant and one recessive). Molecular marker analyses ascertained that the resistance of HDT UFV 443-03 to race II is conditioned by at least two independent dominant loci, while the resistance to race I and pathotype 001 is conditioned by at least four independent dominant loci. Gene pyramiding might result in a cultivar with durable resistance; however, it is difficult to distinguish between plants with one or more resistance genes due to epistatic effects. Molecular markers linked to these genes were indicated for marker-assisted selection, as it is an efficient breeding alternative for CLR resistance with no such epistatic effects.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Marker-assisted selection provides arabica coffee with genes from other Coffea species targeting on multiple resistance to rust and coffee berry disease
    (Molecular Breeding, 2017-01-04) Alkimim, Emilly Ruas; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira; Sousa, Tiago Vieira; Pereira, Antônio Alves; Oliveira, Antonio Carlos Baião de; Zambolim, Laércio; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu
    Selecting superior genotypes is facilitated by marker-assisted selection (MAS), which is particularly suitable for transferring disease resistance alleles because it nullifies environmental effects and allows selection of resistant individuals in the absence of the pathogen or race, enabling preventive breeding. Molecular markers linked to two major genes (SH3 and SH?), conferring resistance to coffee rust, and those linked to the Ck-1 gene, conferring resistance to coffee berry disease (CBD), have previously been identified. These markers were validated and used in a progeny of crosses between Indian selections with Coffea arabica cultivars. Eleven resistant individuals homozygous for SH3 were identified by MAS. Of these, seven carry SH? from Híbrido de Timor and the gene introduced from Coffea liberica (SH3). SH? was characterized as derived from Coffea canephora. Thus, it was possible to identify C. arabica genotypes carrying important genes for rust resistance introgressed from other coffee species. MAS also allowed identification of sources of CBD resistance for use in preventive breeding for resistance to this serious disease. Using two validated molecular markers, two coffee plants carrying Ck-1 were identified: the UFV 328-60 genotype (F2) was resistant and homozygous based on both molecular markers but exhibited no markers related to SH3 and SH?, and the UFV 317-12 genotype (F1) was resistant and homozygous but resistant and heterozygous based on CBD-Sat207 and CBD-Sat235, respectively. Along with possessing Ck-1, the latter carries SH?. Overall, plants carrying different genes for resistance to rust and CBD were identified. These plants are important sources for gene pyramiding in breeding programs aimed at multiple and durable resistance.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    High throughput transcriptome analysis of coffee reveals prehaustorial resistance in response to Hemileia vastatrix infection
    (Plant Molecular Biology, 2017-11-01) Florez, Juan Carlos; Mofatto, Luciana Souto; Freitas-Lopes, Rejane do Livramento; Ferreira, Sávio Siqueira; Zambolim, Eunize Maciel; Carazzolle, Marcelo Falsarella; Zambolim, Laércio; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira
    Coffee rust disease, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix, is one of the major diseases in coffee throughout the world. The use of resistant cultivars is considered to be the most effective control strategy for this disease. To identify candidate genes related to different mechanism defense in coffee, we present a time-course comparative gene expression profile of Caturra (susceptible) and Híbrido de Timor (HdT, resistant) in response to H. vastatrix race XXXIII infection. The main objectives were to obtain a global overview of transcriptome in both interaction, compatible and incompatible, and, specially, analyze up-regulated HdT specific genes with inducible resistant and defense signaling pathways. Using both Coffea canephora as a reference genome and de novo assembly, we obtained 43,159 transcripts. At early infection events (12 and 24 h after infection), HdT responded to the attack of H. vastatrix with a larger number of up-regulated genes than Caturra, which was related to prehaustorial resistance. The genes found in HdT at early hours were involved in receptor-like kinases, response ion fluxes, production of reactive oxygen species, protein phosphorylation, ethylene biosynthesis and callose deposition. We selected 13 up-regulated HdT-exclusive genes to validate by real-time qPCR, which most of them confirmed their higher expression in HdT than in Caturra at early stage of infection. These genes have the potential to assist the development of new coffee rust control strategies. Collectively, our results provide understanding of expression profiles in coffee—H. vastatrix interaction over a time course in susceptible and resistant coffee plants.