The first karyogram of a Bromeliaceae species: an allopolyploid genome


The Bromeliaceae family has been traditionally distributed in the subfamilies Bromelioideae, Tillandsioideae and Pitcairnioideae. However, phylogenetic studies have provided other classifications, highlighting the need for analyses in order to characterize the genome of different species from this family. In this sense, the present work aimed to determine nuclear 2C-value and base composition, characterize the chromosomes and establish the karyogram of Pitcairnia flammea. Flow cytometry yielded 2C = 1.44 pg, AT = 64.28 % and GC = 35.72 % for this species, indicating its relatively small genome size. Despite reduced length and morphological similarity of the chromosomes, P. flammea metaphases presented well-spread chromosomes, with well-defined primary constriction, without chromatin damage and cytoplasmic background. These aspects allowed morphometric chromosomal characterization and assembly of the first karyogram of a Bromeliaceae species. The karyogram displayed 2n = 50 chromosomes, of which all were submetacentric. Karyomorphological analysis revealed grouped pairs of cytogenetically identical chromosomes (2–3, 4–5, 6–9, 10–17, 18–19, 20–23 and 24–25), plus one isolated chromosome (1), not identical to any other. This result suggests an allopolyploid origin for the P. flammea genome. Thus, the present investigation contributed with karyotype data for taxonomic and evolutionary aspects of this group.



Allopolyploid, Basic chromosome number, Chromosome morphology, Nuclear DNA content, Karyotype evolution





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