Ensaios sobre cópulas: aplicação ao agronegócio e seleção de modelos via AIC e BIC
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A compreensão acerca da dependência entre duas ou mais séries históricas é de grande importância para pesquisadores, produtores rurais, investidores e demais en- volvidos nas séries de forma direta e indireta. Os modelos que vem ganhando desta- que na mensuração da forma e da estrutura dessa dependência tem sido os diversos modelos de cópulas presentes na literatura, em especial as cópulas: gaussiana, t de Student, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel e Joe. Esta tese é composta por dois trabalhos, um envolvendo aplicações de modelos de cópulas em conjunto de dados reais e o ou- tro metodológico. No primeiro analisou-se os impactos causados pela expansão da cana-de-açúcar no preço da soja e boi gordo para os estados de São Paulo, Goiás e Mato Grosso do Sul. O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a associação dos movi- mentos conjuntos dos retornos dos preços regionais da cana-de-açúcar e das culturas concorrentes no uso da terra, verificando se a implantação da cana-de-açúcar vem gerando impacto nos preços dos alimentos cultivados nessa região. No segundo ar- tigo analisou-se a precisão dos métodos de seleção de cópulas (AIC e BIC) por meio de simulações. O objetivo deste segundo trabalho foi verificar os possíveis erros que se incorre ao escolher um modelo de cópulas para um conjunto de dados reais, so- bretudo para amostras pequenas, com menos de 200 observações, por exemplo. Os resultados encontrados no primeiro trabalho detectou-se dependência fraca entre as séries históricas das commodities analisadas, com destaque para a maior dependência encontrada, sendo 0,13 para o par Cana x Boi para o Estado de Goiás, indicando que a expansão da cana-de-açúcar para esses estados gerou baixo impacto nos preços das demais culturas tradicionais na região. Para o segundo artigo verificou-se taxas de acerto elevadas, acima de 90%, ainda para amostras pequenas (n < 150), quando as séries possuem medidas de dependência maiores (T = 0,5 e 0,75). Ao passo que, para a medida de dependência menor (7 = 0,25) foram necessários tamanhos amos- trais maiores (n > 200), em alguns casos (n > 400), para se obter altas taxas de acertos, acima de 90%, por exemplo. Palavras-chave: Setor sucroalcooleiro. Seleção de modelos. Tamanho amostral.
Understanding the dependence between two or more historical series is of great im- portance for researchers, rural producers, investors and others directly and indirectly involved in the series. The models that have gained prominence in the measurement of the form and structure of this dependence have been the various models of copulas present in the literature, especially the copulas: Gaussian, Student’s t, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel and Joe. This thesis is composed of two works, one involving applications of copula models in real data sets and the other methodological. The first analyzed the impacts caused by the expansion of sugarcane on the price of soybeans and live cattle for the states of São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul. The objective of this article was to analyze the association of the joint movements of the returns of the regional prices of the sugarcane and of the competing cultures in the use of the land, verifying if the implantation of the sugarcane has been generating impact in the prices of the foods cultivated in that area. region. In the second article, the accuracy of the copulas selection methods (AIC and BIC) was analyzed through simulations. The objective of this second work was to verify the possible errors that are incurred when choosing a copula model for a set of real data, especially for small samples, with less than 200 observations, for example. The results found in the first work detected a weak dependence between the historical series of the analyzed commodities, with emphasis on the greater dependence found, being 0.13 for the Cana x Boi pair for the State of Goiás, indicating that the expansion of sugarcane of sugar for these states had a low impact on the prices of other traditional crops in the region. For the second article, high hit rates were found, above 90%, even for small samples (n < 150), when the series have larger dependence measures (t = 0.5 and 0,75). Whereas, for the smaller dependence measure (Tt = 0.25) larger sample sizes (n > 200), in some cases (n > 400) were needed to obtain high rates of hits, above 90%, for example. Keywords: Sugar and alcohol sector. Selection of models. Sample size.
Understanding the dependence between two or more historical series is of great im- portance for researchers, rural producers, investors and others directly and indirectly involved in the series. The models that have gained prominence in the measurement of the form and structure of this dependence have been the various models of copulas present in the literature, especially the copulas: Gaussian, Student’s t, Clayton, Frank, Gumbel and Joe. This thesis is composed of two works, one involving applications of copula models in real data sets and the other methodological. The first analyzed the impacts caused by the expansion of sugarcane on the price of soybeans and live cattle for the states of São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul. The objective of this article was to analyze the association of the joint movements of the returns of the regional prices of the sugarcane and of the competing cultures in the use of the land, verifying if the implantation of the sugarcane has been generating impact in the prices of the foods cultivated in that area. region. In the second article, the accuracy of the copulas selection methods (AIC and BIC) was analyzed through simulations. The objective of this second work was to verify the possible errors that are incurred when choosing a copula model for a set of real data, especially for small samples, with less than 200 observations, for example. The results found in the first work detected a weak dependence between the historical series of the analyzed commodities, with emphasis on the greater dependence found, being 0.13 for the Cana x Boi pair for the State of Goiás, indicating that the expansion of sugarcane of sugar for these states had a low impact on the prices of other traditional crops in the region. For the second article, high hit rates were found, above 90%, even for small samples (n < 150), when the series have larger dependence measures (t = 0.5 and 0,75). Whereas, for the smaller dependence measure (Tt = 0.25) larger sample sizes (n > 200), in some cases (n > 400) were needed to obtain high rates of hits, above 90%, for example. Keywords: Sugar and alcohol sector. Selection of models. Sample size.
Cópulas (Estatística matemática), Açúcar - Preços
LACERDA, Mauricio Silva. Ensaios sobre cópulas: aplicação ao agronegócio e seleção de modelos via AIC e BIC. 2022. 77 f. Tese (Doutorado em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.