Influência de variáveis de compactação na estrutura dos solos: caracterizações geotécnica, química, mineralógica e microestrutural
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Nesta pesquisa abordou-se o efeito dos métodos de laboratório de compactação estática e dinâmica em parâmetros de compactação e de resistência mecânica de três solos residuais de gnaisse (dois solos residuais jovens e um maduro) e dois solos residuais de granito (um jovem e um maduro) do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Amostras deformadas foram coletadas nos solos em estudo e o programa de ensaios de laboratório abrangeu os seguintes aspectos: (i) caracterizações geotécnica, química e mineralógica dos solos; (ii) métodos estático e dinâmico de compactação em laboratório, na energia de compactação Proctor normal; (iii) ensaios realizados nos teores de umidade wot - 3%, wot e wot + 2%; (iv) ensaios de resistência mecânica, englobando compressão não confinada e triaxial; (v) estudos de anisotropia, considerando-se resistência mecânica e deformabilidade (módulos de elasticidade secante e tangente inicial); (v) estudos de micromorfologia, com a análise de lâminas extraídas no plano vertical de corpos-de-prova compactados dos solos em estudo, para a avaliação da ocorrência de mudanças estruturais nos solos; (vi) análises estatísticas envolvendo testes de médias e identidade de modelos. Para fins práticos de engenharia, pode-se concluir que: (i) no que se refere aos parâmetros de compactação, em termos do teor de umidade ótimo, os resultados obtidos para os parâmetros peso específico seco e resistência à compressão não confinada dos solos estruturados (Solos 1, 3 e 4) foram maiores quando compactados estaticamente; para os solos tipicamente arenosos (Solos 2 e 5), ocorreu comportamento inverso; (ii) quanto à anisotropia dos parâmetros de resistência mecânica dos solos estudados, verificou-se que houve influência sobre o ângulo de atrito efetivo (φ') e sobre o intercepto coesivo efetivo (c') na modalidade de compactação estática, e apenas no intercepto coesivo na modalidade de compactação dinâmica, independente do tipo de solo; por outro lado, em termos dos parâmetros ótimos de compactação, observou-se a ocorrência de resistências mecânicas maiores na compactação dinâmica; (iii) no que se refere à deformabilidade, em termos dos parâmetros ótimos de compactação, três dos solos estudados (Solos 2, 3 e 4) se mostraram mais deformáveis (módulos menores) nas inclinações de 0º e 90º, quando compactados estaticamente, não apresentando diferenças significativas na inclinação de 45º; os demais solos se mostraram mais deformáveis, nas inclinações de 0º e 45º, quando compactados dinamicamente; (iv) a incorporação da análise micromorfológica e mineralógica forneceu elementos para a análise dos mecanismos de estruturação dos solos. As análises micromorfológicas possibilitaram identificar a ocorrência de fissuras causadas pelo método de compactação dinâmico, bem como de pedofeições e agregações dos solos e o grau de destruição das mesmas causado por cada modalidade de compactação, por outro lado, as análises mineralógicas permitiram a interpretação do comportamento mecânico dos solos face às variações do teor de umidade e de modalidades de compactação.
This research addressed the effect of laboratory methods of static and dynamic compaction on compaction parameters, mechanical strength and compressibility of three gneiss residual soils (two young and one mature soils) and two granite residual soils (one young and one mature soils) from the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Disturbed soils samples were collected, and the laboratory testing program encompassed the following aspects: (I) geotechnical, chemical and mineralogical soils characterization; (ii) laboratory methods of static and dynamic compaction performed at the Standard Proctor compaction effort; (iii) compaction tests performed at wot-3%, wot and wot + 2% moisture contents; (iv) mechanical strength tests; (v) anisotropy and compressibility parameters studies (secant and initial tangent elasticity modules); (v) micromorphology studies performed in thin sections from the vertical plane of soils specimens, in order to evaluate the influence of compaction modes in soils structures; (vi) statistical analysis including mean tests and models identity. For practical engineering purposes, conclusions were as follows: (i) with regard to the compaction parameters, at soils optimum moisture content the specific dry weight and unconfined compression strength of structured soils specimens (soils 1, 3 and 4) statically compacted were greater than of dynamically compacted, as well as reversed behavior was observed in the sandy soils (soils 2 and 5); (ii) regarding the effect of anisotropy in the mechanical strength parameters, in the static compaction it was observed influence on the effective friction angle (φ') and on the effective cohesion intercept (c ), and in the dynamic compaction it was noticed influence only on the effective cohesive intercept, independent of soil type; (iii) regarding the compressibility behavior and in terms of optimum compaction parameters, the soils 2, 3 e 4 statically compacted were more deformable (smaller modules) at 0° and 90°, not showing significant important differences at 45º; when dynamically compacted the other soils were more deformable at 0º and 45º; (iv) incorporation of micromorphological and mineralogical analysis was an important tool to analyze soils structure mechanisms. Micromorphological analysis allowed the identification of cracks caused by the dynamic compression mode, as well as pedoforms, aggregations and the degree of destruction of them caused by each compression mode; on the other hand, mineralogical analysis helped the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of soils regarding the tested water content and compaction procedures.
This research addressed the effect of laboratory methods of static and dynamic compaction on compaction parameters, mechanical strength and compressibility of three gneiss residual soils (two young and one mature soils) and two granite residual soils (one young and one mature soils) from the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Disturbed soils samples were collected, and the laboratory testing program encompassed the following aspects: (I) geotechnical, chemical and mineralogical soils characterization; (ii) laboratory methods of static and dynamic compaction performed at the Standard Proctor compaction effort; (iii) compaction tests performed at wot-3%, wot and wot + 2% moisture contents; (iv) mechanical strength tests; (v) anisotropy and compressibility parameters studies (secant and initial tangent elasticity modules); (v) micromorphology studies performed in thin sections from the vertical plane of soils specimens, in order to evaluate the influence of compaction modes in soils structures; (vi) statistical analysis including mean tests and models identity. For practical engineering purposes, conclusions were as follows: (i) with regard to the compaction parameters, at soils optimum moisture content the specific dry weight and unconfined compression strength of structured soils specimens (soils 1, 3 and 4) statically compacted were greater than of dynamically compacted, as well as reversed behavior was observed in the sandy soils (soils 2 and 5); (ii) regarding the effect of anisotropy in the mechanical strength parameters, in the static compaction it was observed influence on the effective friction angle (φ') and on the effective cohesion intercept (c ), and in the dynamic compaction it was noticed influence only on the effective cohesive intercept, independent of soil type; (iii) regarding the compressibility behavior and in terms of optimum compaction parameters, the soils 2, 3 e 4 statically compacted were more deformable (smaller modules) at 0° and 90°, not showing significant important differences at 45º; when dynamically compacted the other soils were more deformable at 0º and 45º; (iv) incorporation of micromorphological and mineralogical analysis was an important tool to analyze soils structure mechanisms. Micromorphological analysis allowed the identification of cracks caused by the dynamic compression mode, as well as pedoforms, aggregations and the degree of destruction of them caused by each compression mode; on the other hand, mineralogical analysis helped the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of soils regarding the tested water content and compaction procedures.
Compactação dos solos, Estrutura dos solos, Caracterizações geotécnica, Química, Mineralótica, Microestrutural, Soil compaction, Soil structure, Geotechnical characterizations, Chemical, Mineralogical, Microstructural
CRISPIM, Flavio Alessandro. Influence of laboratory compaction variables in soils structure: geotechnical, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural characterizations. 2010. 145 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.