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    Roughness exponent in the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton
    (Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1999-02-12) Martins, Marcelo Lobato; Sales, J. A. de; Moreira, J. G.
    We propose a method to detect phase transitions in discrete lattice models based on the roughness exponent. This approach is applied to the one-dimensional Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton (CA). Our results, obtained by numerical simulations, show that the roughness exponent method detects the frozen-active phase transition directly from the CA spatio-temporal configurations without any reference to thermodynamical potentials, order parameters or response functions.
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    Analytical verification of scaling laws for the Ising model with external field in fractal lattices
    (Physical Review E, 1999-09-01) Redinz, José Arnaldo
    We use an exact recursion procedure to verify analytically, without any intermediary numerical calculation, the validity of the hyperscaling (Josephson) law extended to fractals, the Rushbrooke and Griffiths scaling laws for the Ising ferromagnet with external magnetic field in the whole family of Migdal-Kadanoff-like hierarchical lattices.
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    Off-equilibrium dynamics of the frustrated ising lattice gas
    (Physical Review E., 1999-05-01) Stariolo, Daniel A.; Arenzon, Jeferson J.
    We study by means of Monte Carlo simulations the off-equilibrium properties of a model glass, the frustrated Ising lattice gas in three dimensions. We have computed typical two times quantities, such as density-density autocorrelations and the autocorrelation of internal degrees of freedom. We find an aging scenario particularly interesting in the case of the density autocorrelations in real space that is very reminiscent of spin glass phenomenology. While this model captures the essential features of structural glass dynamics, its analogy with spin glasses may make possible its complete description using the tools developed in spin glass theory.