O ambiente reversível: análise da flexibilidade no projeto de edíficios residenciais em Maceió/AL (1980-1985)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A substituição de residências por edifícios multifamiliares trouxe consigo a implantação
de soluções projetuais que diferenciavam os edifícios, a exemplo do recurso de
flexibilidade. Em Maceió/AL, esse processo se iniciou na década de 1960 e se
consolidou na década de 1970, mas somente no período de 1980-1985 registra-se a
introdução do ambiente reversível como tentativa de flexibilização de projetos
ofertados pelo mercado local. Naquele momento, os itens de flexibilidade utilizados
são desconhecidos assim como suas formas de utilização pelos moradores. O objetivo
do artigo é o registro histórico da introdução do ambiente reversível na primeira
metade da década de 1980 e análise do processo de reversibilidade pelos usuários. O
método é resultado do levantamento documental dos edifícios multifamiliares
aprovados pela Prefeitura. Analisaram-se 36 edifícios, com ênfase na presença de: (i)
dormitório reversível; (ii) banheiro reversível. Entrevistaram-se 19 moradores com registro
fotográfico dos apartamentos. Os resultados apontam a presença dos primeiros
edifícios com o “terceiro reversível” em 7 edifícios. No edf. Villa Verde identifica-se a
presença do banheiro reversível e dormitório reversível ao mesmo tempo. A maioria
dos entrevistados não mantém a reversibilidade do ambiente. No entanto, o ambiente
reversível possui caráter multiuso, pela proximidade com a área de serviço do
apartamento, em substituição à antiga dependência de empregada. A presença dos
itens de flexibilidade tem uma conotação positiva, pois permitem algumas reformas
facilitadas pela reversibilidade. A importância do estudo é o registro da trajetória dos
edifícios multifamiliares maceioenses. Exalta-se o momento da inserção do ambiente
reversível. Permite-se, assim, a continuidade em relação aos levantamentos já
realizados pelo Grupo de pesquisa e estudos subsequentes.
The replacement homes for multifamily buildings brought with it the implementation of design solutions that differentiated buildings, such as the flexibility. In Maceió / AL, this process began in the 1960s and was consolidated in the 1970s, but only in the 1980- 1985s the introduction reversible environment in an attempt to easing projects offered. At that time, the flexibility are unknown as well as their forms of use by the residents. The aim of the article is the historical record of the introduction of reversible environment in the first half of the 1980s and the analysis of reversibility by the users process. The method is the result of documentary survey of multifamily buildings approved by the city. 36 buildings were analyzed with emphasis on the presence of: (i) reversible room; (ii) reversible bathroom. 19 residents were interviewed with photographic record of their apartments. The results indicate the presence of the first buildings with "Third reversible" in 7 buildings. The “edf. Villa Verde” has the presence of reversible room and reversible toilet at the same apartment. Most respondents don ́t maintains the reversibility. However, the reversible, its proximity to the service area, replacing the old maid. The presence of the flexibility is positive as they allow some reforms facilitated by reversibility. The importance is the trajectory of multifamily buildings. The time is exalted insertion of reversible environment. Continuity with previously published studies for the research and subsequent studies group.
The replacement homes for multifamily buildings brought with it the implementation of design solutions that differentiated buildings, such as the flexibility. In Maceió / AL, this process began in the 1960s and was consolidated in the 1970s, but only in the 1980- 1985s the introduction reversible environment in an attempt to easing projects offered. At that time, the flexibility are unknown as well as their forms of use by the residents. The aim of the article is the historical record of the introduction of reversible environment in the first half of the 1980s and the analysis of reversibility by the users process. The method is the result of documentary survey of multifamily buildings approved by the city. 36 buildings were analyzed with emphasis on the presence of: (i) reversible room; (ii) reversible bathroom. 19 residents were interviewed with photographic record of their apartments. The results indicate the presence of the first buildings with "Third reversible" in 7 buildings. The “edf. Villa Verde” has the presence of reversible room and reversible toilet at the same apartment. Most respondents don ́t maintains the reversibility. However, the reversible, its proximity to the service area, replacing the old maid. The presence of the flexibility is positive as they allow some reforms facilitated by reversibility. The importance is the trajectory of multifamily buildings. The time is exalted insertion of reversible environment. Continuity with previously published studies for the research and subsequent studies group.
Trabalho apresentado no IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído, Viçosa - UFV, 2015
XAVIER, R.; TOLEDO, A. O ambiente reversível: análise da flexibilidade no projeto de edifícios residenciais em Maceió/AL (1980-1985). In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2015, Viçosa-MG. Anais... Viçosa-MG: UFV, 2015.