O uso do mapa comportamental na identificação de problemas de acessibilidade de idosos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente artigo discute o uso do mapa comportamental como método de coleta
de dados para estudo de acessibilidade de idosos em ambientes domésticos. Este foi
um dos métodos aplicados em pesquisa original, que utilizou, além deste, questionários
e a pesquisa eletrônica. A pesquisa se classifica como exploratória-descritiva e utilizou
os estudos de casos com o objetivo de identificar os problemas cotidianos enfrentados
pelos idosos em suas residências e identificar as tecnologias de automação residencial
utilizadas por eles. Os idosos foram observados em suas residências quanto à
movimentação e suas dificuldades durante a realização de tarefas diárias. Com base
na psicologia ambiental, os estudos de casos foram realizados utilizando o mapa
comportamental para registro das informações. Como resultados, detectou-se que a
maior frequência de permanência num determinado espaço, dentre os idosos
observados, foi no setor de serviços, seguido pelo setor íntimo e o social. Através das
anotações de observações foram identificados problemas do cotidiano dos idosos,
envolvendo a acessibilidade arquitetônica e a instrumental, a mobilidade e a
segurança. Estes problemas são relacionados ao layout, aos desníveis, a dificuldade
ao guardar utensílios, a dificuldade em manusear alguns objetos e à iluminação.
Conclui-se que, para estudar os problemas vivenciados pelo idoso durante as
realizações de tarefas cotidianas, o mapa comportamental foi considerado
ferramenta adequada de coleta de dados, mas recomenda-se que deve ser
trabalhado junto a outro método para confirmação de dados, devido a seu caráter intrusivo.
This paper discusses the use of behavioural map as a method for collecting data on studies of accessibility for elderly in domestic environments. This was one of the methods applied in the original research, which utilized, besides it, a questionnaire and an electronic survey. The research is classified as exploratory, descriptive and used case studies to identify everyday problems faced by older people and to identify home automation technologies used by them. The elderly were observed in their homes following their movement in the house and their difficulties during the realization of daily tasks. With basis on Environmental Psychology the case studies were carried out with the use of behavioural mapping to record the information. As a result it was found that the higher frequency of permanence on a specific space of the house, among the elderly observed, was in the services sector, followed by the intimate and the social sectors of the house. Through the annotations it was identified daily problems faced by elderly at home, involving the architectural and instrumental accessibility, mobility and security. These problems were related to the layout, the gaps on level floors, difficulties to storage utensils, the difficult in handling some objects and to lighting. It was concluded that, to study the development of everyday tasks at home, the behavioural mapping was considered appropriate tool for data collection, but it is recommended to be working closely with another method for confirmation of data due to intrusive character.
This paper discusses the use of behavioural map as a method for collecting data on studies of accessibility for elderly in domestic environments. This was one of the methods applied in the original research, which utilized, besides it, a questionnaire and an electronic survey. The research is classified as exploratory, descriptive and used case studies to identify everyday problems faced by older people and to identify home automation technologies used by them. The elderly were observed in their homes following their movement in the house and their difficulties during the realization of daily tasks. With basis on Environmental Psychology the case studies were carried out with the use of behavioural mapping to record the information. As a result it was found that the higher frequency of permanence on a specific space of the house, among the elderly observed, was in the services sector, followed by the intimate and the social sectors of the house. Through the annotations it was identified daily problems faced by elderly at home, involving the architectural and instrumental accessibility, mobility and security. These problems were related to the layout, the gaps on level floors, difficulties to storage utensils, the difficult in handling some objects and to lighting. It was concluded that, to study the development of everyday tasks at home, the behavioural mapping was considered appropriate tool for data collection, but it is recommended to be working closely with another method for confirmation of data due to intrusive character.
Trabalho apresentado no IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído, Viçosa - UFV, 2015
Mapa comportamental, Acessibilidade, Idosos
SOUZA, S. F.; TIBÚRCIO, T. M. S. O uso do mapa comportamental na identificação de problemas de acessibilidade de idosos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DO PROJETO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 4., 2015, Viçosa-MG. Anais... Viçosa-MG: UFV, 2015.