A pesquisa na formação do professor: limites e possibilidades no Curso de Geografia
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A formação de professores ao longo de sua história suscitou grandes debates entre teóricos de várias nacionalidades. Dentre os saberes indispensáveis à realização do trabalho docente, a pesquisa tem despertado o interesse de vários autores, demonstrando sua importância nesse processo formativo. Posto isso, este trabalho alinha-se aos estudos acerca da formação de professores, contribuindo para a reflexão quanto a importância da pesquisa nesse percurso formativo. No desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa, buscamos compreender o lugar e os limites da pesquisa em ensino no Curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). Perquirimos também: identificar de que forma o Projeto Pedagógico do curso articula a dimensão da pesquisa como parte integrante da formação dos licenciandos; levantar a concepção de pesquisa que se configura no imaginário de professores e egressos da Licenciatura e Bacharelado do Curso de Geografia/UFV; investigar os espaços propícios ao desenvolvimento de pesquisa sobre o ensino de Geografia considerando de que forma a existência ou falta de tais espaços pode afetar a formação do licenciando; e identificar os temas de maior recorrência dentre os trabalhos de Monografia do Curso de Geografia/UFV. Na construção do referencial teórico, nos fundamentamos em estudos que tratam da base de conhecimentos necessários para a formação docente, sobretudo, associados ao papel da pesquisa nessa formação. Nos valemos também de estudos que explicitam o histórico dos Cursos de formação de professores de Geografia no contexto brasileiro. Realizamos uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, utilizando como técnicas de geração de dados o questionário e a entrevista e a Análise de Conteúdo para examina-los. Como sujeitos, selecionamos professores e egressos do Curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). Os professores foram selecionados em função do seu tempo de serviço no âmbito da instituição, priorizando aqueles mais antigos no curso. Para a seleção dos egressos, consideramos aqueles que se formaram nas modalidades de Licenciatura e bacharelado e que desenvolveram em suas pesquisas de Monografia estudos referentes à temática do ensino de Geografia. Como principais resultados, explicitamos que existem disciplinas específicas que contribuem para a formação do pesquisador, tanto para a Licenciatura, quanto para o Bacharelado, perfazendo uma carga horária bem próxima daquela encontrada nos cursos de Pós-Graduação. Observamos também que professores e egressos possuem o entendimento de que a pesquisa é um conceito plural destacando a compreensão dela como “produção de conhecimento novo” a partir da utilização de determinados “procedimentos metodológicos” imprescindíveis para qualquer trabalho de pesquisa, fato amplamente destacado pela literatura especializada. Constatamos que, no entendimento de egressos e professores do Departamento, as disciplinas oferecidas pelo curso são espaços destinados à formação do licenciando enquanto pesquisador, assim como os laboratórios de pesquisa coordenados pelos professores do Departamento o são. Identificamos que a escolha pela temática do ensino de Geografia como tema para os trabalhos de Monografias estava atrelada às vivências dos sujeitos, por meio de sua participação em projetos de ensino/extensão. Aferimos, ainda, que, no rol de trabalhos desenvolvidos, aqueles que abordaram o emprego de diferentes metodologias para o ensino de Geografia são os que apresentaram maior recorrência. Concluímos que, embora seja viável a inserção da pesquisa na formação do professor de Geografia, existe a necessidade de ampliação do debate acerca do professor pesquisador, de forma que sejam ofertados outros espaços para esta formação – espaços estes que perpassem pela discussão quanto a necessidade de inserção da disciplina de Monografia para a licenciatura –, iniciativa que poderá concorrer para ampliar a discussão quanto à importância da formação do professor como pesquisador. Palavras-chave: Formação de professores. Professor Pesquisador. Pesquisa em ensino de Geografia.
The teaching formation throughout its history raised huge debates between theorists of multiple nationalities. Among the indispensable knowledges to the realization of the teaching work, the research has awakened the interest of many authors, showing its importance on this formation process. Having said that, this work aligns to the studies about the teaching formation, contributing to the reflection about the importance of research in this formative path. In the development of this research, we aimed to understand the place and the limits of teaching research in the Geography Course of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). We asked also: To identify in what way the Pedagogical Project articulates the dimension of research as part of the undergraduates ; Raise the conception of research that configures in the imaginary of teaching and Bachelor and Bachelor egresses of the Geography Course/UFV; to investigate the favorable spaces to the development of the research about the Geography teaching considering in what way the existance or lack of such spaces may affect the formation of the undergraduate; and to identify the most recurring themes among the works of Monography of the Geography Course / UFV. In the construction of the theoretical background, we based in studies that deals with the basis of knowledge needed for teaching training, especially, associated to the role of research in this formation. We also use studies that explains the history of the of Geography teacher teaching courses in the Brazilian context. We conducted a qualitative research, using as data generation techniques the questionnaire and the interview and the Content Analysis to examine them. As subjects, we selected teachers and egresses of the Geography Course of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV).The teachers were selected according to their time of service within the institution, priorizing those older in the course. For the selection of the egresses, we considered those who graduated in the Undergraduate and Baccalaureate modalities and developed their Monography researches studies referring to thematic of teaching Geography. As main results, we explained that there is particular disciplines that contribute to the researcher’s formation, both for Bachelor, as well as Bachelor degree making a very close workload very close to that found in Postgraduate courses. We also observed that teachers and egresses have the understanding that the research is a plural concept highlighting its understanding as “production of new knowledge” through the using certain essential “methodological procedures” to any research work, fact widely highlighted by the specialized literature. We found that, in the understanding of the egresses and teachers of the Department, the subjects offered by the course are spaces for the formation of the student as a researcher, as well as the research laboratories coordinated by the Department's professors. We identified that the choose for the thematic of Geography teaching as a theme for the Monography works were tied to the living experiences of the subjects, by their participation in teaching/extension projects. We checked that, in the list of works developed, those who approached the using of different methodologies to the Geography teaching were the most recurrent. We concluded that, although it is viable the insertion of research the Geography teacher formation, there is a need to broaden the debate about the teacher researcher, so that is offered other spaces for this formation—spaces these that runs through a discussion about the need of insertion of the Monography discipline to the graduation--, initiative that may contribute to broaden the discussion about the importance of teacher formation as a researcher. Keywords: Teacher Training. Teacher Researcher. Research in Geography Teaching.
The teaching formation throughout its history raised huge debates between theorists of multiple nationalities. Among the indispensable knowledges to the realization of the teaching work, the research has awakened the interest of many authors, showing its importance on this formation process. Having said that, this work aligns to the studies about the teaching formation, contributing to the reflection about the importance of research in this formative path. In the development of this research, we aimed to understand the place and the limits of teaching research in the Geography Course of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). We asked also: To identify in what way the Pedagogical Project articulates the dimension of research as part of the undergraduates ; Raise the conception of research that configures in the imaginary of teaching and Bachelor and Bachelor egresses of the Geography Course/UFV; to investigate the favorable spaces to the development of the research about the Geography teaching considering in what way the existance or lack of such spaces may affect the formation of the undergraduate; and to identify the most recurring themes among the works of Monography of the Geography Course / UFV. In the construction of the theoretical background, we based in studies that deals with the basis of knowledge needed for teaching training, especially, associated to the role of research in this formation. We also use studies that explains the history of the of Geography teacher teaching courses in the Brazilian context. We conducted a qualitative research, using as data generation techniques the questionnaire and the interview and the Content Analysis to examine them. As subjects, we selected teachers and egresses of the Geography Course of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV).The teachers were selected according to their time of service within the institution, priorizing those older in the course. For the selection of the egresses, we considered those who graduated in the Undergraduate and Baccalaureate modalities and developed their Monography researches studies referring to thematic of teaching Geography. As main results, we explained that there is particular disciplines that contribute to the researcher’s formation, both for Bachelor, as well as Bachelor degree making a very close workload very close to that found in Postgraduate courses. We also observed that teachers and egresses have the understanding that the research is a plural concept highlighting its understanding as “production of new knowledge” through the using certain essential “methodological procedures” to any research work, fact widely highlighted by the specialized literature. We found that, in the understanding of the egresses and teachers of the Department, the subjects offered by the course are spaces for the formation of the student as a researcher, as well as the research laboratories coordinated by the Department's professors. We identified that the choose for the thematic of Geography teaching as a theme for the Monography works were tied to the living experiences of the subjects, by their participation in teaching/extension projects. We checked that, in the list of works developed, those who approached the using of different methodologies to the Geography teaching were the most recurrent. We concluded that, although it is viable the insertion of research the Geography teacher formation, there is a need to broaden the debate about the teacher researcher, so that is offered other spaces for this formation—spaces these that runs through a discussion about the need of insertion of the Monography discipline to the graduation--, initiative that may contribute to broaden the discussion about the importance of teacher formation as a researcher. Keywords: Teacher Training. Teacher Researcher. Research in Geography Teaching.
Professores - Formação, Geografia - Estudo e ensino, Professores de Geografia
CELESTINO, Edilson Junior. A pesquisa na formação do professor: limites e possibilidades no Curso de Geografia. 2019. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.